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Title: OnOffBtn Question: TOnOffBtn is based on the same code used by TSpeedbutton. It basicaly is the same execept the states, and it loads a predefined glyph, You can use custom glyphs if you choose. The Button is ON/Down or OFF/Up Enabled Posistions user intereaction allowed bsUP = bsOFF - Button is OFF/Up bsDisabled = bsON - Button is ON/Down Disabled Positions user interaction disallowed bsDown = bsDisabledOFF - Button is in the Off/Up Position but disabled bsExclusive = bsDisabledON - Button is in the On/Down Position but disabled Answer: I needed to make a Button that has a two state property on/off like the ones used to start the MS SQL Server yet still have most of the TSpeedbution functionality. After playing with TSpeedbutton and not quite getting it to behave the way that I wanted. I decided to see how Borland implemented TSpeedbutton, the source is in Buttons.pas. TSpeedbutton I discovered uses a set of sub classes TGlyphList, TGlyphCache, and TButtonGlyph. These sub classes are the core of TSpeedbutton I realized that in order to get the behavior that I wanted I would have to create my own implimentation based on this code. I decided to also add a default glyph containing the base on/off arrows. Also I dropped the AllowUp property as that it does not pertain to an on or off button since the state is on or off. The Code is quite long. I have supplied a zip file containing all the code. unit OnOffBtn; { Author: Peter S. Coe Jr. Company: PCOE Computer Services, Inc. Date: Febuary 23, 2003 You may alter and distribute this code as you wish we only ask that you leave the reference to the original Author, Company, and Date. This Code is based on the code in Button.pas for the TSpeedButton component execept the states. The Button is ON/Down or OFF/Up Enabled Posistions user intereaction allowed bsUP = bsOFF - Button is OFF/Up bsDisabled = bsON - Button is ON/Down Disabled Positions user interaction disallowed bsDown = bsDisabledOFF - Button is in the Off/Up Position but disabled bsExclusive = bsDisabledON - Button is in the On/Down Position but disabled } interface uses Windows, Messages, Classes, Controls, Forms, Graphics, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, CommCtrl,ActnList,ImgList; type { Redefine the types used by the button so they are not confused with TSpeedButttons } TOnOffBtnLayout = (blGlyphLeft, blGlyphRight, blGlyphTop, blGlyphBottom); TOnOffBtnState = (bsOFF, bsON, bsDisabledOFF, bsDisabledON); TOnOffBtnStyle = (bsAutoDetect, bsWin31, bsNew); TOnOffBtnNumGlyphs = 1..4; TOnOffBtn = class; {Action Control Link} TOnOffBtnActionLink = class(TControlActionLink) protected FClient: TOnOffBtn; procedure AssignClient(AClient: TObject); override; function IsCheckedLinked: Boolean; override; function IsGroupIndexLinked: Boolean; override; procedure SetGroupIndex(Value: Integer); override; procedure SetChecked(Value: Boolean); override; end; TOnOffBtn = class(TGraphicControl) private FOnOff : Boolean; // On replaced FDown FDragging : Boolean; FFlat : Boolean; FGlyph : Pointer; FGroupIndex : Integer; FLayout : TOnOffBtnLayout; FMargin : Integer; FMouseInControl : Boolean; FSpacing : Integer; FTransparent : Boolean; procedure CMButtonPressed(var Message: TMessage); message CM_BUTTONPRESSED; procedure CMDialogChar(var Message: TCMDialogChar); message CM_DIALOGCHAR; procedure CMEnabledChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_ENABLEDCHANGED; procedure CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_FONTCHANGED; procedure CMMouseEnter(var Message: TMessage); message CM_MOUSEENTER; procedure CMMouseLeave(var Message: TMessage); message CM_MOUSELEAVE; procedure CMTextChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_TEXTCHANGED; procedure CMSysColorChange(var Message: TMessage); message CM_SYSCOLORCHANGE; function GetGlyph: TBitmap; procedure GlyphChanged(Sender: TObject); function GetNumGlyphs: TOnOffBtnNumGlyphs; procedure SetOnOff(Value: Boolean); procedure SetFlat(Value: Boolean); procedure SetGlyph(Value: TBitmap); procedure SetGroupIndex(Value: Integer); procedure SetLayout(Value: TOnOffBtnLayout); procedure