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Import / export PCX under Delphi (5.0) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TPCXImage // // ========= // // // // Completed: the 10th of August 2001 // // Author: M. de Haan // // Email: // // Tested: under W95 SP1 // // Version: 1.0 // // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Update: the 14th of August 2001 to version 1.1 // // Reason: Added version check // // Added comment info on version // // Changed PCX header ID check // // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Update: the 19th of August 2001 to version 2.0 // // Reason: Warning from Delphi about using abstract methods, // // caused by not implementing ALL TGraphic methods // // (Thanks goes to R.P. Sterkenburg for his diagnostic) // // Added: SaveToClipboardFormat // // LoadFromClipboardFormat // // GetEmpty // // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Update: the 13th of October 2001 to version 2.1 // // Reason: strange errors, read errors, EExternalException, IDE // // hanging, Delphi hanging, Debugger haning, windows // // hanging, keyboard locked, and so on // // Changed: Assign procedure // // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // // // // The PCX image file format is copyrighted by: // // ZSoft, PC Paintbrush, PC Paintbrush plus // // Trademarks: NA // // Royalty fees: NONE // // // // The author can not be held responsable for using this software // // // // Known issues // // ------------ // // 1. Only tested with PCX images version 3.0 (1991) // // (24 bit images support) // // // // 2. No palette support // // // // 3. Uncompressed files are not supported // // // // 4. AssignTo is NOT tested // // // // 5. GetEmpty is NOT tested // // // // 6. SaveToClipboardFormat is NOT tested // // // // 7. LoadFromClipboardFormat is NOT tested // // // // 8. The image will ALWAYS be stored as a 24 bit pcx image // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Unit PCXImage; Interface Uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics; Const WIDTH_OUT_OF_RANGE = 'Illegal width entry in PCX file header'; HEIGHT_OUT_OF_RANGE = 'Illegal height entry in PCX file header'; FILE_FORMAT_ERROR = 'Invalid file format'; VERSION_ERROR = 'Only PC Paintbrush (plus) V3.0 and higher' + ' are supported'; FORMAT_ERROR = 'Illegal identification byte in PCX file' + ' header'; PALETTE_ERROR = 'Invalid palette found'; ASSIGN_ERROR = 'Can only Assign a TBitmap or a TPicture'; ASSIGNTO_ERROR = 'Can only AssignTo a TBitmap'; PCXIMAGE_EMPTY = 'The PCX image is empty'; BITMAP_EMPTY = 'The bitmap is empty'; INPUT_FILE_TOO_LARGE = 'The input file is too large to be read'; IMAGE_WIDTH_TOO_LARGE = 'Width of PCX image too large to handle'; // added 19/08/2001 CLIPBOARD_LOAD_ERROR = 'Loading from clipboard failed'; // added 19/08/2001 CLIPBOARD_SAVE_ERROR = 'Saving to clipboard failed'; // added 14/10/2001 PCX_WIDTH_ERROR = 'Unexpected line width in PCX data'; PCX_HEIGHT_ERROR = 'More PCX data found than expected'; PCXIMAGE_TOO_LARGE = 'PCX image too large'; // added 19/08/2001 Var CF_PCX : Word; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // PCXHeader // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Type ColorRecord = packed Record R,G,B : Byte; End; // of Record Type TPCXImageHeader = packed Record fID : Byte; fVersion : Byte; fCompressed : Byte; fBitsPerPixel : Byte; fWindow : packed Record wLeft, wTop, wRight, wBottom : WORD; End; // of Packed Record fHorzResolution : WORD; fVertResolution : WORD; fColorMap : Array[0..15] of ColorRecord; fReserved : Byte; fPlanes : Byte; fBytesPerLine : WORD; fPaletteInfo : WORD; fFiller : Array[0..57] of Byte; End; // of Packed Record //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // PCXData // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Const // fMaxDataFileLength = $7FFFFF; // Max filelength 8,3 Mbyte Type TPCXData = Object // fData : Array[0..fMaxDataFileLength] of Byte; fData : Array of