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Categories / Delphi / Examples

Metaphone FINAL

Title: Metaphone FINAL Question: Phonetics algorithm Answer: function MetaPhone3(const Word:String; KeyLength: Integer = 10): String; function Same(x: Char): Boolean; begin Result := x in ['F','J','L','M','N','R']; end; function Vowel(x: Char): Boolean; begin Result := x in ['A','E','I','O','U']; end; function Varson(x: Char): Boolean; begin Result := x in ['C','G','P','S','T']; end; function Noghf(x: Char): Boolean; begin Result := x in ['B', 'D', 'H']; end; function FrontV(x: Char): Boolean; begin Result := x in ['E', 'I', 'Y'] end; var i: Integer; Tmp:String; begin Tmp := Trim(UpperCase(Word)); i := 1; while (i 0) do begin if (Tmp[i] in ['G', 'K', 'P']) and (Tmp[i+1] = 'N') or ((Tmp[i] = 'A') and (Tmp[i+1] = 'E')) or ((Tmp[i] = 'W') and (Tmp[i+1] = 'R')) then Delete(Tmp, i, 1); if (Tmp[i] = 'W') and (Tmp[i+1] = 'H') then Delete(Tmp, 2, 1); if (Tmp[i] = 'X') then Tmp[i] := 'S'; i := pos(' ', Tmp); if (i 0) then Tmp[i] := #0; end; i := 0; Tmp := Tmp + #0; while (Length(Result) do begin inc(i); if (Tmp[i] =#0) then Break; if (Tmp[i] = Tmp[i-1]) and (Tmp[i] 'C') then Continue; if Same(Tmp[i]) or (Vowel(Tmp[i]) and (Tmp[i-1] = #0)) then begin Result := Result + Tmp[i]; Continue; end; case Tmp[i] of 'B': if ((i=2) and (Tmp[i-1] 'M')) or (i = 1) then Result := Result + Tmp[i]; 'C': begin if FrontV(Tmp[i+1]) and (Tmp[i-1] 'S') then begin Result := Result + 'S'; inc(i); end else if (Copy(Tmp, i, 2) = 'CH') or (Copy (Tmp, i ,3) = 'CIA') then begin Result := Result + 'X'; if (Copy(Tmp, i, 2) = 'CH') then inc(i); if (Copy(Tmp, i, 3) = 'CIA')then inc(i, 2); end else Result := Result + 'K'; end; 'D': if (Copy(Tmp, i, 2) = 'DG') and FrontV(Tmp[i+3]) then begin inc(i,3); Result := Result + 'J'; end else Result := Result + 'T'; 'G': if ((Tmp[i+1] 'G') or Vowel(Tmp[i+1])) and ((Tmp[i+1]'N') or ((Tmp[i+1] = #0) and (Tmp[i+2]'E') or (Tmp[i+3] 'D')) and ((Tmp[i+1] 'D') or not FrontV(Tmp[i+1]))) then begin if (FrontV(Tmp[i+1])) and (Tmp[i+2] 'G') then Result := Result + 'J' else Result := Result + 'K'; end else if (Tmp[i+1] = 'H') and not noghf(Tmp[i -3]) and (Tmp[i -4] 'H') then Result := Result + 'F'; 'H': if not Varson(Tmp[i-1]) and (not Vowel(Tmp[i-1]) or Vowel(Tmp[i+1])) then Result := Result + 'H'; 'K': if (Tmp[i-1] 'C') then Result := Result + 'K'; 'P': if (Tmp[i+1] = 'H') then Result := Result + 'F' else Result := Result + Tmp[i]; 'Q': Result := Result + 'K'; 'S': if (Tmp[i+1] = 'H') or ((Copy(Tmp, i, 2) = 'SI') and (Tmp[i+3] in ['O','A'])) then Result := Result + 'X' else Result := Result + 'S'; 'T': if (Tmp[i+1] = 'I') and (Tmp[i+2] in ['O','A']) then Result := Result + 'X' else if (Tmp[i+1] = 'H') then Result := Result + '0' else if (Tmp[i+1] 'C') or (Tmp[i+2] 'H') then Result := Result + 'T'; 'V': Result := Result + 'F'; 'W','Y': if Vowel(Tmp[i+1]) then Result := Result + Tmp[i]; 'X': Result := Result + 'KS'; 'Z': Result := Result + 'S'; end; end; end;