SetMargin(Value: Integer); procedure SetNumGlyphs(Value: TOnOffBtnNumGlyphs); procedure SetSpacing(Value: Integer); procedure SetTransparent(Value: Boolean); procedure UpdateExclusive; procedure UpdateTracking; procedure WMLButtonDblClk(var Message: TWMLButtonDown); message WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK; protected FState : TOnOffBtnState; procedure ActionChange(Sender: TObject; CheckDefaults: Boolean); override; function GetActionLinkClass: TControlActionLinkClass; override; function GetPalette: HPALETTE; override; procedure Loaded; override; procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure Paint; override; property MouseInControl: Boolean read FMouseInControl; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Click; override; published property Action; property Anchors; property BiDiMode; property Constraints; property GroupIndex: Integer read FGroupIndex write SetGroupIndex default 0; property OnOff: Boolean read FOnOff write SetOnOff default False; // the Off Position property Caption; property Enabled; property Flat: Boolean read FFlat write SetFlat default False; property Font; property Glyph: TBitmap read GetGlyph write SetGlyph; property Layout: TOnOffBtnLayout read FLayout write SetLayout default blGlyphLeft; property Margin: Integer read FMargin write SetMargin default -1; property NumGlyphs: TOnOffBtnNumGlyphs read GetNumGlyphs write SetNumGlyphs default 1; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property ParentBiDiMode; property PopupMenu; property ShowHint; property Spacing: Integer read FSpacing write SetSpacing default 4; property Transparent: Boolean read FTransparent write SetTransparent default True; property Visible; property OnClick; property OnDblClick; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; end; function DrawBtnFace(Canvas: TCanvas; const Client: TRect; BevelWidth: Integer; Style: TOnOffBtnStyle; IsRounded, IsDown, IsFocused: Boolean): TRect; procedure Register; implementation {$R *.res} //Contains the Component Icon bitmap and the Default Glyph bitmap {I could not find a reference to what this function is used for if anyone can tell me I would like to know original name was DrawButtonFace} function DrawBtnFace(Canvas: TCanvas; const Client: TRect; BevelWidth: Integer; Style: TOnOffBtnStyle; IsRounded, IsDown, IsFocused: Boolean): TRect; var NewStyle: Boolean; R: TRect; DC: THandle; begin NewStyle := ((Style = bsAutoDetect) and NewStyleControls) or (Style = bsNew); R := Client; with Canvas do begin if NewStyle then begin Brush.Color := clBtnFace; Brush.Style := bsSolid; DC := Canvas.Handle; { Reduce calls to GetHandle } if IsDown then begin { DrawEdge is faster than Polyline } DrawEdge(DC, R, BDR_SUNKENINNER, BF_TOPLEFT); { black } DrawEdge(DC, R, BDR_SUNKENOUTER, BF_BOTTOMRIGHT); { btnhilite } Dec(R.Bottom); Dec(R.Right); Inc(R.Top); Inc(R.Left); DrawEdge(DC, R, BDR_SUNKENOUTER, BF_TOPLEFT or BF_MIDDLE); { btnshadow } end else begin DrawEdge(DC, R, BDR_RAISEDOUTER, BF_BOTTOMRIGHT); { black } Dec(R.Bottom); Dec(R.Right); DrawEdge(DC, R, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_TOPLEFT); { btnhilite } Inc(R.Top); Inc(R.Left); DrawEdge(DC, R, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_BOTTOMRIGHT or BF_MIDDLE); { btnshadow } end; end else begin Pen.Color := clWindowFrame; Brush.Color := clBtnFace; Brush.Style := bsSolid; Rectangle(R.Left, R.Top, R.Right, R.Bottom); { round the corners - only applies to Win 3.1 style buttons } if IsRounded then begin Pixels[R.Left, R.Top] := clBtnFace; Pixels[R.Left, R.Bottom - 1] := clBtnFace; Pixels[R.Right - 1, R.Top] := clBtnFace; Pixels[R.Right - 1, R.Bottom - 1] := clBtnFace; end; if IsFocused then begin InflateRect(R, -1, -1); Brush.Style := bsClear; Rectangle(R.Left, R.Top, R.Right, R.Bottom); end; InflateRect(R, -1, -1); if not IsDown then Frame3D(Canvas, R, clBtnHighlight, clBtnShadow, BevelWidth) else begin Pen.Color := clBtnShadow; PolyLine([Point(R.Left, R.Bottom - 1), Point(R.Left, R.Top), Point(R.Right, R.Top)]); end; end; end; Result := Rect(Client.Left + 1, Client.Top + 1, Client.Right - 2, Client.Bottom - 2); if IsDown then OffsetRect(Result, 