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Parallel HashList

Title: Parallel HashList Question: What's Parallel HashList ? Answer: Hello, Description A parallel HashList with O(1) (best case) and O(log(n))(worst case) access that use a hash based method with an array of MREWs. This will allow to parallelize the writes and reads in separate chains , and also to parallelize the reads in the same chain. Language: FPC Pascal v2.2.0+ / Delphi 5+: Operating Systems: Win , Linux and Mac (x86). For benchmarks and a capacity planning example look here: You will find the zipfile in: Welcome: And here is a small example on how to use ParallelHashlist: (I have included it inside the zipfile) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- program test; uses {$IFDEF Delphi}cmem,{$ENDIF} Parallelhashlist,windows,syncobjs,sysutils,classes; var hndlArr : Array[0..19] of THandle; AId:DWORD; event:TSimpleEvent; hash1:TParallelHashList; j:integer; trait:TCaseinsensitiveTraits; obj:pointer; function StartFunc1(InVal:pointer):longword; var i,j:integer; obj:pointer; begin event.waitfor(INFINITE); for i:=0 to 1000000 //800000 do begin hash1.find('amine moulay ramdane'+inttostr(random(5000000)),pointer(obj)); end; end; function StartFunc2(InVal:pointer):longword; var i:integer; a:integer; obj:pointer; begin event.waitfor(INFINITE); for i:=0 to 1000000 do begin hash1.find('amine moulay ramdane'+inttostr(random(5000000)),pointer(obj)); end; end; function StartFunc3(InVal:pointer):longword; var i:integer; obj:pointer; begin event.waitfor(INFINITE); for i:=0 to 1000000 do begin hash1.find('amine moulay ramdane'+inttostr(random(5000000)),pointer(obj)); end; end; function StartFunc4(InVal:pointer):longword; var i:integer; obj:pointer; begin event.waitfor(INFINITE); for i:=0 to 1000000 do begin hash1.find('amine moulay ramdane'+inttostr(random(5000000)),pointer(obj)); end; end; begin randomize; trait:=TCaseinsensitiveTraits.create;; hash1:=TParallelHashList.create(trait,6000000); for j:=0 to 5000000 do begin obj:=pointer(j); hash1.Add('amine moulay ramdane'+inttostr(j),obj); end; event:=TSimpleEvent.create; hndlArr[0]:=BeginThread(nil,0,@StartFunc1,pointer(1),0,AId); hndlArr[1]:=BeginThread(nil,0,@StartFunc2,pointer(1),0,AId); hndlArr[2]:=BeginThread(nil,0,@StartFunc3,pointer(1),0,AId); hndlArr[3]:=BeginThread(nil,0,@StartFunc4,pointer(1),0,AId); event.setevent; WaitForMultipleObjects(4, @hndlArr, True, INFINITE);;; end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regards, Amine Moulay Ramdane.