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Neoturk forum - listbox içindeki elemanları sıralamak

" 9 Aralık 2005 15:01 Lidstbox'tekiler Harf sırasına göre Selam arkadaşlar listbox'taki elemanları harf ve sayı sırasına göre nasıl yaparım.Yardımcı olursanız çok sevinirim. delphiibo " cevap: merhaba delphiibo, listbox içindeki elemanları sıralatman için, listbox1.Sorted:=true; not: bu sıralatma gerçek bir sıralatma değildir. harf sırasına göre sıralar. sayıları gerçek olarak sıralamaz, alfabetik kurala göre sıralar. gerçek sıralama yaptırabilmen için, listbox1 içindeki elemanları bir diziye aktarıp, sıralatma algoritmasını kullanıp (hangisini istersen) tekrar sıralanmış verilerden listbox1 içine yerleştirmen aradığın tam çözüm olacaktır. aşağıda veri sıralama yöntemleri ( bubblesort-quicksort-shellsort-selectionsort) kodlarını gönderiyorum, biraz incele, kendine göre uyarlamaya çalış.... ********************************************************* ***** delphinin kendi sıralama örnekleri **************** ***** kaynak: **************** ***** C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi6\Demos\Threads **** ********************************************************* unit SortThds; interface uses Classes, Graphics, ExtCtrls; type { TSortThread } PSortArray = ^TSortArray; TSortArray = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(Integer) - 1] of Integer; TSortThread = class(TThread) private FBox: TPaintBox; FSortArray: PSortArray; FSize: Integer; FA, FB, FI, FJ: Integer; procedure DoVisualSwap; protected procedure Execute; override; procedure VisualSwap(A, B, I, J: Integer); procedure Sort(var A: array of Integer); virtual; abstract; public constructor Create(Box: TPaintBox; var SortArray: array of Integer); end; { TBubbleSort } TBubbleSort = class(TSortThread) protected procedure Sort(var A: array of Integer); override; end; { TSelectionSort } TSelectionSort = class(TSortThread) protected procedure Sort(var A: array of Integer); override; end; { TQuickSort } TQuickSort = class(TSortThread) protected procedure Sort(var A: array of Integer); override; end; procedure PaintLine(Canvas: TCanvas; I, Len: Integer); implementation procedure PaintLine(Canvas: TCanvas; I, Len: Integer); begin Canvas.PolyLine([Point(0, I * 2 + 1), Point(Len, I * 2 + 1)]); end; { TSortThread } constructor TSortThread.Create(Box: TPaintBox; var SortArray: array of Integer); begin FBox := Box; FSortArray := @SortArray; FSize := High(SortArray) - Low(SortArray) + 1; FreeOnTerminate := True; inherited Create(False); end; { Since DoVisualSwap uses a VCL component (i.e., the TPaintBox) it should never be called directly by this thread. DoVisualSwap should be called by passing it to the Synchronize method which causes DoVisualSwap to be executed by the main VCL thread, avoiding multi-thread conflicts. See VisualSwap for an example of calling Synchronize. } procedure TSortThread.DoVisualSwap; begin with FBox do begin Canvas.Pen.Color := clBtnFace; PaintLine(Canvas, FI, FA); PaintLine(Canvas, FJ, FB); Canvas.Pen.Color := clRed; PaintLine(Canvas, FI, FB); PaintLine(Canvas, FJ, FA); end; end; { VisusalSwap is a wrapper on DoVisualSwap making it easier to use. The parameters are copied to instance variables so they are accessable by the main VCL thread when it executes DoVisualSwap } procedure TSortThread.VisualSwap(A, B, I, J: Integer); begin FA := A; FB := B; FI := I; FJ := J; Synchronize(DoVisualSwap); end; { The Execute method is called when the thread starts } procedure TSortThread.Execute; begin Sort(Slice(FSortArray^, FSize)); end; { TBubbleSort } *********************************************** ********* BUBBLE SORT ÖRNEĞİ ****************** *********************************************** procedure TBubbleSort.Sort(var A: array of Integer); var I, J, T: Integer; begin for I := High(A) downto Low(A) do for J := Low(A) to High(A) - 1 do if A[J] > A[J + 1] then begin VisualSwap(A[J], A[J + 1], J, J + 1); T := A[J]; A[J] := A[J + 1]; A[J + 1] := T; if Terminated