1, 1); end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Additional', [TOnOffBtn]); end; {TGlyph Stuff mostly unchanged excep references to TOnOffBtnXXXX types} type TGlyphList = class(TImageList) private Used: TBits; FCount: Integer; function AllocateIndex: Integer; public constructor CreateSize(AWidth, AHeight: Integer); destructor Destroy; override; function AddMasked(Image: TBitmap; MaskColor: TColor): Integer; procedure Delete(Index: Integer); property Count: Integer read FCount; end; TGlyphCache = class private GlyphLists: TList; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function GetList(AWidth, AHeight: Integer): TGlyphList; procedure ReturnList(List: TGlyphList); function Empty: Boolean; end; TButtonGlyph = class private FOriginal: TBitmap; FGlyphList: TGlyphList; FIndexs: array[TOnOffBtnState] of Integer; FTransparentColor: TColor; FNumGlyphs: TOnOffBtnNumGlyphs; FOnChange: TNotifyEvent; procedure GlyphChanged(Sender: TObject); procedure SetGlyph(Value: TBitmap); procedure SetNumGlyphs(Value: TOnOffBtnNumGlyphs); procedure Invalidate; function CreateButtonGlyph(State: TOnOffBtnState): Integer; procedure DrawButtonGlyph(Canvas: TCanvas; const GlyphPos: TPoint; State: TOnOffBtnState; Transparent: Boolean); procedure DrawButtonText(Canvas: TCanvas; const Caption: string; TextBounds: TRect; State: TOnOffBtnState; BiDiFlags: Longint); procedure CalcButtonLayout(Canvas: TCanvas; const Client: TRect; const Offset: TPoint; const Caption: string; Layout: TOnOffBtnLayout; Margin, Spacing: Integer; var GlyphPos: TPoint; var TextBounds: TRect; BiDiFlags: Longint); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; { return the text rectangle } function Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; const Client: TRect; const Offset: TPoint; const Caption: string; Layout: TOnOffBtnLayout; Margin, Spacing: Integer; State: TOnOffBtnState; Transparent: Boolean; BiDiFlags: Longint): TRect; property Glyph: TBitmap read FOriginal write SetGlyph; property NumGlyphs: TOnOffBtnNumGlyphs read FNumGlyphs write SetNumGlyphs; property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange; end; { TGlyphList Unchanged for Buttons.pas} constructor TGlyphList.CreateSize(AWidth, AHeight: Integer); begin inherited CreateSize(AWidth, AHeight); Used := TBits.Create; end; destructor TGlyphList.Destroy; begin Used.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TGlyphList.AllocateIndex: Integer; begin Result := Used.OpenBit; if Result = Used.Size then begin Result := inherited Add(nil, nil); Used.Size := Result + 1; end; Used[Result] := True; end; function TGlyphList.AddMasked(Image: TBitmap; MaskColor: TColor): Integer; begin Result := AllocateIndex; ReplaceMasked(Result, Image, MaskColor); Inc(FCount); end; procedure TGlyphList.Delete(Index: Integer); begin if Used[Index] then begin Dec(FCount); Used[Index] := False; end; end; { TGlyphCache unchanged fro Buttons.pas } constructor TGlyphCache.Create; begin inherited Create; GlyphLists := TList.Create; end; destructor TGlyphCache.Destroy; begin GlyphLists.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TGlyphCache.GetList(AWidth, AHeight: Integer): TGlyphList; var I: Integer; begin for I := GlyphLists.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin Result := GlyphLists[I]; with Result do if (AWidth = Width) and (AHeight = Height) then Exit; end; Result := TGlyphList.CreateSize(AWidth, AHeight); GlyphLists.Add(Result); end; procedure TGlyphCache.ReturnList(List: TGlyphList); begin if List = nil then Exit; if List.Count = 0 then begin GlyphLists.Remove(List); List.Free; end; end; function TGlyphCache.Empty: Boolean; begin Result := GlyphLists.Count = 0; end; var GlyphCache: TGlyphCache = nil; ButtonCount: Integer = 0; { TButtonGlyph Changed } constructor TButtonGlyph.Create; var I: TOnOffBtnState; begin inherited Create; FOriginal := TBitmap.Create; FOriginal.OnChange := GlyphChanged; FTransparentColor := clOlive; FNumGlyphs := 1; for I := Low(I) to High(I) do FIndexs[I] := -1; if GlyphCache = nil then GlyphCache := TGlyphCache.Create; end; destructor TButtonGlyph.Destroy; begin FOriginal.Free; Invalidate; if Assigned(GlyphCache) and