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Multicolors in stringgrid

{ Hi Moris > Can anyon help me. I would like to alter the colour of a cell in a > stringgrid if certain criteria are met. Can this be done and if so how You have to write your own OnDrawCell procedure. Here is some code I wrote a while back that did the trick. It's too much but you might find something useful in there. } procedure TLongChart.StringGrid1DrawCell(Sender: TObject; Col, Row: Longint; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState); var OldColor : TColor; OldBrush : TBrush; begin with StringGrid1.Canvas do begin OldColor := Font.Color; OldBrush := Brush; {paint fridays} if StringGrid1.Cells[Col,1] = 'Fr' then begin Brush.Color := $02aaaaaa; {light gray} FillRect(Rect); Font.Color := clWhite; TextOut(Rect.Left+2,Rect.Top+2,StringGrid1.Cells[Col,Row]); end; {paint each alternating month} if (Row = 0) and (Col > 0) then begin if (Odd(StrToIntDef(StringGrid1.Cells[Col,31],0))) then Brush.Color := clBlue else Brush.Color := clFuchsia; FillRect(Rect); Font.Color := clWhite; TextOut(Rect.Left+2,Rect.Top+2,StringGrid1.Cells[Col,Row]); end; {paint days of the week} if (Row = 1) and (Col > 0) then begin if StringGrid1.Cells[Col,1] = 'Fr' then Brush.Color := clTeal else Brush.Color := clAqua; FillRect(Rect); if StringGrid1.Cells[Col,1] = 'Fr' then Font.Color := clWhite else Font.Color := clBlack; TextOut(Rect.Left+2,Rect.Top+2,StringGrid1.Cells[Col,Row]); end; Font.Color := OldColor; Brush := OldBrush; end; end;