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Categories / Delphi / Examples


Subject: Re: Delphi: Remove title bar in MDI child form We were able to kill the title bar of an MDI child by doing the following: type TForm2 = class(TForm) { other stuff above } procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override; { other stuff below } end; procedure TForm2.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); begin inherited CreateParams(Params); Params.Style := Params.Style and not WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW or WS_BORDER end; ************************************ * All thoughts expressed are mine * * alone unless I plagiarized them. * ************************************ * The Nomad * * * ************************************ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Andy McFarland) Subject: DELPHI: removing title bar from MDI child form Date: 13 May 1995 14:34:56 GMT For an MDI child form, setting the BorderStyle to bsNone does NOT remove the title bar. (This is mentioned in the help). This does it: Procedure tMdiChildForm.CreateParams( var Params : tCreateParams ) ; Begin Inherited CreateParams( Params ) ; Params.Style := Params.Style and (not WS_CAPTION) ; End ;