then Exit; end; end; { TSelectionSort } *********************************************** ********* SELECTION SORT ÖRNEĞİ *************** *********************************************** procedure TSelectionSort.Sort(var A: array of Integer); var I, J, T: Integer; begin for I := Low(A) to High(A) - 1 do for J := High(A) downto I + 1 do if A[I] > A[J] then begin VisualSwap(A[I], A[J], I, J); T := A[I]; A[I] := A[J]; A[J] := T; if Terminated then Exit; end; end; { TQuickSort } *********************************************** ********* QUICK SORT ÖRNEĞİ ****************** *********************************************** procedure TQuickSort.Sort(var A: array of Integer); procedure QuickSort(var A: array of Integer; iLo, iHi: Integer); var Lo, Hi, Mid, T: Integer; begin Lo := iLo; Hi := iHi; Mid := A[(Lo + Hi) div 2]; repeat while A[Lo] < Mid do Inc(Lo); while A[Hi] > Mid do Dec(Hi); if Lo <= Hi then begin VisualSwap(A[Lo], A[Hi], Lo, Hi); T := A[Lo]; A[Lo] := A[Hi]; A[Hi] := T; Inc(Lo); Dec(Hi); end; until Lo > Hi; if Hi > iLo then QuickSort(A, iLo, Hi); if Lo < iHi then QuickSort(A, Lo, iHi); if Terminated then Exit; end; begin QuickSort(A, Low(A), High(A)); end; end. *********************************************** ******* bubblesort örnek ********************** *********************************************** //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////(* Bubble Sorting Arrays - By Jason M. *)//////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (* This example was written at as a console app in delphi 6 if you want to use it in Turbo Pascal All you have to do is delete {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} and underneath Uses change SysUtils to Crt *) program Bubble; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils; Var Ary : array[1..10] of byte; InnerLoop : integer; Outerloop : integer; temp : integer; {The reason I use this temp is so I can swap the value in the array over. If I had the following: x := y; y := x; y will just wont get y because you assigned y to x and variables can only hold one Value :) So by using the Temp variable I can swap them over temp := x; x := y; y := temp;} begin randomize; for innerloop := 1 to 10 do begin ary[innerloop] := Random(100); writeln(ary[innerloop]); end; {assign some numbers to the array} {start sorting the array} for outerloop := 1 to 10 do begin for innerloop := outerloop to 10 do begin if ary[outerloop] > ary[innerloop] {To displa in decending order change > to <} then begin temp := ary[outerloop]; {enables me to swap the values over} ary[outerloop] := ary[innerloop]; {make the lowest value higher up in the the array} ary[innerloop] := temp; end;{end IF} end; {end inner loop} end;{end outer loop} writeln; writeln('press ENTER to view data in asscending order'); readln; for innerloop := 1 to 10 do begin writeln(ary[innerloop]); end; readln; end. *************************************************************** ********** quicksort componenti ve uygulama örneği ************ *************************************************************** unit Qsort; {TQSort by Mike Junkin 10/19/95. DoQSort routine adapted from Peter Szymiczek's QSort procedure which was presented in issue#8 of The Unofficial Delphi Newsletter.} interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs; type TSwapEvent = procedure (Sender : TObject; e1,e2 : word) of Object; TCompareEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; e1,e2 : word; var Action : integer) of Object; TQSort = class(TComponent) private FCompare : TCompareEvent; FSwap : TSwapEvent; public procedure DoQSort(Sender: TObject; uNElem: word); published property Compare : TCompareEvent read FCompare write FCompare; property Swap : TSwapEvent read FSwap write FSwap; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Mikes', [TQSort]); end; procedure TQSort.DoQSort(Sender: TObject; uNElem: word); { uNElem - number of elements to sort } procedure qSortHelp(pivotP: word; nElem: word); label TailRecursion, qBreak; var