Byte; End; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // ScanLine // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Const fMaxScanLineLength = $FFF; // Max image width: 4096 pixels Type mByteArray = Array[0..fMaxScanLineLength] of Byte; pmByteArray = ^mByteArray; // The "standard" pByteArray allocates 32768 bytes, // which is a little bit overdone here, I think... Const fMaxImageWidth = $FFF; // Max image width: 4096 pixels Type xByteArray = Array[0..fMaxImageWidth] of Byte; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // PCXPalette // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Type fColorEntry = packed Record R,G,B : Byte; End; // of packed Record Type TPCXPalette = packed Record fSignature : Byte; fPalette : Array[0..255] of fColorEntry; End; // of packed Record //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Classes // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Type TPCXImage = Class; TPCXFile = Class; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // PCXFile // // // // File handler // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TPCXFile = Class(TPersistent) Private fHeight : Integer; fWidth : Integer; fPCXHeader : TPCXImageHeader; fPCXData : TPCXData; fPCXPalette : TPCXPalette; fColorDepth : Cardinal; fCurrentPos : Cardinal; Protected { Protected declarations } Public { Public declarations } constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; Procedure LoadFromFile(Const Filename : String); Procedure LoadFromStream(Stream : TStream); Procedure SaveToFile(Const Filename : String); Procedure SaveToStream(Stream : TStream); Published { Published declarations } { The publishing is done in the TPCXImage section } End; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TPCXImage // // // // Image handler // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TPCXImage = class(TGraphic) Private { Private declarations } fBitmap : TBitmap; fPCXFile : TPCXFile; fRLine,fGLine,fBLine : xByteArray; fP : pmByteArray; Procedure ConvertPCXDataToImage; Procedure ConvertImageToPCXData; Procedure FillDataLines(Const fLine : Array of Byte); Procedure CreatePCXHeader; // Procedure ProcessLine(Var fLine : Array of Byte; Const W : Cardinal); Protected { Protected declarations } Procedure Draw(ACanvas : TCanvas; Const Rect : TRect); override; Function GetHeight : Integer; override; Function GetWidth : Integer; override; Procedure SetHeight(Value : Integer); override; Procedure SetWidth(Value : Integer); override; Function GetEmpty : Boolean; override; Public { Public declarations } // Procedure Draw(ACanvas : TCanvas; Const Rect : TRect); override; constructor Create; override; destructor Destroy; override; Procedure Assign(Source : TPersistent); override; Procedure AssignTo(Dest : TPersistent); override; Procedure LoadFromFile(const Filename : String); override; Procedure LoadFromStream(Stream : TStream); override; Procedure SaveToFile(const Filename : String); override; Procedure SaveToStream(Stream : TStream); override; Procedure LoadFromClipboardFormat(AFormat : Word; AData : THandle; APalette : HPALETTE); override; Procedure SaveToClipboardFormat(Var AFormat : Word; Var AData : THandle; Var APalette : HPALETTE); override; Published { Published declarations } Property Height : Integer read GetHeight write SetHeight; Property Width : Integer read GetWidth write SetWidth; End; Implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TPCXImage // // // // Image handler // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// constructor TPCXImage.Create; Begin inherited Create; If not Assigned(fBitmap) then fBitmap := TBitmap.Create; If not Assigned(fPCXFile) then fPCXFile := TPCXFile.Create; End; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- destructor TPCXImage.Destroy; Begin fPCXFile.Free; fBitmap.Free; // Reversed order of create //SetLength(fRLine,0); //Setlength(fGLine,0); //SetLength(fBLine,0); inherited Destroy; End; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure TPCXImage.SetHeight(Value : Integer); Begin If Value >= 0 then fBitmap.Height := Value; End; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure TPCXImage.SetWidth(Value : Integer); Begin If Value >= 0 then fBitmap.Width := Value; End; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Function TPCXImage.GetHeight : Integer; Begin Result := fPCXFile.fHeight; End; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Function TPCXImage.GetWidth : Integer; Begin Result := fPCXFile.fWidth; End; //--------------------------------------------------------------------// // The credits for this procedure go to his work of TGIFImage by // // Reinier P. Sterkenburg // // NOT TESTED! // // added 19/08/2001 // //--------------------------------------------------------------------// Procedure TPCXImage.LoadFromClipboardFormat(AFormat : Word; ADAta : THandle; APalette : HPALETTE); Var Size : Integer; Buf : Pointer; Stream : TMemoryStream; BMP : TBitmap; Begin If (AData = 0) then AData := GetClipBoardData(AFormat); If (AData <> 0) and (AFormat = CF_PCX) then Begin Size := GlobalSize(AData); Buf := GlobalLock(AData); Try Stream := TMemoryStream.Create; Try Stream.SetSize(Size); Move(Buf^,Stream.Memory^,Size); Self.LoadFromStream(Stream); finally Stream.Free; End; finally GlobalUnlock(AData); End; End else If (AData <> 0) and (AFormat = CF_BITMAP) then Begin BMP := TBitmap.Create; Try BMP.LoadFromClipboardFormat(AFormat,AData,APalette); Self.Assign(BMP); finally BMP.Free; End; End else Raise Exception.Create(CLIPBOARD_LOAD_ERROR); End; //--------------------------------------------------------------------// // The credits for this procedure go to his work of TGIFImage by // // Reinier P. Sterkenburg // // NOT TESTED! // // added 19/08/2001 // //--------------------------------------------------------------------// Procedure TPCXImage.SaveToClipboardFormat(Var AFormat : Word; Var AData : THandle; Var APalette : HPALETTE); Var Stream : TMemoryStream; Data : THandle; Buf : Pointer; Begin If Empty then Exit; // First store the bitmap to the clipboard fBitmap.SaveToClipboardFormat(AFormat,AData,APalette); // Then try to save the PCX Stream := TMemoryStream.Create; try SaveToStream(Stream); Stream.Position := 0; Data := GlobalAlloc(HeapAllocFlags,Stream.Size); try If Data <> 0 then Begin Buf := GlobalLock(Data); try Move(Stream.Memory^,Buf^,Stream.Size); finally GlobalUnlock(Data); End; If SetClipBoardData(CF_PCX,Data) = 0 then Raise Exception.Create(CLIPBOARD_SAVE_ERROR); End; except GlobalFree(Data); raise; End; finally Stream.Free; End; End; //--------------------------------------------------------------------// // NOT TESTED! // // added 19/08/2001 // //--------------------------------------------------------------------// Function TPCXImage.GetEmpty : Boolean; Begin If Assigned(fBitmap) then Result := fBitmap.Empty else Result := (fPCXFile.fHeight = 0) or (fPCXFile.fWidth = 0); End; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure TPCXImage.SaveToFile(const Filename : String); Var fPCX : TFileStream; Begin If (fBitmap.Width = 0) or (fBitmap.Height = 0) then Raise Exception.Create(BITMAP_EMPTY); CreatePCXHeader; ConvertImageToPCXData; fPCX := TFileStream.Create(Filename,fmCreate); Try fPCX.Position := 0; SaveToStream(fPCX); finally fPCX.Free; End; SetLength(fPCXFile.fPCXData.fData,0); End; //--------------------------------------------------------------------// // NOT TESTED! // //--------------------------------------------------------------------// Procedure TPCXImage.AssignTo(Dest : TPersistent); Var bAssignToError : Boolean; Begin bAssignToError := True; If Dest is TBitmap then Begin (Dest as TBitmap).Assign(fBitmap); bAssignToError := False; End; If Dest is TPicture then Begin (Dest as TPicture).Graphic.Assign(fBitmap); bAssignToError := False; End; If bAssignToError then Raise Exception.Create(ASSIGNTO_ERROR); // You can write other assignments here... End; //--------------------------------------------------------------------// Procedure TPCXImage.Assign(Source : TPersistent); Var