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Network interface for delphi

(* I hope somebody finds the following code useful. This code has been adapted from ALLSWAG. It returns the Network station number, user name and full name. I have tested it with Novell Netware 3.12 and WFW. At least I hope this will save some of you some time. It took me some time to figure out exactly how to get it done. (Now it appears clearer :)) Even if you don't understand the details, you can still use the functions. For the sake of those like me, who are new to the language: You can copy the code in between the dotted lines and put it in a file and use it as a unit. *) unit General; interface function StationNumber:byte; Function GetNetUserName : String; Function GetNetFullName(User_Name : String) : String; implementation function StationNumber:byte; { MY logical Station(connection)-Number } var RetVal : Byte; begin asm MOV AH, $DC; INT 21H MOV RetVal, AL; end; Result := Retval; end; Function GetNetUserName : String; var Request : record { Request buffer for "Get Conn Info" } Len : Word; { Buffer length - 2 } Func : Byte; { Subfunction number ( = $16 ) } Conn : Byte { Connection number to be researched } end; Reply : record { Reply buffer for "Get Conn Info" } Len : Word; { Buffer length - 2 } ID : Longint; { Object ID (hi-lo order) } Obj : Word; { Object type (hi-lo order again) } Name : array[ 1..48 ] of Byte; { Object name as ASCII string } Time : array[ 1.. 7 ] of Byte; { Y, M, D, Hr, Min, Sec, DOW } { Y < 80 is in the next century } { DOW = 0 -> 6, Sunday -> Saturday } Filler : Byte { Call screws up without this! } end; W : Word; RetVal : Byte; begin { "Get Connection Information" } with Request do { Initialize request buffer: } begin Len := 2; { Buffer length, } Func := $16; { API function, } Conn := StationNumber { Returned in previous call! } end; Reply.Len := SizeOf( Reply ) - 2; { Initialize reply buffer length } asm push ds push ss push es MOV AH, $E3; { Connection Services API call } LEA SI, Request { Location of request buffer } PUSH SS POP DS LEA DI, Reply { Location of reply buffer } PUSH SS POP ES INT 21H MOV RetVal, AL pop ES pop SS pop DS end; if ( RetVal = 0 ) { Success code returned in AL } and ( Hi( Reply.Obj ) = 1 ) { Obj of 1 is a user, } and ( Lo( Reply.Obj ) = 0 ) then { stored Hi-Lo } with Reply do begin Move( Name, Result[ 1 ], 48 ); { Convert ASCIIZ to string } Result[ 0 ] := #48; W := 1; while ( Result[ W ] <> #0 ) and ( W < 48 ) do Inc( W ); Result[ 0 ] := Char( W - 1 ) end else Result := '' end; Function GetNetFullName(User_Name : String) : String; Type RequestBuffer = Record RequestBufferLength : Word; Code : Byte; ObjectType : Word; ObjectNameLength : Byte; ObjectName : Array[1..48] of char; SegmentNumber : Byte; PropertyNameLength : Byte; PropertyName : Array[1..15] of char; end; ReplyBuffer = Record ReplyBufferLength : Word; PropertyValue : Array[1..128] of char; MoreSegments : Byte; PropertyFlags : Byte; end; Var Request : RequestBuffer; Reply : ReplyBuffer; PropertyName : String[15]; Counter : Byte; Temp : String[128]; begin PropertyName := 'IDENTIFICATION'; Request.RequestBufferLength := SizeOf(Request) - 2; Request.Code := $3D; Request.SegmentNumber := 1; Request.ObjectType := $0100; Request.ObjectNameLength := SizeOf(Request.ObjectName); FillChar(Request.ObjectName, SizeOf(Request.ObjectName), #0); For Counter := 1 to length(User_Name) do Request.ObjectName[Counter] := User_Name[Counter]; Request.PropertyNameLength := SizeOf(Request.PropertyName); FillChar(Request.PropertyName, SizeOf(Request.PropertyName), #0); For Counter := 1 to Length(PropertyName) do Request.PropertyName[Counter] := PropertyName[Counter]; Reply.ReplyBufferLength := SizeOf(Reply) - 2; asm PUSH SS PUSH DS MOV AH, $E3; LEA SI, Request PUSH SS POP DS LEA DI,Reply PUSH SS POP ES INT 21H POP DS POP SS end; Temp := ''; Counter := 1; While (Reply.PropertyValue[Counter] <> #0) do begin Temp := Temp + Reply.PropertyValue[Counter]; inc(Counter); end; Result := Temp; end; end. -------------Code Ends------------------------ Sajan Thomas Computer and Communication Services Department Milwaukee School of Engineering Milwaukee, WI 53202 Tel. (414)-277-7498 (Internet Address: THOMAS@MSOE.EDU) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a function