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Nice printer control object

{ Here is an example that prints columns that are right, left, and center justified. There are headers, footers, and, generally, a bunch o' things here. This app encapsulates functionality to print text, lines, boxes and shaded boxes. Text can be left or right justified and centered. Columns can be created and text can be left or right justified within the columns or text can be centered. Lines of any thickness can be drawn. Boxes can be drawn with any thickness. The boxes can be shaded if desired. Headers and footers can be created and the header/footer areas can be shaded if desired. Page numbering can contain custom text and can be placed anywhere desired. } {******* prnMain.pas *******} unit Prnmain; interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Printers; const HeaderLines = 5; { Number of allowable header lines } FooterLines = 5; { Number of allowable footer lines } Columns = 20; { Number of allowable columns } type THeaderRecord = Record Text: String[240]; { Header text } YPosition: Single; { Inches from the top } Alignment: Integer; { 0:Left 1:Center 2:Right } FontName: String[80]; { Font name } FontSize: Integer; { Font size } FontStyle: TFontStyles; { Font style } End; TFooterRecord = Record Text: String[240]; { Footer text } YPosition: Single; { Inches from the top } Alignment: Integer; { 0:Left 1:Center 2:Right } FontName: String[80]; { Font name } FontSize: Integer; { Font size } FontStyle: TFontStyles; { Font style } End; THeaderCoordinates = Record XTop: Single; YTop: Single; XBottom: Single; YBottom: Single; Boxed: Boolean; Shading: Word; LineWidth: Word; End; TFooterCoordinates = Record XTop: Single; YTop: Single; XBottom: Single; YBottom: Single; Boxed: Boolean; Shading: Word; LineWidth: Word; End; TPageNumberRecord = Record YPosition: Single; Text: String[240]; Alignment: Word; FontName: String[80]; FontSize: Word; FontStyle: TFontStyles; End; TColumnInformationRecord = Record XPosition: Single; Length: Single; End; TPrintObject = class private TopMargin: Integer; { Top margin in pixels } BottomMargin: Integer; { Bottom margin in pixels } LeftMargin: Integer; { Left margin in pixels } RightMargin: Integer; { Right margin in pixels } PixelsPerInchVertical: Integer; { Number of pixels per inch along Y axis } PixelsPerInchHorizontal: Integer; { Number of pixels per inch along X axis } TotalPageWidthPixels: Integer; { Full width of page in pixels - includes gutters } TotalPageHeightPixels: Integer; { Full height of page in pixels - includes gutters } TotalPageHeightInches: Single; { Height of page in inches } TotalPageWidthInches: Single; { Width of page in inches } GutterLeft: Integer; { Unprintable area on left } GutterRight: Integer; { Unprintable area on right } GutterTop: Integer; { Unprintable area on top } GutterBottom: Integer; { Unprintable area on bottom } DetailTop: Single; { Inches from the top where the detail section starts } DetailBottom: Single; { Inches from the top where the detail section ends } LastYPosition: Single; { The Y position where the last write occurred } AutoPaging: Boolean; { Are new pages automatically generated? } CurrentTab: Single; { The value of the current tab } CurrentFontName: String[30]; CurrentFontSize: Integer; CurrentFontStyle: TFontStyles; TextMetrics: TTextMetric; Header: Array[1..HeaderLines] of THeaderRecord; Footer: Array[1..FooterLines] of TFooterRecord; ColumnInformation: Array[1..Columns] of TColumnInformationRecord; PageNumber: TPageNumberRecord; HeaderCoordinates: THeaderCoordinates; FooterCoordinates: TFooterCoordinates; function CalculateLineHeight: Integer; function InchesToPixelsHorizontal( Inches: Single ): Integer; function InchesToPixelsVertical( Inches: Single ): Integer; function PixelsToInchesHorizontal( Pixels: Integer ): Single; function PixelsToInchesVertical( Pixels: Integer ): Single; function LinesToPixels( Line:Integer ): Integer; procedure CalculateMeasurements; procedure _DrawBox( XTop:Word; YTop:Word; XBottom:Word; YBottom:Word; LineWidth:Word; Shading:Word ); public procedure Start; procedure Quit; procedure Abort; procedure SetMargins( Top:Single; Bottom:Single; Left:Single; Right:Single ); procedure SetFontInformation( Name:String; Size:Word; Style: TFontStyles ); procedure WriteLine( X:Single; Y:Single; Text:String ); procedure WriteLineRight( Y:Single; Text:String ); procedure WriteLineCenter( Y:Single; Text:String ); procedure WriteLineColumnRight( ColumnNumber:Word; Y:Single; Text:String ); procedure WriteLineColumnCenter( ColumnNumber:Word; Y:Single; Text:String ); procedure DrawLine( TopX:Single; TopY:Single; BottomX:Single; BottomY:Single; LineWidth:Word ); procedure SetLineWidth( Width:Word ); function GetLineWidth: Word; procedure SetTab( Inches:Single ); procedure NewPage; function GetLinesPerPage: Integer; procedure GetPixelsPerInch( var X:Word; var Y:Word ); procedure GetPixelsPerPage( var X:Word; var Y:Word ); procedure GetGutter( var Top:Word; var Bottom:Word; var Left:Word; var Right:Word ); function GetTextWidth( Text:String ): Integer; function GetLineHeightPixels: Word; function GetLineHeightInches: Single; function GetPageNumber:Integer; function GetColumnsPerLine: Integer; procedure SetOrientation( Orient: TPrinterOrientation ); procedure SetHeaderInformation( Line:Integer; YPosition: Single; Text:String; Alignment:Word; FontName:String; FontSize: Word; FontStyle: TFontStyles ); procedure SetFooterInformation( Line:Integer; YPosition: Single; Text:String; Alignment:Word; FontName:String; FontSize: Word; FontStyle: TFontStyles ); procedure WriteHeader; procedure WriteFooter; procedure SaveCurrentFont; procedure RestoreCurrentFont; procedure SetDetailTopBottom( Top: Single; Bottom: Single ); procedure SetAutoPaging( Value: Boolean ); procedure SetPageNumberInformation( YPosition:Single; Text:String; Alignment:Word; FontName:String; FontSize:Word; FontStyle:TFontStyles ); procedure WritePageNumber; procedure WriteLineColumn( ColumnNumber:Word; Y:Single; Text:String ); procedure DrawBox( XTop:Single; YTop:Single; XBottom:Single; YBottom:Single; LineWidth:Word ); procedure DrawBoxShaded( XTop:Single; YTop:Single; XBottom:Single; YBottom:Single; LineWidth:Word; Shading:Word ); procedure SetHeaderDimensions( XTop:Single; YTop:Single; XBottom:Single; YBottom:Single; Boxed: Boolean; LineWidth:Word; Shading:Word ); procedure SetFooterDimensions( XTop:Single; YTop:Single; XBottom:Single; YBottom:Single; Boxed: Boolean; LineWidth:Word; Shading:Word ); procedure CreateColumn( Number:Word; XPosition:Single; Length:Single ); procedure SetYPosition( YPosition:Single ); function GetYPosition: Single; procedure NextLine; function GetLinesLeft: Word; function GetLinesInDetailArea: Word; procedure SetTopOfPage; procedure NewLines( Number:Word ); function GetFontName: String; function GetFontSize: Word; End; implementation procedure TPrintObject.Start; { This function MUST be called first before any other printing function } var Top,Bottom,Left,Right: Single; I: Integer; Begin Printer.BeginDoc; AutoPaging := True; CalculateMeasurements; PageNumber.Text := ''; Top := PixelsToInchesVertical( GutterTop ); Bottom := PixelsToInchesVertical( GutterBottom ); Left := PixelsToInchesHorizontal( GutterLeft ); Right := PixelsToInchesHorizontal( GutterRight ); SetMargins( Top,Bottom,Left,Right ); For I := 1 To HeaderLines Do Header[I].Text := ''; HeaderCoordinates.Boxed := False; HeaderCoordinates.Shading := 0; For I := 1 To FooterLines Do Footer[I].Text := ''; FooterCoordinates.Boxed := False; FooterCoordinates.Shading := 0; CurrentTab := 0.0; LastYPosition := 0.0; End; procedure TPrintObject.Quit; { 'Quit' must always be called when printing is completed } Begin WriteHeader; WriteFooter; WritePageNumber; Printer.EndDoc End; procedure TPrintObject.SetMargins( Top:Single; Bottom:Single; Left:Single; Right:Single ); { Set the top, bottom, left and right margins in inches } var Value: Single; Buffer: String; Begin { If the sum of the left and right margins exceeds the width of the page, set the left margin to the value of 'GutterLeft' and set the right margin to the value of 'GutterRight' } If ( Left + Right >= TotalPageWidthInches ) Then Begin Left := GutterLeft; Right := GutterRight; End; If ( Left <= 0 ) Then Left := GutterLeft; If ( Right <= 0 ) Then Right := GutterRight; { If the sum of the top and bottom margins exceeds the height of the page, set the top margin to the value of 'GutterTop' and set the bottom margin to the value of 'GutterBottom' } If ( Top + Bottom >= TotalPageHeightInches ) Then Begin Top := GutterTop; Bottom := GutterBottom; End; If ( Top <= 0 ) Then Top := GutterTop; If ( Bottom <= 0 ) Then Bottom := GutterBottom; { Convert everything to pixels } TopMargin := InchesToPixelsVertical( Top ); If ( TopMargin < GutterTop ) Then TopMargin := GutterTop; BottomMargin := InchesToPixelsVertical( Bottom ); If ( BottomMargin < GutterBottom ) Then BottomMargin := GutterBottom; LeftMargin := InchesToPixelsHorizontal( Left ); If ( LeftMargin < GutterLeft ) Then LeftMargin := GutterLeft; RightMargin := InchesToPixelsHorizontal( Right ); If ( RightMargin < GutterRight ) Then RightMargin := GutterRight; End; procedure TPrintObject.WriteLine( X:Single; Y:Single; Text:String ); { Write some text. The parameters represent inches from the left ('X') and top ('Y') margins. } var XPixels: Integer; YPixels: Integer; Begin { How many pixels are there in the inches represented by 'X'? } If ( X >= 0.0 ) Then XPixels := InchesToPixelsHorizontal( X ) Else XPixels := LeftMargin; If ( XPixels < GutterLeft ) Then XPixels := GutterLeft; { If there is a tab set, increase 'XPixels' by the amount of the tab } If ( CurrentTab > 0.0 ) Then Inc( XPixels,InchesToPixelsHorizontal(CurrentTab) ); { How many pixels are there in the inches represented by 'Y'? } If ( Y > -0.01 ) Then { Printing will occur at an absolute location from the top of the page. } Begin YPixels := InchesToPixelsVertical( Y ); If ( YPixels < GutterTop ) Then YPixels := GutterTop; If ( YPixels > TotalPageHeightPixels ) Then YPixels := TotalPageHeightPixels - GutterBottom; LastYPosition := Y; End; If ( Y = -1.0 ) Then { Write the text at the next line } Begin If ( AutoPaging = True ) Then Begin { If the next line we're going to write to exceeds beyond the bottom of the detail section, issue a new page } If ( LastYPosition + GetLineHeightInches > DetailBottom ) Then NewPage; End; YPixels := InchesToPixelsVertical( LastYPosition + GetLineHeightInches ); LastYPosition := LastYPosition + GetLineHeightInches; End; If ( Y = -2.0 ) Then { Write the text on the current line } YPixels := InchesToPixelsVertical( LastYPosition ); Printer.Canvas.TextOut( XPixels-GutterLeft,YPixels-GutterTop,Text ); End; procedure TPrintObject.WriteLineColumn( ColumnNumber:Word; Y:Single; Text:String ); { Write text, left aligned against the column represented by 'ColumnInformation[ColumnNumber]' } Begin WriteLine( ColumnInformation[ColumnNumber].XPosition,Y,Text ); End; procedure TPrintObject.WriteLineColumnRight( ColumnNumber:Word; Y:Single; Text:String ); { Write text, right aligned against the column represented by 'ColumnInformation[ColumnNumber]' } var PixelLength: Word; StartPixel: Word; Begin { How many pixels does the text in 'Text' require? } PixelLength := Printer.Canvas.TextWidth( Text ); { Calculate where printing should start } StartPixel := InchesToPixelsHorizontal( ColumnInformation[ColumnNumber].XPosition + ColumnInformation[ColumnNumber].Length ) - PixelLength; SetTab( 0.0 ); WriteLine( PixelsToInchesHorizontal(StartPixel),Y,Text ); SetTab( CurrentTab ); End; procedure TPrintObject.WriteLineRight( Y:Single; Text:String ); { Print a line of text right justified 'Y' inches from the top } var PixelLength: Word; StartPixel: Word; Begin { How many pixels does the text in 'Text' require? } PixelLength := Printer.Canvas.TextWidth( Text ); { Calculate where printing should start } StartPixel := (TotalPageWidthPixels-GutterLeft-GutterRight) - PixelLength; SetTab( 0.0 ); WriteLine( PixelsToInchesHorizontal(StartPixel),Y,Text ); SetTab( CurrentTab ); End; procedure TPrintObject.WriteLineCenter( Y:Single; Text:String ); { Print a line of text centered at Y inches from the top } var PixelLength: Integer; StartPixel: Integer; Begin { How many pixels does the text in 'Text' require? } PixelLength := Printer.Canvas.TextWidth( Text ); { Calculate where printing should start } StartPixel := ((GutterLeft+(TotalPageWidthPixels-GutterRight)) Div 2) - (PixelLength Div 2); SetTab( 0.0 ); WriteLine( PixelsToInchesHorizontal(StartPixel),Y,Text ); SetTab( CurrentTab ); End; procedure TPrintObject.WriteLineColumnCenter( ColumnNumber:Word; Y:Single; Text:String ); { Print a line of text centered within the column number represented by 'ColumnNumber', at Y inches from the top } var PixelLength: Integer; StartPixel: Integer; Pixels: Integer; Begin { How many pixels does the text in 'Text' require? } PixelLength := Printer.Canvas.TextWidth( Text ); { Calculate where printing should start } Pixels := InchesToPixelsHorizontal( ColumnInformation[ColumnNumber].Length ); StartPixel := (InchesToPixelsHorizontal( ColumnInformation[ColumnNumber].Length ) Div 2) + InchesToPixelsHorizontal(ColumnInformation[ColumnNumber].XPosition) - (PixelLength Div 2); SetTab( 0.0 ); WriteLine( PixelsToInchesHorizontal(StartPixel),Y,Text ); SetTab( CurrentTab ); End; procedure TPrintObject.DrawLine( TopX:Single; TopY:Single; BottomX:Single; BottomY:Single; LineWidth:Word ); { Draw a line beginning at a particular X,Y coordinate and ending at a particular X,Y coordinate. } var TopXPixels, BottomXPixels, TopYPixels, BottomYPixels: Integer; Begin TopXPixels := InchesToPixelsHorizontal( TopX ); BottomXPixels := InchesToPixelsHorizontal( BottomX ); TopYPixels := InchesToPixelsVertical( TopY ); BottomYPixels := InchesToPixelsVertical( BottomY ); Dec( TopXPixels,GutterLeft ); Dec( BottomXPixels,GutterLeft ); Dec( TopYPixels,GutterTop ); Dec( BottomYPixels,GutterTop ); Printer.Canvas.Pen.Width := LineWidth; Printer.Canvas.MoveTo( TopXPixels,TopYPixels ); Printer.Canvas.LineTo( BottomXPixels,BottomYPixels ); End; procedure TPrintObject.SetFontInformation( Name:String; Size:Word; Style: TFontStyles ); { Change the current font information } Begin Printer.Canvas.Font.Name := Name; Printer.Canvas.Font.Size := Size; Printer.Canvas.Font.Style := Style; CalculateMeasurements; End; function TPrintObject.GetFontName: String; { Return the current font name } Begin Result := Printer.Canvas.Font.Name; End; function TPrintObject.GetFontSize: Word; { Return the current font size } Begin Result := Printer.Canvas.Font.Size; End; procedure TPrintObject.SetOrientation( Orient: TPrinterOrientation ); Begin Printer.Orientation := Orient; CalculateMeasurements; End; function TPrintObject.CalculateLineHeight: Integer; { Calculate the height of a line plus the normal amount of space between each line } Begin Result := TextMetrics.tmHeight + TextMetrics.tmExternalLeading; End; procedure TPrintObject.NewPage; { Issue a new page } Begin WriteHeader; WriteFooter; WritePageNumber; LastYPosition := DetailTop - GetLineHeightInches; Printer.NewPage; End; function TPrintObject.GetPageNumber; { Return the current page number } Begin Result := Printer.PageNumber; End; function TPrintObject.GetTextWidth( Text:String ): Integer; { Return the width of the text contained in 'Text' in pixels } Begin Result := Printer.Canvas.TextWidth( Text ); End; function TPrintObject.GetLineHeightPixels: Word; Begin Result := CalculateLineHeight; End; function TPrintObject.GetLineHeightInches: Single; Begin Result := PixelsToInchesVertical( GetLineHeightPixels ); End; procedure TPrintObject._DrawBox( XTop:Word; YTop:Word; XBottom:Word; YBottom:Word; LineWidth:Word; Shading:Word ); { The low level routine which actually draws the box and shades it as desired. The paramaters are in pixels and not inches. } Begin Printer.Canvas.Pen.Width := LineWidth; Printer.Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB( Shading,Shading,Shading ); Printer.Canvas.Rectangle( XTop,YTop,XBottom,YBottom ); End; procedure TPrintObject.DrawBox( XTop:Single; YTop:Single; XBottom:Single; YBottom:Single; LineWidth:Word ); { Draw a box at the X,Y coordinates passed in the parameters } var BLinePixels,BColPixels,ELinePixels,EColPixels: Integer; Begin BLinePixels := InchesToPixelsVertical( YTop ) - GutterTop; ELinePixels := InchesToPixelsVertical( YBottom ) - GutterTop; BColPixels := InchesToPixelsHorizontal( XTop ) - GutterLeft; EColPixels := InchesToPixelsHorizontal( XBottom ) - GutterLeft; _DrawBox( BColPixels,BLinePixels,EColPixels,ELinePixels,LineWidth,255 ); End; procedure TPrintObject.DrawBoxShaded( XTop:Single; YTop:Single; XBottom:Single; YBottom:Single; LineWidth:Word; Shading:Word ); { Draw a box at the X,Y coordinates passed in the parameters } var BLinePixels,BColPixels,ELinePixels,EColPixels: Integer; Begin BLinePixels := InchesToPixelsVertical( YTop ) - GutterTop; ELinePixels := InchesToPixelsVertical( YBottom ) - GutterTop; BColPixels := InchesToPixelsHorizontal( XTop ) - GutterLeft; EColPixels := InchesToPixelsHorizontal( XBottom ) - GutterLeft; _DrawBox( BColPixels,BLinePixels,EColPixels,ELinePixels,LineWidth,Shading ); End; function TPrintObject.GetLinesPerPage: Integer; { Return the number of lines on the entire page } Begin Result := (TotalPageHeightPixels - GutterTop - GutterBottom) Div CalculateLineHeight; End; function TPrintObject.GetLinesInDetailArea: Word; { Return the number of lines in the detail area } Begin Result := InchesToPixelsVertical( DetailBottom - DetailTop ) Div CalculateLineHeight; End; procedure TPrintObject.GetPixelsPerInch( var X:Word; var Y:Word ); Begin X := PixelsPerInchHorizontal; Y := PixelsPerInchVertical; End; procedure