iX,iY : Integer; bAssignError : Boolean; Begin bAssignError := True; If (Source is TBitmap) then Begin fBitmap.Assign(Source as TBitmap); bAssignError := False; End; If (Source is TPicture) then Begin iX := (Source as TPicture).Width; iY := (Source as TPicture).Height; fBitmap.Width := iX; fBitmap.Height := iY; fBitmap.Canvas.Draw(0,0,(Source as TPicture).Graphic); bAssignError := False; End; // You can write other assignments here... If bAssignError then Raise Exception.Create(ASSIGN_ERROR); End; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure TPCXImage.Draw(ACanvas : TCanvas; const Rect : TRect); Begin // ACanvas.Draw(0,0,fBitmap); // faster ACanvas.StretchDraw(Rect,fBitmap); // slower End; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure TPCXImage.LoadFromFile(const Filename : String); Begin fPCXFile.LoadFromFile(Filename); ConvertPCXDataToImage; End; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure TPCXImage.SaveToStream(Stream : TStream); Begin fPCXFile.SaveToStream(Stream); End; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure TPCXImage.LoadFromStream(Stream : TStream); Begin fPCXFile.LoadFromStream(Stream); End; //--------------------------------------------------------------------// // Called by RLE compressor // //--------------------------------------------------------------------// Procedure TPCXImage.FillDataLines(Const fLine : Array of Byte); Var By : Byte; Cnt : WORD; I : Cardinal; W : Cardinal; Begin I := 0; By := fLine[0]; Cnt := $C1; W := fBitmap.Width; Repeat Inc(I); If By = fLine[I] then Begin Inc(Cnt); If Cnt = $100 then Begin fPCXFile.fPCXData.fData[fPCXFile.fCurrentPos] := Byte(Pred(Cnt)); Inc(fPCXFile.fCurrentPos); fPCXFile.fPCXData.fData[fPCXFile.fCurrentPos] := By; Inc(fPCXFile.fCurrentPos); Cnt := $C1; By := fLine[I]; End; End; If (By <> fLine[I]) then Begin If (Cnt = $C1) then Begin If (By < $C1) then Begin fPCXFile.fPCXData.fData[fPCXFile.fCurrentPos] := By; Inc(fPCXFile.fCurrentPos); End else Begin fPCXFile.fPCXData.fData[fPCXFile.fCurrentPos] := Byte(Cnt); Inc(fPCXFile.fCurrentPos); fPCXFile.fPCXData.fData[fPCXFile.fCurrentPos] := By; Inc(fPCXFile.fCurrentPos); End; End else Begin fPCXFile.fPCXData.fData[fPCXFile.fCurrentPos] := Byte(Cnt); Inc(fPCXFile.fCurrentPos); fPCXFile.fPCXData.fData[fPCXFile.fCurrentPos] := By; Inc(fPCXFile.fCurrentPos); End; Cnt := $C1; By := fLine[I]; End; Until I = W - 1; // Write the last byte(s) If (Cnt > $C1) then Begin fPCXFile.fPCXData.fData[fPCXFile.fCurrentPos] := Byte(Cnt); Inc(fPCXFile.fCurrentPos); End; If (Cnt = $C1) and (By > $C0) then Begin fPCXFile.fPCXData.fData[fPCXFile.fCurrentPos] := Byte(Cnt); Inc(fPCXFile.fCurrentPos); End; fPCXFile.fPCXData.fData[fPCXFile.fCurrentPos] := By; Inc(fPCXFile.fCurrentPos); // If fPCXFile.fCurrentPos > fMaxDataFileLength then // Raise Exception.Create(PCXIMAGE_TOO_LARGE); End; //--------------------------------------------------------------------// // RLE Compression algorithm // //--------------------------------------------------------------------// Procedure TPCXImage.ConvertImageToPCXData; Var H,W : Cardinal; X,Y : Cardinal; I : Cardinal; Begin H := fBitmap.Height; W := fBitmap.Width; fPCXFile.fCurrentPos := 0; SetLength(fPCXFile.fPCXData.fData,6 * H * W); // to be sure // SetLength(fRLine,W); // SetLength(fGLine,W); // SetLength(fBLine,W); fBitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit; // Do this if you're using ScanLine! For Y := 0 to H - 1 do Begin fP := fBitmap.ScanLine[Y]; I := 0; For X := 0 to W - 1 do Begin fRLine[X] := fP[I]; Inc(I); // Extract a red line fGLine[X] := fP[I]; Inc(I); // Extract a green line fBLine[X] := fP[I]; Inc(I); // Extract a blue line End; FillDataLines(fBLine); // Compress the blue line FillDataLines(fGLine); // Compress the green line FillDataLines(fRLine); // Compress the red line End; // Correct the length of fPCXData.fData SetLength(fPCXFile.fPCXData.fData,fPCXFile.fCurrentPos); End; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- (* Procedure