GlyphCache.Empty then begin GlyphCache.Free; GlyphCache := nil; end; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TButtonGlyph.Invalidate; var I: TOnOffBtnState; begin for I := Low(I) to High(I) do begin if FIndexs[I] -1 then FGlyphList.Delete(FIndexs[I]); FIndexs[I] := -1; end; GlyphCache.ReturnList(FGlyphList); FGlyphList := nil; end; procedure TButtonGlyph.GlyphChanged(Sender: TObject); begin if Sender = FOriginal then begin FTransparentColor := FOriginal.TransparentColor; Invalidate; if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self); end; end; procedure TButtonGlyph.SetGlyph(Value: TBitmap); var Glyphs: Integer; begin Invalidate; FOriginal.Assign(Value); if (Value nil) and (Value.Height 0) then begin FTransparentColor := Value.TransparentColor; if Value.Width mod Value.Height = 0 then begin Glyphs := Value.Width div Value.Height; if Glyphs 4 then Glyphs := 1; SetNumGlyphs(Glyphs); end; end; end; procedure TButtonGlyph.SetNumGlyphs(Value: TOnOffBtnNumGlyphs); begin if (Value FNumGlyphs) and (Value 0) then begin Invalidate; FNumGlyphs := Value; GlyphChanged(Glyph); end; end; {The Core} function TButtonGlyph.CreateButtonGlyph(State: TOnOffBtnState): Integer; const ROP_DSPDxax = $00E20746; var TmpImage, DDB, MonoBmp: TBitmap; IWidth, IHeight: Integer; IRect, ORect: TRect; I: TOnOffBtnState; DestDC: HDC; begin Result := FIndexs[State]; if Result -1 then Exit; if (FOriginal.Width or FOriginal.Height) = 0 then Exit; IWidth := FOriginal.Width div FNumGlyphs; IHeight := FOriginal.Height; if FGlyphList = nil then begin if GlyphCache = nil then GlyphCache := TGlyphCache.Create; FGlyphList := GlyphCache.GetList(IWidth, IHeight); end; TmpImage := TBitmap.Create; try TmpImage.Width := IWidth; TmpImage.Height := IHeight; IRect := Rect(0, 0, IWidth, IHeight); TmpImage.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace; TmpImage.Palette := CopyPalette(FOriginal.Palette); I := State; ORect := Rect(Ord(I) * IWidth, 0, (Ord(I) + 1) * IWidth, IHeight); TmpImage.Canvas.CopyRect(IRect, FOriginal.Canvas, ORect); case State of bsOn, bsOff: begin TmpImage.Canvas.CopyRect(IRect, FOriginal.Canvas, ORect); if FOriginal.TransparentMode = tmFixed then FIndexs[State] := FGlyphList.AddMasked(TmpImage, FTransparentColor) else FIndexs[State] := FGlyphList.AddMasked(TmpImage, clDefault); end; bsDisabledOn,bsDisabledOff: begin MonoBmp := nil; DDB := nil; try MonoBmp := TBitmap.Create; DDB := TBitmap.Create; DDB.Assign(FOriginal); DDB.HandleType := bmDDB; if NumGlyphs 1 then with TmpImage.Canvas do begin { Change white & gray to clBtnHighlight and clBtnShadow } CopyRect(IRect, DDB.Canvas, ORect); MonoBmp.Monochrome := True; MonoBmp.Width := IWidth; MonoBmp.Height := IHeight; { Convert white to clBtnHighlight } DDB.Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite; MonoBmp.Canvas.CopyRect(IRect, DDB.Canvas, ORect); Brush.Color := clBtnHighlight; DestDC := Handle; SetTextColor(DestDC, clBlack); SetBkColor(DestDC, clWhite); BitBlt(DestDC, 0, 0, IWidth, IHeight, MonoBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, ROP_DSPDxax); { Convert gray to clBtnShadow } DDB.Canvas.Brush.Color := clGray; MonoBmp.Canvas.CopyRect(IRect, DDB.Canvas, ORect); Brush.Color := clBtnShadow; DestDC := Handle; SetTextColor(DestDC, clBlack); SetBkColor(DestDC, clWhite); BitBlt(DestDC, 0, 0, IWidth, IHeight, MonoBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, ROP_DSPDxax); { Convert transparent color to clBtnFace } DDB.Canvas.Brush.Color := ColorToRGB(FTransparentColor); MonoBmp.Canvas.CopyRect(IRect, DDB.Canvas, ORect); Brush.Color := clBtnFace; DestDC := Handle; SetTextColor(DestDC, clBlack); SetBkColor(DestDC, clWhite); BitBlt(DestDC, 0, 0, IWidth, IHeight, MonoBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, ROP_DSPDxax); end else begin { Create a disabled version } with MonoBmp do begin Assign(FOriginal); HandleType := bmDDB; Canvas.Brush.Color := clBlack; Width := IWidth; if Monochrome then begin Canvas.Font.Color := clWhite; Monochrome := False; Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite; end; Monochrome := True; end; with TmpImage.Canvas do begin Brush.Color := clBtnFace; FillRect(IRect); Brush.Color := clBtnHighlight; SetTextColor(Handle, clBlack); SetBkColor(Handle, clWhite); BitBlt(Handle, 1, 1, IWidth, IHeight, MonoBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, ROP_DSPDxax); Brush.Color := clBtnShadow; SetTextColor(Handle, clBlack); SetBkColor(Handle, clWhite); BitBlt(Handle, 0, 0, IWidth, IHeight, MonoBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, ROP_DSPDxax); end; end; finally DDB.Free; MonoBmp.Free; end; FIndexs[State] := FGlyphList.AddMasked(TmpImage, clDefault); end; end; finally TmpImage.Free; end; Result := FIndexs[State]; FOriginal.Dormant; end; procedure TButtonGlyph.DrawButtonGlyph(Canvas: TCanvas; const GlyphPos: TPoint; State: TOnOffBtnState; Transparent: Boolean); var Index: Integer; begin if FOriginal = nil then Exit; if (FOriginal.Width = 0) or (FOriginal.Height = 0) then Exit; Index := CreateButtonGlyph(State); with GlyphPos do if Transparent then ImageList_DrawEx(FGlyphList.Handle, Index, Canvas.Handle, X, Y, 0, 0, clNone, clNone, ILD_Transparent) else ImageList_DrawEx(FGlyphList.Handle, Index, Canvas.Handle, X, Y, 0, 0, ColorToRGB(clBtnFace), clNone, ILD_Normal); end; procedure TButtonGlyph.DrawButtonText(Canvas: TCanvas; const Caption: string; TextBounds: TRect; State: TOnOffBtnState; BiDiFlags: LongInt); begin with Canvas do begin Brush.Style := bsClear; if State in [bsDisabledOn, bsDisabledOff] then begin OffsetRect(TextBounds, 1, 1); Font.Color := clBtnHighlight; DrawText(Handle, PChar(Caption), Length(Caption), TextBounds, DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER or BiDiFlags); OffsetRect(TextBounds, -1, -1); Font.Color := clBtnShadow; DrawText(Handle, PChar(Caption), Length(Caption), TextBounds, DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER or BiDiFlags); end else DrawText(Handle, PChar(Caption), Length(Caption), TextBounds, DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER or BiDiFlags); end; end; procedure TButtonGlyph.CalcButtonLayout(Canvas: TCanvas; const Client: TRect; const Offset: TPoint; const Caption: string; Layout: TOnOffBtnLayout; Margin, Spacing: Integer; var GlyphPos: TPoint; var TextBounds: TRect; BiDiFlags: LongInt); var TextPos: TPoint; ClientSize, GlyphSize, TextSize: TPoint; TotalSize: TPoint; begin if (BiDiFlags and DT_RIGHT) = DT_RIGHT then if Layout = blGlyphLeft then Layout := blGlyphRight else if Layout = blGlyphRight then Layout := blGlyphLeft; { calculate the item sizes } ClientSize := Point(Client.Right - Client.Left, Client.Bottom - Client.Top); if FOriginal nil then GlyphSize := Point(FOriginal.Width div FNumGlyphs, FOriginal.Height) else GlyphSize := Point(0, 0); if Length(Caption) 0 then begin TextBounds := Rect(0, 0, Client.Right - Client.Left, 0); DrawText(Canvas.Handle, PChar(Caption), Length(Caption), TextBounds, DT_CALCRECT or BiDiFlags); TextSize := Point(TextBounds.Right - TextBounds.Left, TextBounds.Bottom - TextBounds.Top); end else begin TextBounds := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); TextSize := Point(0,0); end; { If the layout has the glyph on the right or the left, then both the text and the glyph are centered vertically. If the glyph is on the top or the bottom, then both the text and the glyph are centered horizontally.} if Layout in [blGlyphLeft, blGlyphRight] then begin GlyphPos.Y := (ClientSize.Y - GlyphSize.Y + 1) div 2; TextPos.Y := (ClientSize.Y - TextSize.Y + 1) div 2; end else begin GlyphPos.X := (ClientSize.X - GlyphSize.X + 1) div 2; TextPos.X := (ClientSize.X - TextSize.X + 1) div 2; end; { if there is no text or no bitmap, then Spacing is irrelevant } if (TextSize.X = 0) or (GlyphSize.X = 0) then Spacing := 0; { adjust Margin and Spacing } if Margin = -1 then begin if Spacing = -1 then begin TotalSize := Point(GlyphSize.X + TextSize.X, GlyphSize.Y + TextSize.Y); if Layout in [blGlyphLeft, blGlyphRight] then Margin := (ClientSize.X - TotalSize.X) div 3 else Margin := (ClientSize.Y - TotalSize.Y) div 3; Spacing := Margin; end else begin TotalSize := Point(GlyphSize.X + Spacing + TextSize.X, GlyphSize.Y + Spacing + TextSize.Y); if Layout in [blGlyphLeft, blGlyphRight] then Margin := (ClientSize.X - TotalSize.X + 1) div 2 else Margin := (ClientSize.Y - TotalSize.Y + 1) div 2; end; end else begin if Spacing = -1 then begin TotalSize := Point(ClientSize.X - (Margin + GlyphSize.X), ClientSize.Y - (Margin + GlyphSize.Y)); if Layout in [blGlyphLeft, blGlyphRight] then Spacing := (TotalSize.X - TextSize.X) div 2 else Spacing := (TotalSize.Y - TextSize.Y) div 2; end; end; case Layout of blGlyphLeft: begin GlyphPos.X := Margin; TextPos.X := GlyphPos.X + GlyphSize.X + Spacing; end; blGlyphRight: begin GlyphPos.X := ClientSize.X - Margin - GlyphSize.X; TextPos.X := GlyphPos.X - Spacing - TextSize.X; end; blGlyphTop: begin GlyphPos.Y := Margin; TextPos.Y := GlyphPos.Y + GlyphSize.Y + Spacing; end; blGlyphBottom: begin GlyphPos.Y := ClientSize.Y - Margin - GlyphSize.Y; TextPos.Y := GlyphPos.Y - Spacing - TextSize.Y; end; end; { fixup the result variables } with GlyphPos do begin Inc(X, Client.Left + Offset.X); Inc(Y, Client.Top + Offset.Y); end; OffsetRect(TextBounds, TextPos.X + Client.Left + Offset.X, TextPos.Y + Client.Top + Offset.X); end; function TButtonGlyph.Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; const Client: TRect; const Offset: TPoint; const Caption: string; Layout: TOnOffBtnLayout; Margin, Spacing: Integer; State: TOnOffBtnState; Transparent: Boolean; BiDiFlags: LongInt): TRect; var GlyphPos: TPoint; begin CalcButtonLayout(Canvas, Client, Offset, Caption, Layout, Margin, Spacing, GlyphPos, Result, BiDiFlags); DrawButtonGlyph(Canvas, GlyphPos, State, Transparent); DrawButtonText(Canvas, Caption, Result, State, BiDiFlags); end; {TOnOffBtnActionLink} procedure TOnOffBtnActionLink.AssignClient(AClient: TObject); begin inherited AssignClient(AClient); FClient := AClient as TOnOffBtn; end; function TOnOffBtnActionLink.IsCheckedLinked: Boolean; begin Result := inherited IsCheckedLinked and (FClient.GroupIndex 0) and FClient.OnOff and (FClient.OnOff = (Action as TCustomAction).Checked); end; function TOnOffBtnActionLink.IsGroupIndexLinked: Boolean; begin Result := (FClient is TOnOffBtn) and (TOnOffBtn(FClient).GroupIndex = (Action as TCustomAction).GroupIndex); end; procedure TOnOffBtnActionLink.SetChecked(Value: Boolean); begin if IsCheckedLinked then TOnOffBtn(FClient).OnOff:= Value; end; procedure TOnOffBtnActionLink.SetGroupIndex(Value: Integer); begin if IsGroupIndexLinked then TOnOffBtn(FClient).GroupIndex := Value; end; { TOnOffBtn } constructor TOnOffBtn.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin FGlyph := TButtonGlyph.Create; TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).OnChange := GlyphChanged; inherited Create(AOwner); SetBounds(0, 0, 25, 25); ControlStyle := [csCaptureMouse, csDoubleClicks]; ParentFont := True; Color := clBtnFace; FSpacing := 1; FMargin := -1; NumGlyphs := 4; OnOff := False; FLayout := blGlyphTop; FTransparent := True; {Load the default Glyph Note that I use LoadFromResourceID this is becaulse it supports loading a 256 color bitmap.} TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).Glyph.LoadFromResourceID(HInstance , 1); Inc(ButtonCount); end; procedure TOnOffBtn.Paint; const DownStyles: array[Boolean] of Integer = (BDR_RAISEDINNER, BDR_SUNKENOUTER); FillStyles: array[Boolean] of Integer = (BF_MIDDLE, 0); var PaintRect: TRect; DrawFlags: Integer; Offset: TPoint; begin Canvas.Font := Self.Font; PaintRect := Rect(0, 0, Width, Height); if not FFlat then begin DrawFlags := DFCS_BUTTONPUSH or DFCS_ADJUSTRECT; if FState in [bsON, bsDisabledON] then DrawFlags := DrawFlags or DFCS_PUSHED; DrawFrameControl(Canvas.Handle, PaintRect, DFC_BUTTON, DrawFlags); end else begin if (FState in [bsON, bsDisabledON]) or (FState in [bsOFF, bsDisabledOFF]) or (FMouseInControl and (FState bsDisabledON) or (FState bsDisabledOFF)) or (csDesigning in ComponentState) then DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, PaintRect, DownStyles[FState in [bsON, bsDisabledON]], FillStyles[Transparent] or BF_RECT) else if not Transparent then begin Canvas.Brush.Color := Color; Canvas.FillRect(PaintRect); end; InflateRect(PaintRect, -1, -1); end; if FState in [bsON, bsDisabledON] then begin if (FState = bsDisabledON) and (not FFlat or not FMouseInControl) then begin Canvas.Brush.Bitmap := AllocPatternBitmap(clBtnFace, clBtnHighlight); Canvas.FillRect(PaintRect); end; Offset.X := 1; Offset.Y := 1; end else begin Offset.X := 0; Offset.Y := 0; end; TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).Draw(Canvas, PaintRect, Offset, Caption, FLayout, FMargin, FSpacing, FState, Transparent, DrawTextBiDiModeFlags(0)); end; function TOnOffBtn.GetGlyph: TBitmap; begin Result := TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).Glyph; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.SetGlyph(Value: TBitmap); begin TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).Glyph := Value; Invalidate; end; function TOnOffBtn.GetNumGlyphs: TOnOffBtnNumGlyphs; begin Result := TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).NumGlyphs; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.SetNumGlyphs(Value: TOnOffBtnNumGlyphs); begin if Value Value := 1 else if Value 4 then Value := 4; if Value TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).NumGlyphs then begin TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).NumGlyphs := Value; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.GlyphChanged(Sender: TObject); begin Invalidate; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.UpdateExclusive; var Msg: TMessage; begin if (FGroupIndex 0) and (Parent nil) then begin Msg.Msg := CM_BUTTONPRESSED; Msg.WParam := FGroupIndex; Msg.LParam := Longint(Self); Msg.Result := 0; Parent.Broadcast(Msg); end; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.SetOnOff(Value: Boolean); begin {if Value then OFF} if Value FOnOff then begin FOnOff := Value; if Value then begin if Enabled then FState := bsON else FState := bsDisabledON; Repaint; end else begin if Enabled then FState := bsOFF else FState := bsDisabledOFF; Repaint; end; UpdateExclusive; end; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.SetFlat(Value: Boolean); begin if Value FFlat then begin FFlat := Value; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.SetGroupIndex(Value: Integer); begin if FGroupIndex Value then begin FGroupIndex := Value; UpdateExclusive; end; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.SetLayout(Value: TOnOffBtnLayout); begin if FLayout Value then begin FLayout := Value; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.SetMargin(Value: Integer); begin if (Value FMargin) and (Value = -1) then begin FMargin := Value; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.SetSpacing(Value: Integer); begin if Value FSpacing then begin FSpacing := Value; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.SetTransparent(Value: Boolean); begin if Value FTransparent then begin FTransparent := Value; if Value then ControlStyle := ControlStyle - [csOpaque] else ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csOpaque]; Invalidate; end; end; (* procedure TOnOffBtn.SetAllowAllUp(Value: Boolean); begin if FAllowAllUp Value then begin FAllowAllUp := Value; UpdateExclusive; end; end; *) procedure TOnOffBtn.WMLButtonDblClk(var Message: TWMLButtonDown); begin inherited; if Enabled then DblClick; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.CMEnabledChanged(var Message: TMessage); begin if Enabled then begin if FOnOff then FState := bsON else FState := bsOFF; end else begin if FOnOff then FState := bsDisabledON else FState := bsDisabledOFF; end; TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).CreateButtonGlyph(FState); UpdateTracking; Repaint; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.CMButtonPressed(var Message: TMessage); var Sender: TOnOffBtn; begin if Message.WParam = FGroupIndex then begin Sender := TOnOffBtn(Message.LParam); if Sender Self then begin FOnOff := not Sender.OnOff; if Enabled then begin if FOnOff then FState := bsON else FState := bsOFF end else begin if FOnOff then FState := bsON else FState := bsOFF end; if (Action is TCustomAction) then TCustomAction(Action).Checked := False; Invalidate; end; end; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.CMDialogChar(var Message: TCMDialogChar); begin with Message do if IsAccel(CharCode, Caption) and Enabled and Visible and (Parent nil) and Parent.Showing then begin Click; Result := 1; end else