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Ownerdrawn menu

Ownerdrawn menus Change the ownerdraw property of the TMainMenu to True, then for each TMenuItem you want to custom draw mess with OnDrawItem and OnMeasureItem. Following an example freely converted from a MSDN sample : TForm1 = class(TForm) MainMenu1: TMainMenu; N1: TMenuItem; // File N2: TMenuItem; // File -> Regular N3: TMenuItem; // File -> Bold N4: TMenuItem; // File -> Italic N5: TMenuItem; // File -> Underline procedure N1DrawItem(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; Selected: Boolean); procedure N1MeasureItem(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas; var Width, Height: Integer); ... procedure TForm1.N1DrawItem(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; Selected: Boolean); var clrPrevText: TColor; clrPrevBkgnd: TColor; begin case (Sender as TMenuItem).MenuIndex of 1: ACanvas.Font.Style := [fsBold]; 2: ACanvas.Font.Style := [fsItalic]; 3: ACanvas.Font.Style := [fsUnderline]; end; // Saving foreground and background colors. clrPrevText := ACanvas.Font.Color; clrPrevBkgnd := ACanvas.Brush.Color; // Set the appropriate foreground and background colors. if Selected then begin ACanvas.Font.Color := clHighlightText; ACanvas.Brush.Color := clHighlight; end else begin ACanvas.Font.Color := clMenuText; ACanvas.Brush.Color := clMenu; end; // Determine where to draw and leave space for a check mark. ExtTextOut(ACanvas.Handle, ARect.Left + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMENUCHECK), ARect.Top + 1, ETO_OPAQUE, @ARect, PChar((Sender as TMenuItem).Caption), Length((Sender as TMenuItem).Caption), nil); // Restore the original font and colors. ACanvas.Font.Color := clrPrevText; ACanvas.Brush.Color := clrPrevBkgnd; ACanvas.Font.Style := []; end; procedure TForm1.N1MeasureItem(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas; var Width, Height: Integer); var Size: TSize; begin GetTextExtentPoint32(ACanvas.Handle, PChar((Sender as TMenuItem).Caption), Length((Sender as TMenuItem).Caption), Size); Width := + 2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMENUCHECK); Height := + 5; end;