TPCXImage.ProcessLine(Var fLine : Array of Byte; Const W : Cardinal); Var Cnt : Integer; J,K : Cardinal; By : Byte; Begin J := 0; Repeat By := fPCXFile.fPCXData.fData[fPCXFile.fCurrentPos]; Inc(fPCXFile.fCurrentPos); // one byte If By < $C1 then Begin fLine[J] := By; Inc(J); End; // multiple bytes (RLE) If By > $C0 then Begin Cnt := By - $C0; By := fPCXFile.fPCXData.fData[fPCXFile.fCurrentPos]; Inc(fPCXFile.fCurrentPos); For K := 1 to Cnt do Begin fLine[J] := By; Inc(J); End; End; Until J >= W; End; *) //--------------------------------------------------------------------// // RLE Decompression algorithm // //--------------------------------------------------------------------// Procedure TPCXImage.ConvertPCXDataToImage; Var I,J : Cardinal; By : Byte; Cnt : Byte; H,W : Cardinal; Y : Cardinal; K,L : Cardinal; Begin H := fPCXFile.fPCXHeader.fWindow.wBottom - fPCXFile.fPCXHeader.fWindow.wTop + 1; W := fPCXFile.fPCXHeader.fWindow.wRight - fPCXFile.fPCXHeader.fWindow.wLeft + 1; //SetLength(fRLine,W); // Adjust line length //SetLength(fGLine,W); // Adjust line length //SetLength(fBLine,W); // Adjust line length Y := 0; // First line of image fBitmap.Width := W; // Set bitmap width fBitmap.Height := H; // Set bitmap height fBitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit; // Do this if you're using ScanLine! I := 0; // Pointer to data byte of fPXCFile Repeat // Process the red line // ProcessLine(fRLine,W); J := 0; // Pointer to position in Red / Green / Blue line Repeat By := fPCXFile.fPCXData.fData[I]; Inc(I); // one byte If By < $C1 then Begin fRLine[J] := By; Inc(J); End; // multiple bytes (RLE) If By > $C0 then Begin Cnt := By and $3F; By := fPCXFile.fPCXData.fData[I]; Inc(I); //FillChar(fRLine[J],Cnt,By); //Inc(J,Cnt); For K := 1 to Cnt do Begin fRLine[J] := By; Inc(J); End; End; Until J >= W; If J > W then Raise Exception.Create(PCX_WIDTH_ERROR); // Process the green line // ProcessLine(fGLine,W); J := 0; Repeat By := fPCXFile.fPCXData.fData[I]; Inc(I); // one byte If By < $C1 then Begin fGLine[J] := By; Inc(J); End; // multiple bytes (RLE) If By > $C0 then Begin Cnt := By and $3F; By := fPCXFile.fPCXData.fData[I]; Inc(I); //FillChar(fGLine[J],Cnt,By); //Inc(J,Cnt); For K := 1 to Cnt do Begin fGLine[J] := By; Inc(J); End; End; Until J >= W; If J > W then Raise Exception.Create(PCX_WIDTH_ERROR); // Process the blue line // ProcessLine(fBLine,W); J := 0; Repeat By := fPCXFile.fPCXData.fData[I]; Inc(I); // one byte If By < $C1 then Begin fBLine[J] := By; Inc(J); End; // multiple bytes (RLE) If By > $C0 then Begin Cnt := By and $3F; By := fPCXFile.fPCXData.fData[I]; Inc(I); //FillChar(fBLine[J],Cnt,By); //Inc(J,Cnt); For K := 1 to Cnt do Begin fBLine[J] := By; Inc(J); End; End; Until J >= W; If J > W then Raise Exception.Create(PCX_WIDTH_ERROR); // Write the just processed data RGB lines to the bitmap fP := fBitmap.ScanLine[Y]; L := 0; For K := 0 to W - 1 do Begin fP[L] := fBLine[K]; Inc(L); fP[L] := fGLine[K]; Inc(L); fP[L] := fRLine[K]; Inc(L); End; Inc(Y); // Process the next RGB line // If I > fMaxDataFileLength then // Raise Exception.Create(PCXIMAGE_TOO_LARGE); Until Y >= H; If Y > H then Raise Exception.Create(PCX_HEIGHT_ERROR); // No need for those any more SetLength(fPCXFile.fPCXData.fData,0); // SetLength(fRLine,0); // SetLength(fGLine,0); // SetLength(fBLine,0); End; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure TPCXImage.CreatePCXHeader; Var H,W,W1 : WORD; Begin W := fBitmap.Width; H := fBitmap.Height; // PCX header fPCXFile.fPCXHeader.fID := $0A; // BYTE fPCXFile.fPCXHeader.fVersion := 5; // BYTE fPCXFile.fPCXHeader.fCompressed := 1; // BYTE // 1 = compressed // 0 = uncompressed fPCXFile.fPCXHeader.fBitsPerPixel := 8; // BYTE fPCXFile.fPCXHeader.fWindow.wLeft := 0; // WORD fPCXFile.fPCXHeader.fWindow.wTop := 0; // WORD fPCXFile.fPCXHeader.fWindow.wRight := W - 1; // WORD fPCXFile.fPCXHeader.fWindow.wBottom := H - 1; // WORD fPCXFile.fPCXHeader.fHorzResolution := 72; // WORD fPCXFile.fPCXHeader.fVertResolution := 72; // WORD