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My Assertion Handler

Title: My Assertion Handler Question: How do you implement your own handler for assertion failures? Answer: program AssertDemo; { Copyright (c) 2001 by E.J.Molendijk Delphi Factory Netherlands BV This little program demonstrates the use of your own assertion handler. Check out the AssertErrorHandler() procedure in SysUtils.pas to see how borland has implemented their (far more complex) handler. } uses Dialogs; procedure MyAssertErrorHandler(const Message, Filename: string; LineNumber: Integer; ErrorAddr: Pointer); begin ShowMessageFmt( 'This is my own assertion handler for %s line %d: %s', [Filename, LineNumber, Message]); // you could save the information to a file or something... end; begin AssertErrorProc := @MyAssertErrorHandler; assert(false,'assertion failure test'); end.