leftP, rightP, pivotEnd, pivotTemp, leftTemp: word; lNum: word; retval: integer; begin retval := 0; TailRecursion: if (nElem <= 2) then begin if (nElem = 2) then begin rightP := pivotP +1; FCompare(Sender,pivotP,rightP,retval); if (retval > 0) then Fswap(Sender,pivotP,rightP); end; exit; end; rightP := (nElem -1) + pivotP; leftP := (nElem shr 1) + pivotP; { sort pivot, left, and right elements for "median of 3" } FCompare(Sender,leftP,rightP,retval); if (retval > 0) then Fswap(Sender,leftP, rightP); FCompare(Sender,leftP,pivotP,retval); if (retval > 0) then Fswap(Sender,leftP, pivotP) else begin FCompare(Sender,pivotP,rightP,retval); if retval > 0 then Fswap(Sender,pivotP, rightP); end; if (nElem = 3) then begin Fswap(Sender,pivotP, leftP); exit; end; { now for the classic Horae algorithm } pivotEnd := pivotP + 1; leftP := pivotEnd; repeat FCompare(Sender,leftP, pivotP,retval); while (retval <= 0) do begin if (retval = 0) then begin Fswap(Sender,leftP, pivotEnd); Inc(pivotEnd); end; if (leftP < rightP) then Inc(leftP) else goto qBreak; FCompare(Sender,leftP, pivotP,retval); end; {while} while (leftP < rightP) do begin FCompare(Sender,pivotP, rightP,retval); if (retval < 0) then Dec(rightP) else begin FSwap(Sender,leftP, rightP); if (retval <> 0) then begin Inc(leftP); Dec(rightP); end; break; end; end; {while} until (leftP >= rightP); qBreak: FCompare(Sender,leftP,pivotP,retval); if (retval <= 0) then Inc(leftP); leftTemp := leftP -1; pivotTemp := pivotP; while ((pivotTemp < pivotEnd) and (leftTemp >= pivotEnd)) do begin Fswap(Sender,pivotTemp, leftTemp); Inc(pivotTemp); Dec(leftTemp); end; {while} lNum := (leftP - pivotEnd); nElem := ((nElem + pivotP) -leftP); if (nElem < lNum) then begin qSortHelp(leftP, nElem); nElem := lNum; end else begin qSortHelp(pivotP, lNum); pivotP := leftP; end; goto TailRecursion; end; {qSortHelp } begin if Assigned(FCompare) and Assigned(FSwap) then begin if (uNElem < 2) then exit; { nothing to sort } qSortHelp(1, uNElem); end; end; { QSort } end. { demo } *********************************************************** ********* QUCIKSORT KULLANARAK STRINGGRIDI SIRALAR ******** *********************************************************** unit Unit1; interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Grids, Qsort, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) QSort1: TQSort; StringGrid1: TStringGrid; Button1: TButton; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure QSort1Compare(Sender: TObject; e1, e2: Word; var Action: Integer); procedure QSort1Swap(Sender: TObject; e1, e2: Word); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin with StringGrid1 do begin Cells[1,1] := 'the'; Cells[1,2] := 'brown'; Cells[1,3] := 'dog'; Cells[1,4] := 'bit'; Cells[1,5] := 'me'; end; end; procedure TForm1.QSort1Compare(Sender: TObject; e1, e2: Word; var Action: Integer); begin with Sender as TStringGrid do begin if (Cells[1, e1] < Cells[1, e2]) then Action := -1 else if (Cells[1, e1] > Cells[1, e2]) then Action := 1 else Action := 0; end; {with} end; procedure TForm1.QSort1Swap(Sender: TObject; e1, e2: Word); var s: string[63]; { must be large enough to contain the longest string in the grid } i: integer; begin with Sender as TStringGrid do for i := 0 to ColCount -1 do begin s := Cells[i, e1]; Cells[i, e1] := Cells[i, e2]; Cells[i, e2] := s; end; {for} end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin QSort1.DoQSort(StringGrid1,STringGrid1.RowCount-1); end; end. ***************************************** ******* SHELL SORT ÖRNEK **************** ****************************************** Procedure Sort_Shell(var a: array of Word); var bis, i, j, k: LongInt; h: Word; begin bis := High(a); k := bis shr 1;// div 2 while k > 0 do begin for i := 0 to bis - k do begin j := i; while (j >= 0) and (a[j] > a[j + k]) do begin h := a[j]; a[j] := a[j + k]; a[j + k] := h; if j > k then Dec(j, k) else j := 0; end; // {end while] end; // { end for} k := k shr 1; // div 2 end; // {end while} end; saygılarımla_ neoturk_