TPrintObject.GetPixelsPerPage( var X:Word; var Y:Word ); Begin X := TotalPageWidthPixels - GutterLeft - GutterRight; Y := TotalPageHeightPixels - GutterTop - GutterBottom; End; procedure TPrintObject.GetGutter( var Top:Word; var Bottom:Word; var Left:Word; var Right:Word ); Begin Top := GutterTop; Bottom := GutterBottom; Left := GutterLeft; Right := GutterRight; End; procedure TPrintObject.Abort; Begin Printer.Abort; End; function TPrintObject.GetColumnsPerLine: Integer; { How many columns are there in a Line? } var Pixels: Integer; Begin Pixels := TotalPageWidthPixels - GutterLeft - GutterRight; Result := Pixels Div Printer.Canvas.TextWidth( 'B' ); End; function TPrintObject.InchesToPixelsHorizontal( Inches: Single ): Integer; { Convert the horizontal inches represented in 'Inches' to pixels } var Value: Single; Buffer: String; I: Integer; Begin Value := Inches * PixelsPerInchHorizontal; Buffer := FloatToStr( Value ); { If there is a decimal point in 'Buffer', remove it. } I := 1; While( (Buffer[I] <> '.') And (I <= Length(Buffer)) ) Do Inc( I ); Buffer[0] := Chr( I-1 ); Result := StrToInt( Buffer ); End; function TPrintObject.InchesToPixelsVertical( Inches: Single ): Integer; { Convert the vertical inches represented in 'Inches' to pixels } var Value: Single; Buffer: String; I: Integer; Begin Value := Inches * PixelsPerInchVertical; Buffer := FloatToStr( Value ); { If there is a decimal point in 'Buffer', remove it. } I := 1; While( (Buffer[I] <> '.') And (I <= Length(Buffer)) ) Do Inc( I ); Buffer[0] := Chr( I-1 ); Result := StrToInt( Buffer ); End; function TPrintObject.PixelsToInchesHorizontal( Pixels: Integer ): Single; Begin Result := Pixels / PixelsPerInchHorizontal; End; function TPrintObject.PixelsToInchesVertical( Pixels: Integer ): Single; Begin Result := Pixels / PixelsPerInchVertical; End; function TPrintObject.LinesToPixels( Line:Integer ): Integer; { Calculate the number of vertical pixels in 'Line' } Begin If ( Line <= 0 ) Then Line := 1; Result := (Line-1) * CalculateLineHeight; End; procedure TPrintObject.SetLineWidth( Width:Word ); Begin Printer.Canvas.Pen.Width := Width; End; function TPrintObject.GetLineWidth: Word; Begin Result := Printer.Canvas.Pen.Width; End; procedure TPrintObject.CalculateMeasurements; { Calculate some necessary measurements. Thanks to Robert Fabiszak CompuServe: 70304,2047 for the Escape() Windows API calls. } var pt: TPoint; Begin { Call the Windows API function GetTextMetrics() to get the specifics of the particular font. } GetTextMetrics( Printer.Canvas.Handle,TextMetrics ); { Calculate the number of pixels per inch vertical and horizontal. 'GetDeviceCaps' is a Windows API call. } PixelsPerInchVertical := GetDeviceCaps( Printer.Handle,LOGPIXELSY ); PixelsPerInchHorizontal := GetDeviceCaps( Printer.Handle,LOGPIXELSX ); { Get the gutter on the left and top. 'Escape' is a Windows API call. } Escape( Printer.Canvas.Handle,GETPRINTINGOFFSET,0,Nil,@pt ); GutterLeft := pt.X; GutterTop := pt.Y; Escape( Printer.Canvas.Handle,GETPHYSPAGESIZE,0,Nil,@pt ); TotalPageWidthPixels := pt.X; TotalPageHeightPixels := pt.Y; TotalPageWidthInches := pt.X / PixelsPerInchHorizontal; TotalPageHeightInches := pt.Y / PixelsPerInchVertical; GutterRight := TotalPageWidthPixels - GutterLeft - Printer.PageWidth; GutterBottom := TotalPageHeightPixels - GutterTop - Printer.PageHeight; If ( TopMargin < GutterTop ) Then TopMargin := GutterTop; If ( BottomMargin < GutterBottom ) Then BottomMargin := GutterBottom; If ( LeftMargin < GutterLeft ) Then LeftMargin := GutterLeft; If ( RightMargin < GutterRight ) Then RightMargin := GutterRight; End; procedure TPrintObject.SetHeaderInformation( Line:Integer; YPosition: Single; Text:String; Alignment:Word; FontName:String; FontSize: Word; FontStyle: TFontStyles ); Begin If ( Line > HeaderLines ) Then Exit; Header[Line].Text := Text; Header[Line].YPosition := YPosition; Header[Line].Alignment := Alignment; Header[Line].FontName := FontName; Header[Line].FontSize := FontSize; Header[Line].FontStyle := FontStyle; End; procedure TPrintObject.SetFooterInformation( Line:Integer; YPosition: Single; Text:String; Alignment:Word; FontName:String; FontSize: Word; FontStyle: TFontStyles ); Begin If ( Line > FooterLines ) Then Exit; Footer[Line].Text := Text; Footer[Line].YPosition := YPosition; Footer[Line].Alignment := Alignment; Footer[Line].FontName := FontName; Footer[Line].FontSize := FontSize; Footer[Line].FontStyle := FontStyle; End; procedure TPrintObject.WriteHeader; { If