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New styles in comctl32 dll

(*============================================================================* | The Internet Explorer release of COMCTL32.DLL introduced a number of new | | styles. These aren't documented anywhere yet by Microsoft, although they | | do appear in the latest COMMCTRL.H supplied with VC4.2. The styles mostly | | only work when the ViewStyle property is set to vsReport. | | | | The new styles are: | | GridLines Displays thin, gray, horizontal and vertical lines | | separating rows and columns. | | | | SubItemImages Displays images against sub-items as well as items. | | | | CheckBoxes Displays a check box at the start of each row. | | | | TrackSelect Colours the item as you drag the mouse over it. | | Automatically selects the item if you leave the mouse | | on it. | | | | HeaderDragDrop Enables drag/drop from the report header. | | | | FullRowSelect Highlights the entire row when you select it instead of | | just the first column data. | | | | OneClickActivate ?? | | TwoClickActivate ?? | | | | Note that this component doesn't do anything except set the appropriate | | styles - so some styles may not be particularly useful. | | | | Colin Wilson., or | *============================================================================*) unit cmpExtendedListView; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ComCtrls; const LVM_FIRST = $1000; LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE = LVM_FIRST + 54; type TExtendedStyles = (lvexGridLines, lvexSubItemImages, lvexCheckBoxes, lvexTrackSelect, lvexHeaderDragDrop, lvexFullRowSelect, lvexOneClickActivate, lvexTwoClickActivate); TExtendedStyleRange = lvexGridLines..lvexTwoClickActivate; TExtendedStyleSet = set of TExtendedStyleRange; const LVS_EX_Styles : array [TExtendedStyleRange] of Integer = ( $00000001, $00000002, $00000004, $00000008, $00000010, $00000020, $00000040, $00000080); type TExtendedListView = class(TListView) private fExtendedStyle : TExtendedStyleSet; procedure SetExtendedStyle (value : TExtendedStyleSet); protected procedure CreateWnd; override; published property ExtendedStyle : TExtendedStyleSet read fExtendedStyle write SetExtendedStyle; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure TExtendedListView.SetExtendedStyle (value : TExtendedStyleSet); var exStyle : Integer; i : TExtendedStyleRange; begin if HandleAllocated then begin exStyle := 0; for i := Low (TExtendedStyleRange) to High (TExtendedStyleRange) do if i in value then exStyle := exStyle or LVS_EX_STYLES [i]; SendMessage(Handle, LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE, 0, exStyle) end; fExtendedStyle := value; Refresh end; procedure TExtendedListView.CreateWnd; begin inherited CreateWnd; SetExtendedStyle (fExtendedStyle); end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Samples', [TExtendedListView]); end; end.