to get the login date and time from Netware. The function returns the result in TDateTime format, which can be formatted with any of the built-in routines. e.g. DateString := FormatDateTime('"I logged in on" dddd, mmmm d, yyyy, ' + '"at" hh:mm AM/PM', GetLoginTime(stationnumber)); returns the login date and time for the current user. ( It uses the StationNumber function that I posted yesterday). You can find out the login date and time for any station, provided you _know_ the station number. The results of the function when supplied a non-existant station number is unpredictable!! Again, this function has been adapted from material found in the ALLSWAG.ZIP file. Hope this helps someone. Enjoy, Sajan. ----code begins-------------------- Function GetLoginTime(LogicalStationNo: Integer):TDateTime; Var I,X : Integer; RequestBuffer : Record PacketLength : Integer; FunctionVal : Byte; ConnectionNo : Byte; end; ReplyBuffer : Record ReturnLength : Integer; UniqueID1 : Packed Array [1..2] of Byte; UniqueID2 : Packed Array [1..2] of Byte; ConnType : Packed Array [1..2] of Byte; ObjectName : Packed Array [1..48] of Byte; LoginTime : Packed Array [1..8] of Byte; end; Month : String[3]; Year, Day, Hour, Minute : String[2]; retval : byte; Begin With RequestBuffer Do begin PacketLength := 2; FunctionVal := 22; { 22 = Get Station Info } ConnectionNo := LogicalStationNo; end; ReplyBuffer.ReturnLength := 62; asm push ds push ss mov ah, $e3; lea SI, RequestBuffer push ss pop ds lea di, ReplyBuffer push ss pop es int 21h mov retval, al pop ss pop ds end; if RetVal = 0 then begin With ReplyBuffer Do begin Str(LoginTime[1]:2,Year); Str(LoginTime[2], Month); Str(LoginTime[3]:2,Day); Str(LoginTime[4]:2,Hour); Str(LoginTime[5]:2,Minute); if Day[1] = ' ' then Day[1] := '0'; if Hour[1] = ' ' then Hour[1] := '0'; if Minute[1] = ' ' then Minute[1] := '0'; Result := StrToDateTime(Month+'/'+Day+'/'+Year+' ' + Hour + ':' + Minute); end { With }; end; End; ----------code ends----------------- Sajan Thomas Computer and Communication Services Department Milwaukee School of Engineering Milwaukee, WI 53202 Tel. (414)-277-7498 (Internet Address: THOMAS@MSOE.EDU) unit Netapi; interface type TFileServerName = array [0..48] of char; TNodeAddress = record nodeHi : longint; nodeLo : Integer; end; Function GetConnectionNumber:Longint; Function GetConnectionID(fileServerName:TFileServerName; var connectionID:integer):Integer; Function GetDefaultConnectionID:Integer; Procedure GetFileServerName(connID:integer; var fileservername:TFileServerName); Function GetInternetAddress(connectionNumber : longint; var networkNumber: longint; var physicalNodeAddress:TNodeAddress; var socketNumber: integer):Integer; Function IntSwap(unswappedInteger : integer):Integer; Function LongSwap(unswappedLong : longint):Longint; Function GetNetworkNumber : String; Function GetNodeAddress : String; {Call example: FileServerName(GetDefaultConnectionID) } Function FileServerName(connID : integer) : String; implementation Uses SysUtils; Function GetInternetAddress; external 'NWNETAPI'; Function GetConnectionNumber; external 'NWNETAPI'; Function GetConnectionID; external 'NWNETAPI'; Function GetDefaultConnectionID; external 'NWNETAPI'; Procedure GetFileServerName; external 'NWNETAPI'; Function IntSwap; external 'NWNETAPI'; Function LongSwap; external 'NWNETAPI'; Function GetNetworkNumber : String; var networkno : longint; nodeaddr : TNodeAddress; socketno : integer; Begin GetInternetAddress(GetConnectionNumber,networkno, nodeaddr, socketno); Result := IntToHex(LongSwap(networkno), 1); End; Function GetNodeAddress : String; var networkno : longint; nodeaddr : TNodeAddress; socketno : integer; Begin GetInternetAddress(GetConnectionNumber,networkno, nodeaddr, socketno); Result := IntToHex(longswap(nodeaddr.nodehi), 1) + IntToHex(lo(nodeaddr.nodelo), 1) + IntToHex(hi(nodeaddr.nodelo), 1); End; Function FileServerName(connID : integer) : String; Var FSName : TFileServerName; Begin FillChar(FSName, 48, ' '); {need to initialize it} GetFileServerName(connID, FSName); Result := StrPas(FSName); End; end. ---------- code ends--------------- Enjoy, Sajan. Sajan Thomas Computer and Communication Services Department Milwaukee School of Engineering Milwaukee, WI 53202 Tel. (414)-277-7498 (Internet Address: THOMAS@MSOE.EDU)