any headers are defined, write them } var I: Integer; Begin SaveCurrentFont; For I := 1 To HeaderLines Do Begin If ( Length(Header[I].Text) > 0 ) Then Begin With Header[I] Do Begin SetFontInformation( FontName,FontSize,FontStyle ); If ( Alignment = 0 ) Then WriteLine( LeftMargin, YPosition, Text ); If ( Alignment = 1 ) Then WriteLineCenter( YPosition, Text ); If ( Alignment = 2 ) Then WriteLineRight( YPosition, Text ); End; End; RestoreCurrentFont; End; { Does the user desire a box around the header? } If ( HeaderCoordinates.Boxed = True ) Then Begin If ( HeaderCoordinates.Shading > 0 ) Then DrawBoxShaded( HeaderCoordinates.XTop,HeaderCoordinates.YTop,HeaderCoordinates.XBottom, HeaderCoordinates.YBottom,HeaderCoordinates.LineWidth,HeaderCoordinates.Shading) Else DrawBox( HeaderCoordinates.XTop,HeaderCoordinates.YTop,HeaderCoordinates.XBottom, HeaderCoordinates.YBottom,HeaderCoordinates.LineWidth ); End; End; procedure TPrintObject.WriteFooter; { If any footers are defined, write them } var I: Integer; Temp: Boolean; Begin SaveCurrentFont; { Set 'AutoPaging' off. Otherwise the footer will not get written correctly. } Temp := AutoPaging; AutoPaging := False; For I := 1 To FooterLines Do Begin If ( Length(Footer[I].Text) > 0 ) Then Begin With Footer[I] Do Begin SetFontInformation( FontName,FontSize,FontStyle ); If ( Alignment = 0 ) Then WriteLine( LeftMargin, YPosition, Text ); If ( Alignment = 1 ) Then WriteLineCenter( YPosition, Text ); If ( Alignment = 2 ) Then WriteLineRight( YPosition, Text ); End; End; RestoreCurrentFont; End; { Does the user desire a box around the footer? } If ( FooterCoordinates.Boxed = True ) Then Begin If ( FooterCoordinates.Shading > 0 ) Then DrawBoxShaded( FooterCoordinates.XTop,FooterCoordinates.YTop,FooterCoordinates.XBottom, FooterCoordinates.YBottom,FooterCoordinates.LineWidth,FooterCoordinates.Shading ) Else DrawBox( FooterCoordinates.XTop,FooterCoordinates.YTop,FooterCoordinates.XBottom, FooterCoordinates.YBottom,FooterCoordinates.LineWidth ); End; AutoPaging := Temp; End; procedure TPrintObject.SaveCurrentFont; Begin CurrentFontName := Printer.Canvas.Font.Name; CurrentFontSize := Printer.Canvas.Font.Size; CurrentFontStyle := Printer.Canvas.Font.Style; End; procedure TPrintObject.RestoreCurrentFont; Begin SetFontInformation( CurrentFontName,CurrentFontSize,CurrentFontStyle ); End; procedure TPrintObject.SetDetailTopBottom( Top: Single; Bottom: Single ); Begin DetailTop := Top; DetailBottom := Bottom; LastYPosition := Top - GetLineHeightInches; End; procedure TPrintObject.SetAutoPaging( Value: Boolean ); Begin AutoPaging := Value; End; procedure TPrintObject.SetPageNumberInformation( YPosition:Single; Text:String; Alignment:Word; FontName:String; FontSize:Word; FontStyle:TFontStyles ); Begin PageNumber.Text := Text; PageNumber.YPosition := YPosition; PageNumber.Alignment := Alignment; PageNumber.FontName := FontName; PageNumber.FontSize := FontSize; PageNumber.FontStyle := FontStyle; End; procedure TPrintObject.WritePageNumber; var Buffer: String; Temp: Boolean; Begin Buffer := Format( PageNumber.Text,[Printer.PageNumber] ); SaveCurrentFont; SetFontInformation( PageNumber.FontName,PageNumber.FontSize,PageNumber.FontStyle ); Temp := AutoPaging; AutoPaging := False; If ( PageNumber.Alignment = 0 ) Then WriteLine( LeftMargin, PageNumber.YPosition, Buffer ); If ( PageNumber.Alignment = 1 ) Then WriteLineCenter( PageNumber.YPosition, Buffer ); If ( PageNumber.Alignment = 2 ) Then WriteLineRight( PageNumber.YPosition, Buffer ); AutoPaging := Temp; RestoreCurrentFont; End; procedure TPrintObject.SetTab( Inches:Single ); Begin CurrentTab := Inches; End; procedure TPrintObject.SetHeaderDimensions( XTop:Single; YTop:Single; XBottom:Single; YBottom:Single; Boxed: Boolean; LineWidth:Word; Shading:Word ); Begin HeaderCoordinates.XTop := XTop; HeaderCoordinates.XBottom := XBottom; HeaderCoordinates.YTop := YTop; HeaderCoordinates.YBottom := YBottom; HeaderCoordinates.Boxed := Boxed; HeaderCoordinates.LineWidth := LineWidth; HeaderCoordinates.Shading := Shading; End; procedure TPrintObject.SetFooterDimensions( XTop:Single; YTop:Single; XBottom:Single; YBottom:Single; Boxed: Boolean; LineWidth:Word; Shading:Word ); Begin FooterCoordinates.XTop := XTop; FooterCoordinates.XBottom := XBottom; FooterCoordinates.YTop := YTop; FooterCoordinates.YBottom := YBottom; FooterCoordinates.Boxed := Boxed; FooterCoordinates.LineWidth := LineWidth; FooterCoordinates.Shading := Shading; End; procedure TPrintObject.CreateColumn( Number:Word; XPosition:Single; Length:Single ); Begin ColumnInformation[Number].XPosition := XPosition; ColumnInformation[Number].Length := Length; End; procedure TPrintObject.SetYPosition( YPosition:Single ); Begin LastYPosition := YPosition; End; function TPrintObject.GetYPosition: Single; Begin Result := LastYPosition; End; procedure TPrintObject.NextLine; Begin LastYPosition := LastYPosition + GetLineHeightInches; End; function TPrintObject.GetLinesLeft: Word; { Return the number of lines left in the detail area } var Lines: Single; Buffer: String[20]; I: Word; Begin Lines := (DetailBottom - LastYPosition) / GetLineHeightInches; Buffer := FloatToStr( Lines ); { Buffer contains the number of lines left as a floating point number. Find the decimal and truncate the string at that point. So, if there are 2.99 lines left, 2 will be returned. Better to be conservative. } For I := 1 To Length(Buffer) Do Begin If ( Buffer[I] = '.' ) Then Begin Buffer[0] := Chr(I-1); Break; End; End; Result := StrToInt( Buffer ); End; procedure TPrintObject.SetTopOfPage; Begin LastYPosition := DetailTop; End; procedure TPrintObject.NewLines( Number:Word ); { Generate the number of line feeds represented in 'Number' } var I: Word; Begin For I := 1 To Number Do NextLine; End; end. {******* demo.pas *******} unit Demo; interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, Mask, DBCtrls, Menus, PrnMain; const LeftMargin = 0.5; RightMargin = 0.5; TopMargin = 0.5; BottomMargin = 0.5; type TPrintForm = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; PixelsPerInch: TPanel; PixelsPerPage: TPanel; Gutters: TPanel; LineHeight: TPanel; FontInformation: TPanel; LinesInDetailArea: TPanel; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var PrintForm: TPrintForm; Prn: TPrintObject; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TPrintForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Buffer: String; Code: String[10]; ECHOCode: String[10]; HeaderLine: Boolean; I: Word; Begin { Define the dimensions of the header area. I want the header area lightly shaded. If I wanted no shading, the last parameter would be 255. } with prn do begin SetHeaderDimensions( 0.25,0.25,8.25,1.25,True,0,225 ); { Define two header lines } SetHeaderInformation( 1,0.5,'This is header line number 1',1,'Arial',14,[fsBold] ); SetHeaderInformation( 2,1.0,DateToStr(Date),1,'Arial',11,[] ); { Define the dimensions of the footer area. I want the footer area lightly shaded. If I wanted no shading, the last parameter would be 255. } SetFooterDimensions( 0.25,9.40,8.25,10.20,True,0,225 ); { Define two footer lines } SetFooterInformation( 1,9.5,'This is footer line number 1',1,'Arial',14,[fsBold] ); SetFooterInformation( 2,9.85,'This is footer line number 2',1,'Arial',12,[fsBold] ); { I would like page numbering, right justified on the very bottom of the page. } SetPageNumberInformation( 10.25,'Page: %d',2,'Arial',9,[fsBold] ); { Set the current position to the top of the detail area } SetTopOfPage; { Write three lines, the first left justified, the second centered and the third right justified. The first line gets printed two inches from the top. The next two lines get printed at the next line from the previous line. The '-1' for the first parameter indicates that printing should be on the next line. If '-2' is passed as a parameter, printing would occur on the current line. } WriteLine( -1.0,2.0,'This is a line left justified' ); WriteLineCenter( -1.0,'This is a line centered' ); WriteLineRight( -1.0,'This is a line right justified' ); { Create five columns. The first parameter is the column number, the second parameter is the location in inches from the left and the third parameter is the length in inches. } CreateColumn( 1,0.25,1.5 ); CreateColumn( 2,1.80,1.5 ); CreateColumn( 3,3.35,1.5 ); CreateColumn( 4,4.90,1.5 ); CreateColumn( 5,6.50,1.5 ); { Start writing column text (left justified) at three inches from the top } SetYPosition( 3.0 ); For I := 1 To 10 Do Begin { The first parameter of 'WriteLineColumn' is the column number and the second parameter indicates that printing should occur on the current line (in this case, three inches from the top). If the second parameter was -1, printing would occur on the next line. } WriteLineColumn( 1,-2,Format('Column 1, Line %d',[I]) ); WriteLineColumn( 2,-2,Format('Column 2, Line %d',[I]) ); WriteLineColumn( 3,-2,Format('Column 3, Line %d',[I]) ); WriteLineColumn( 4,-2,Format('Column 4, Line %d',[I]) ); WriteLineColumn( 5,-2,Format('Column 5, Line %d',[I]) ); { Generate a line feed } NextLine; End; { Start writing column text (right justified) at six inches from the top } SetYPosition( 5.0 ); For I := 1 To 10 Do Begin WriteLineColumnRight( 1,-2,Format('Column 1, Line %d',[I]) ); WriteLineColumnRight( 2,-2,Format('Column 2, Line %d',[I]) ); WriteLineColumnRight( 3,-2,Format('Column 3, Line %d',[I]) ); WriteLineColumnRight( 4,-2,Format('Column 4, Line %d',[I]) ); WriteLineColumnRight( 5,-2,Format('Column 5, Line %d',[I]) ); NextLine; End; { Start writing column text (centered) at seven inches from the top } SetYPosition( 7.0 ); For I := 1 To 10 Do Begin WriteLineColumnCenter( 1,-2,Format('Column 1, Line %d',[I]) ); WriteLineColumnCenter( 2,-2,Format('Column 2, Line %d',[I]) ); WriteLineColumnCenter( 3,-2,Format('Column 3, Line %d',[I]) ); WriteLineColumnCenter( 4,-2,Format('Column 4, Line %d',[I]) ); WriteLineColumnCenter( 5,-2,Format('Column 5, Line %d',[I]) ); NextLine; End; { Start a new page } NewPage; { Change the font information } SetFontInformation( 'Courier',20,[fsBold,fsUnderline] ); For I := 1 To 10 Do WriteLine( LeftMargin,-1,Format('This is line %d',[I]) ); { Set a tab of .5 inches } SetTab( 0.5 ); { Change the font information } SetFontInformation( 'Arial',10,[fsItalic] ); NextLine; For I := 1 To 10 Do { Since a tab of .5 is set, this text will actually get printed at 1.0 inches from the left } WriteLine( LeftMargin,-1,Format('This is line %d',[I]) ); { Draw some lines of varying thickness } DrawLine( 2.5,5.0,6.0,8.5,5 ); DrawLine( 6.2,5.2,3.0,8.7,20 ); { We're all done. Always call 'Quit' } Quit; Free; Exit; end; End; procedure TPrintForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var X,Y: Word; Top,Bottom,Left,Right: Word; Begin { Create a TPrintObject } Prn := TPrintObject.Create; with prn do begin { Must always call 'Start' first thing } Start; { Set left, right, top and bottom margins - in inches } SetMargins( LeftMargin,RightMargin,TopMargin,BottomMargin ); { Define what the 'detail' section dimensions will be. The detail section is the space between the header and the footer areas. } SetDetailTopBottom( 1.4,9.4 ); { Set default information } SetFontInformation( 'Arial',11,[] ); GetPixelsPerInch( X,Y ); PixelsPerInch.Caption := Format( 'Pixels Per Inch X: %d Y: %d',[X,Y] ); GetPixelsPerPage( X,Y ); PixelsPerPage.Caption := Format( 'Pixels Per Page X: %d Y: %d',[X,Y] ); GetGutter( Top,Bottom,Left,Right ); Gutters.Caption := Format( 'Gutters Top: %d Bottom: %d Left: %d Right: %d',[Top,Bottom,Left,Right] ); LineHeight.Caption := Format( 'Height of Each Line: %d',[GetLineHeightPixels] ); FontInformation.Caption := Format( 'Font Name: %s Font Size: %d',[GetFontName,GetFontSize] ); LinesInDetailArea.Caption := Format( 'Lines in Detail Area: %d',[GetLinesInDetailArea] ); end; {with} End; procedure TPrintForm.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); Begin Close; Halt; End; end. {******* project.dpr *******} program Project; uses Forms, Prnmain in 'PRNMAIN.PAS', Demo in 'DEMO.PAS' {PrintForm}; {$R *.RES} begin Application.CreateForm(TPrintForm, PrintForm); Application.Run; end. {******* demo.dfm *******} object PrintForm: TPrintForm Left = 104 Top = 90 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu] BorderStyle = bsDialog Caption = 'Print Demonstration' ClientHeight = 317 ClientWidth = 427 Color = clSilver Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'System' Font.Style = [] PixelsPerInch = 96 Position = poScreenCenter OnCreate = FormCreate TextHeight = 16 object Button1: TButton Left = 276 Top = 270 Width = 61 Height = 33 Caption = '&Print' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = Button1Click end object Button2: TButton Left = 342 Top = 270 Width = 61 Height = 33 Cancel = True Caption = '&Cancel' ModalResult = 2 TabOrder = 1 OnClick = Button2Click end object PixelsPerInch: TPanel Left = 6 Top = 12 Width = 415 Height = 25 TabOrder = 2 end object PixelsPerPage: TPanel Left = 6 Top = 42 Width = 415 Height = 25 TabOrder = 3 end object Gutters: TPanel Left = 6 Top = 72 Width = 415 Height = 25 TabOrder = 4 end object LineHeight: TPanel Left = 6 Top = 102 Width = 415 Height = 25 TabOrder = 5 end object FontInformation: TPanel Left = 6 Top = 132 Width = 415 Height = 25 TabOrder = 6 end object LinesInDetailArea: TPanel Left = 6 Top = 162 Width = 415 Height = 25 TabOrder = 7 end end