FillChar(fPCXFile.fPCXHeader.fColorMap,48,0); // Array of Byte W1 := W; If W and 1 = 1 then // is odd Inc(W1); // then add 1, // must be even and rounded up above fPCXFile.fPCXHeader.fReserved := 0; // BYTE fPCXFile.fPCXHeader.fPlanes := 3; // BYTE fPCXFile.fPCXHeader.fBytesPerLine := W1; // WORD // must be even // rounded above fPCXFile.fPCXHeader.fPaletteInfo := 1; // WORD FillChar(fPCXFile.fPCXHeader.fFiller,58,0); // Array of Byte End; //====================================================================== //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TPCXFile // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Constructor TPCXFile.Create; Begin inherited Create; fHeight := 0; fWidth := 0; fCurrentPos := 0; End; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Destructor TPCXFile.Destroy; Begin SetLength(fPCXData.fData,0); inherited Destroy; End; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure TPCXFile.LoadFromFile(const Filename : String); Var fPCXStream : TFileStream; Begin fPCXStream := TFileStream.Create(Filename,fmOpenRead); Try fPCXStream.Position := 0; LoadFromStream(fPCXStream); finally fPCXStream.Free; End; End; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure TPCXFile.SaveToFile(const Filename : String); Var fPCXStream : TFileStream; Begin fPCXStream := TFileStream.Create(Filename,fmCreate); Try fPCXStream.Position := 0; SaveToStream(fPCXStream); finally fPCXStream.Free; End; End; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure TPCXFile.LoadFromStream(Stream : TStream); Var fFileLength : Cardinal; I : Integer; Begin // Read PCX header Stream.Read(fPCXHeader,SizeOf(fPCXHeader)); // Check ID byte If fPCXHeader.fID <> $0A then Raise Exception.Create(FORMAT_ERROR); // Check PCX version byte // ====================== // Versionbyte = 0 => PC PaintBrush V2.5 // Versionbyte = 2 => PC Paintbrush V2.8 with palette information // Versionbyte = 3 => PC Paintbrush V2.8 without palette information // Versionbyte = 4 => PC Paintbrush for Windows // Versionbyte = 5 => PC Paintbrush V3 and up, and PC Paintbrush Plus // 24 bit image support If fPCXHeader.fVersion <> 5 then Raise Exception.Create(VERSION_ERROR); fWidth := fPCXHeader.fWindow.wRight - fPCXHeader.fWindow.wLeft + 1; If fWidth < 0 then Raise Exception.Create(WIDTH_OUT_OF_RANGE); fHeight := fPCXHeader.fWindow.wBottom - fPCXHeader.fWindow.wTop + 1; If fHeight < 0 then Raise Exception.Create(HEIGHT_OUT_OF_RANGE); If fWidth > fMaxImageWidth then Raise Exception.Create(IMAGE_WIDTH_TOO_LARGE); fColorDepth := 1 shl (fPCXHeader.fPlanes * fPCXHeader.fBitsPerPixel); // The lines following are NOT tested!!! If fColorDepth <= 16 then For I := 0 to fColorDepth - 1 do Begin If fPCXHeader.fVersion = 3 then Begin fPCXPalette.fPalette[I].R := fPCXHeader.fColorMap[I].R shl 2; fPCXPalette.fPalette[I].G := fPCXHeader.fColorMap[I].G shl 2; fPCXPalette.fPalette[I].B := fPCXHeader.fColorMap[I].B shl 2; End else Begin fPCXPalette.fPalette[I].R := fPCXHeader.fColorMap[I].R; fPCXPalette.fPalette[I].G := fPCXHeader.fColorMap[I].G; fPCXPalette.fPalette[I].B := fPCXHeader.fColorMap[I].B; End; End; fFileLength := Stream.Size - Stream.Position; SetLength(fPCXData.fData,fFileLength); // If fFileLength > fMaxDataFileLength then // Raise Exception.Create(INPUT_FILE_TOO_LARGE); Stream.Read(fPCXData.fData[0],fFileLength); { If fColorDepth = 256 then Begin Stream.Read(fPCXPalette,SizeOf(fPCXPalette)); If fPCXPalette.fSignature <> $0C then Raise Exception.Create(PALETTE_ERROR); End; } End; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure TPCXFile.SaveToStream(Stream : TStream); Begin Stream.Write(fPCXHeader,SizeOf(fPCXHeader)); Stream.Write(fPCXData.fData[0],fCurrentPos); End; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Initialization TPicture.RegisterFileFormat('PCX','PC PaintBrush bitmap',TPCXImage); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Finalization TPicture.UnRegisterGraphicClass(TPCXImage); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- End.