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Office CommandBar Button Events

Title: Office CommandBar Button Events Question: How to hook an Office CommandBar Button Event in Delphi? Answer: { *********************************************************************** } { README } { Office CommandBarButton Component } { } { Copyright (c) 2001 XENIS AG, Peter Lieber, CTO } {, } { } { *********************************************************************** } This is an Commandbar Hook Component, every button in Officeapplication can be hooked. This component was written, because Delphi/C++Builder cannot handle Events with Interfaces as parameters as the Office.CommandbarButton.OnClick Event has. It is inherited from TOLEServer for easy access to the ConnectionpointContainer. Examples for Word and Excel provided, but it does also work with all other office applications. (Outlook, Powerpoint, Project, ...) DOWNLOAD Attachment and see the Demo Application. { *********************************************************************** } { } { Office CommandBarButton Component } { } { Copyright (c) 2001 XENIS AG, Peter Lieber, CTO } {, } { } { *********************************************************************** } unit OfficeCommandbarButton; interface uses ActiveX, Classes, Graphics, OleServer, StdVcl, Variants, Windows, Office2000; type TCommandbarbuttonEvent = procedure (const Ctrl: CommandBarButton; var CancelDefault: WordBool) of object; TCommandbarButtonEventsProperties= class; { Inherit TOleServer, because of some fine stuff for handling ConnectionPointContainers } TCommandbarbutton = class(TOleServer) private FOnClick: TCommandbarbuttonEvent; FIntf: Commandbarbutton; FProps: TCommandbarbuttonEventsProperties; function GetServerProperties: TCommandBarButtonEventsProperties; function GetDefaultInterface: Commandbarbutton; protected procedure InitServerData; override; procedure InvokeEvent(DispID: TDispID; var Params: TVariantArray); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Connect; override; procedure ConnectTo(svrIntf: Commandbarbutton); procedure Disconnect; override; property DefaultInterface: Commandbarbutton read GetDefaultInterface; published property Server: TCommandbarButtonEventsProperties read GetServerProperties; property OnClick: TCommandbarButtonEvent read FOnClick write FOnClick; end; TCommandBarButtonEventsProperties = class(TPersistent) private FServer: TCommandBarButton; function GetDefaultInterface: Commandbarbutton; constructor Create(AServer: TCommandBarButton); protected public property DefaultInterface: Commandbarbutton read GetDefaultInterface; published end; procedure Register; resourcestring dtlServerPage = 'More Servers'; implementation uses ComObj; procedure TCommandBarButton.InitServerData; const CServerData: TServerData = ( // CLASS_CommandBarButton ClassID: '{55F88891-7708-11D1-ACEB-006008961DA5}'; // IID__CommandBarButton IntfIID: '{000C030E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}'; // DIID__CommandBarButtonEvents EventIID: '{000C0351-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}'; LicenseKey: nil; Version: 500); begin ServerData := @CServerData; end; procedure TCommandBarButton.Connect; var punk: IUnknown; begin if FIntf = nil then begin punk := GetServer; ConnectEvents(FIntf); Fintf:= punk as Commandbarbutton; end; end; procedure TCommandBarButton.ConnectTo(svrIntf: Commandbarbutton); begin Disconnect; FIntf := svrIntf; ConnectEvents(FIntf); end; procedure TCommandBarButton.DisConnect; begin if Fintf nil then begin DisconnectEvents(FIntf); FIntf := nil; end; end; function TCommandBarButton.GetDefaultInterface: Commandbarbutton; begin if FIntf = nil then Connect; Assert(FIntf nil, 'DefaultInterface is NULL. Component is not connected to Server. You must call ''Connect'' or ''ConnectTo'' before this operation'); Result := FIntf; end; constructor TCommandBarButton.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FProps := TCommandBarButtonEventsProperties.Create(Self); end; destructor TCommandBarButton.Destroy; begin FProps.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TCommandBarButton.GetServerProperties: TCommandBarButtonEventsProperties; begin Result := FProps; end; procedure TCommandBarButton.InvokeEvent(DispID: TDispID; var Params: TVariantArray); var CancelDefault : WordBool; begin case DispID of -1: Exit; // DISPID_UNKNOWN 1: if Assigned(FOnClick) then FOnClick(self.DefaultInterface, CancelDefault); end; {case DispID} end; constructor TCommandBarButtonEventsProperties.Create(AServer: TCommandBarButton); begin inherited Create; FServer := AServer; end; function TCommandBarButtonEventsProperties.GetDefaultInterface: Commandbarbutton; begin Result := FServer.DefaultInterface; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents(dtlServerPage, [TCommandBarButton]); end; end. Regards Peter