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Missing Values Implemeting and testing

Title: Missing Values: Implemeting and testing Question: How to define a NaN bit pattern as a double precission value and how to test if a double is NaN Answer: {The following unit implements two NaN (not a number) patterns that can be assigned to variables declared as doubles. I use these patterns for missing values in a data stream. When I process the data stream I need to know wheter a specific sample is a missing value or not. IsNan is a general test for NaN} unit NaNs; interface const //define to bit patterns that are not numbers NaNp:double=0; // + not a number NaNm:double=0; // - not a number FUNCTION IsNaN(x:double):Boolean; implementation const //mask for condition register cCond0Mask = $0100; cCond1Mask = $0200; cCond2Mask = $0400; cCond3Mask = $4000; cCondAllMask= $4700; cUnsupP = $0000; cUnsupM = $0200; cNanP = $0100; cNanM = $0300; cNormalP = $0400; cNormalM = $0600; cInfnityP = $0500; cInfnityM = $0700; cZeroP = $4000; cZeroM = $4200; cEmptyP = $4100; cEmptyM = $4300; cDenormalP = $4400; cDenormalM = $4600; FUNCTION IsNaN(x:double):Boolean; {True if value is not a number} VAR stw:Word; BEGIN Asm {load a} Fld x {examine number} FXAM FNSTSW stw {restore stack state} FFREE ST(0) END; {mask out c0..c3} Stw:=stw and cCondAllMask; IsNaN:=(stw =cNaNP) or (stw=cNanM); END{IsNaN}; type IcastDbl = record HiLW,LoLW:longword; end; initialization //there is a class of NaNs we use just two of them, //a positive and a negative one IcastDbl(NaNp).LoLW:=$7fff0000; IcastDbl(NaNm).LoLW:=$ffff0000; end.