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More than one netdir for the bde on one computer

Q: I want wy app to have its own 'NETDIR' setting so it won't conflict with other apps installed on the same computer. Is it possible to use several settings for 'NETDIR' for BDE on the same computer? A: (by Chris Roberts) Yes. Every BDE session can have a different network control file location. The default 'NETDIR' setting in the BDE Admin should always point to the same physical location, but an application can change the location in it's BDE session by setting Session.NetFileDir before a BDE session is opened. Note that you may have some difficulties while debugging if you don't also set the default 'NETDIR' on your development machine to the same as your program's. Note: BDE sessions with different Session.NetFileDir cannot access the same tables concurrently. Setting the Session.NetFileDir in your application, (or suite of applications) can isolate it from an incorrectly set default 'NETDIR'. I usually set NetFileDir to a location relative to the shared application .EXE file.