inherited; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage); begin Invalidate; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.CMTextChanged(var Message: TMessage); begin Invalidate; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.CMSysColorChange(var Message: TMessage); begin with TButtonGlyph(FGlyph) do begin Invalidate; CreateButtonGlyph(FState); end; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.CMMouseEnter(var Message: TMessage); begin inherited; { Don't draw a border if DragMode dmAutomatic since this button is meant to be used as a dock client. } if FFlat and not FMouseInControl and Enabled and (DragMode dmAutomatic) and (GetCapture = 0) then begin FMouseInControl := True; Repaint; end; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.CMMouseLeave(var Message: TMessage); begin inherited; if FFlat and FMouseInControl and Enabled and not FDragging then begin FMouseInControl := False; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.ActionChange(Sender: TObject; CheckDefaults: Boolean); procedure CopyImage(ImageList: TCustomImageList; Index: Integer); begin with Glyph do begin Width := ImageList.Width; Height := ImageList.Height; Canvas.Brush.Color := clFuchsia;//! for lack of a better color Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0,0, Width, Height)); ImageList.Draw(Canvas, 0, 0, Index); end; end; begin inherited ActionChange(Sender, CheckDefaults); if Sender is TCustomAction then with TCustomAction(Sender) do begin if CheckDefaults or (Self.GroupIndex = 0) then Self.GroupIndex := GroupIndex; { Copy image from action's imagelist } if (Glyph.Empty) and (ActionList nil) and (ActionList.Images nil) and (ImageIndex = 0) and (ImageIndex CopyImage(ActionList.Images, ImageIndex); end; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.UpdateTracking; var P: TPoint; begin if FFlat then begin if Enabled then begin GetCursorPos(P); FMouseInControl := not (FindDragTarget(P, True) = Self); if FMouseInControl then Perform(CM_MOUSELEAVE, 0, 0) else Perform(CM_MOUSEENTER, 0, 0); end; end; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.Loaded; var State: TOnOffBtnState; begin inherited Loaded; if Enabled then begin if FOnOff then State := bsON else State := bsOFF end else begin if FOnOff then State := bsDisabledON else State := bsDisabledOFF end; TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).CreateButtonGlyph(State); end; function TOnOffBtn.GetActionLinkClass: TControlActionLinkClass; begin Result := TOnOffBtnActionLink; end; function TOnOffBtn.GetPalette: HPALETTE; begin Result := Glyph.Palette; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y); if (Button = mbLeft) and Enabled then begin if FOnOff then begin // ON FState := bsOFF; Invalidate; end else begin FState := bsON; Invalidate; end; FDragging := True; end; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var NewState: TOnOffBtnState; begin inherited MouseMove(Shift, X, Y); if FDragging then begin {use the disabled images for the drag image} if FOnOff then // ON NewState := bsDisabledON else NewState := bsDisabledOFF; if (X = 0) and (X (Y = 0) and (Y if FOnOff then NewState := bsON else NewState := bsOFF; if NewState FState then begin FState := NewState; Invalidate; end; end else if not FMouseInControl then UpdateTracking; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var DoClick: Boolean; begin inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y); if FDragging then begin FDragging := False; DoClick := (X = 0) and (X = 0) and (Y if FGroupIndex = 0 then begin { Redraw face in-case mouse is captured } if FState = bsDisabledOFF then begin FState := bsOFF; FOnOff := False; end else if FState = bsDisabledON then begin FState := bsON; FOnOff := True; end; FMouseInControl := False; if DoClick then // and not (FState in [bsDisabledON, bsON]) then Invalidate else Repaint; end else if DoClick then begin SetOnOff(FOnOff); Repaint; end else begin Repaint; end; if DoClick then Click; UpdateTracking; end; end; destructor TOnOffBtn.Destroy; begin Dec(ButtonCount); inherited Destroy; TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).Free; end; procedure TOnOffBtn.Click; begin inherited Click; end; end.