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OBJECT PROPERTIES Hi! I've been subsribing to this list for some time now, without ever answering. Here's my first go... I'm using a property iterator as an utility I use with my classes. Here it is: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USES {!Delphi5!} Classes, TypInfo ; procedure GetPropertyNames ( p_Persistent : TObject; //object to "read" p_List : TStringList; //list of properties p_Filter : TTypeKinds //restrict search to some set of properties ); {returns property names list for the object} var l_Count : integer; l_Size : integer; l_List : PPropList; l_Ix : integer; l_Filter : TTypeKinds; begin l_Filter := p_Filter; p_List.Clear; l_Count := GetPropList(p_Persistent.ClassInfo, l_Filter, nil); l_Size := l_Count * SizeOf(Pointer); GetMem(l_List, l_Size); try GetPropList(p_Persistent.ClassInfo, l_Filter, l_List); for l_Ix := 0 to l_Count - 1 do p_List.Add(l_List[l_Ix].Name); finally FreeMem(l_List, l_Size); end; end;{GetPropertyNames} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think this is quite self-explanatory. Note: This code is from an article by Peter Hinrichsen in The Delphi Magazine - issue 54 (Feb 2000) HTH, Cheers from Bordeaux, -- Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux (Europe)