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Marquee panel for delphi

{ This component uses the VGA standard 8x16 font. No resources are used. properties description: property BackGround: Background color of panel. Not visible if size is 1, because pixeldensity is too high. property BevelOuter: as usual. property BevelInner: as usual. property BevelWidth: as usual. property Characters: How many Character are displayed in panel. Increasing this slows down the outputspeed. property OffColor: Color of Pixels not set in character. property OnColor: Color of Pixels set in character. property OnComplete: Fired if output of RunText completed. property Running: Flag if horizontal scrolling is active. property RunText: Outputstring. property ScrollBy: Number of pixels per horizontal scroll. property ScrollInterval: Cycletime of horizontal scrolling. property Size: Size of output. If set to 1 character size is 8x16 pixels. Increasing size decreases display contrast. Contact: Udo Juerss, 57078 Siegen, Germany, CompuServe [101364,526] Previously published by me: Luffing switch (March 8. 1996) Scaleable LED light (March 10. 1996) If someone makes useful enhances or corrections to these components, please send me an update! March 11. 1996 } unit Marquee; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} interface uses WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, ExtCtrls; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} const Dual: array[0..7] of Byte = (1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128); {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} type TMarquee = class(TGraphicControl) private Timer: TTimer; FBackGround: TColor; FBevelOuter: TPanelBevel; FBevelInner: TPanelBevel; FBevelWidth: Byte; FBkGnd: TColor; FCharacters: Byte; FScrollInterval: Word; FOffColor: TColor; FOnColor: TColor; FOnComplete: TNotifyEvent; FRunning: Boolean; FRunText: string; FSize: Byte; FScrollBy: Byte; Border:Byte; Index: Byte; WorkString: string; PixelPos: Byte; CharOfs: Word; TextLen: Byte; XPos: Integer; YPos: Integer; procedure Draw; procedure DrawText(Shift:Boolean); procedure GetCharData(Character: Char); procedure PutVerticalPixels(Horizontal: Byte); procedure Setup; procedure ShiftString; procedure TimerShift(Sender: TObject); protected procedure DrawBevel(Rect: TRect); procedure SetBackGround(Value: TColor); procedure SetBevelOuter(Value: TPanelBevel); procedure SetBevelInner(Value: TPanelBevel); procedure SetBevelWidth(Value: Byte); procedure SetCharacters(Value: Byte); procedure SetScrollInterval(Value: Word); procedure SetOffColor(Value: TColor); procedure SetOnColor(Value: TColor); procedure SetRunning(Value: Boolean); procedure SetRunText(Value: string); procedure SetSize(Value: Byte); procedure SetScrollBy(Value: Byte); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Clear; procedure Paint; override; published property BackGround: TColor read FBackGround write SetBackGround default clBlack; property BevelOuter: TPanelBevel read FBevelOuter write SetBevelOuter default bvRaised; property BevelInner: TPanelBevel read FBevelInner write SetBevelInner default bvLowered; property BevelWidth: Byte read FBevelWidth write SetBevelWidth default 2; property Characters: Byte read FCharacters write SetCharacters default 7; property ScrollInterval: Word read FScrollInterval write SetScrollInterval default 50; property OffColor: TColor read FOffColor write SetOffColor default clGray; property OnColor: TColor read FOnColor write SetOnColor default clLime; property OnComplete: TNotifyEvent read FOnComplete write FOnComplete; property Running: Boolean read FRunning write SetRunning default False; property RunText: string read FRunText write SetRunText; property ScrollBy: Byte read FScrollBy write SetScrollBy default 1; property Size: Byte read FSize write SetSize default 2; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure GetFontOfs(CharSet: Byte; var FntOfs: Word); function SegC000: Word; procedure Register; implementation {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} var CharArray: array[0..15] of Byte; FontPtr: Pointer; FontOfs: Word; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure GetFontOfs(CharSet: Byte; var FntOfs: Word); assembler; asm push bp mov ax,1130h mov bh,CharSet int 10h mov ax,bp pop bp les di,FntOfs stosw end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function SegC000: Word; external 'KERNEL' Index 195; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} constructor TMarquee.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Parent:=AOwner as TWinControl; Canvas.Brush.Style:=bsSolid; Timer:=nil; FBackGround:=clBlack; FBevelOuter:=bvRaised; FBevelInner:=bvLowered; FBevelWidth:=2; FCharacters:=7; FScrollInterval:=50; FOffColor:=clGray; FOnColor:=clLime; FOnComplete:=nil; FRunning:=False; FRunText:='RunText '; FSize:=2; FScrollBy:=1; Border:=2; GetFontOfs(6,FontOfs); FontPtr:=Ptr(Ofs(SegC000),FontOfs); PixelPos:=0; TextLen:=Length(FRunText); Index:=0; WorkString:=FRunText; Setup; Draw; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} destructor TMarquee.Destroy; begin if FRunning then SetRunning(False); inherited Destroy; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMarquee.Paint; begin Draw; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMarquee.Clear; var Temp: Byte; begin Temp:=FOnColor; FOnColor:=FOffColor; DrawText(False); FOnColor:=Temp; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMarquee.Draw; var R: TRect; begin R:=GetClientRect; DrawBevel(R); Canvas.Pen.Color:=FBackGround; Canvas.Brush.Color:=FBackGround; InflateRect(R,-Border,-Border); Canvas.FillRect(R); DrawText(False); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMarquee.DrawBevel(Rect: TRect); var TopColor: TColor; BottomColor: TColor; procedure SetColors(Bevel: TPanelBevel); begin TopColor:=clBtnHighlight; if Bevel = bvLowered then TopColor:=clBtnShadow; BottomColor:=clBtnShadow; if Bevel = bvLowered then BottomColor:=clBtnHighlight; end; begin if FBevelOuter <> bvNone then begin SetColors(BevelOuter); Frame3D(Canvas,Rect,TopColor,BottomColor,BevelWidth); end; if FBevelInner <> bvNone then begin SetColors(FBevelInner); Frame3D(Canvas,Rect,TopColor,BottomColor,FBevelWidth); end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMarquee.DrawText(Shift: Boolean); var Pos: Byte; I: Byte; R: TRect; begin R:=GetClientRect; XPos:=R.Left + Border; YPos:=R.Top + Border; GetCharData(WorkString[1]); for I:=PixelPos to 7 do PutVerticalPixels(I); for Pos:=2 to FCharacters do begin GetCharData(WorkString[Pos]); for I:=0 to 7 do PutVerticalPixels(I); end; GetCharData(WorkString[Succ(FCharacters)]); for I:=0 to PixelPos do PutVerticalPixels(I); if Shift then Inc(PixelPos,FScrollBy); if PixelPos > 7 then begin PixelPos:=0; ShiftString; end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMarquee.GetCharData(Character: Char); assembler; asm push ds push ds pop es mov di,offset CharArray xor bh,bh mov bl,Character shl bx,4 lds si,FontPtr add si,bx mov cx,16 @MovsLoop: push cx lodsb mov ah,0 mov cx,8 @RolLoop: rol al,1 adc ah,0 ror ah,1 loop @RolLoop mov al,ah stosb pop cx loop @MovsLoop pop ds end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMarquee.PutVerticalPixels(Horizontal: Byte); var Vertical: Byte; begin for Vertical:=0 to 15 do begin if CharArray[Vertical] and Dual[Horizontal] > 0 then Canvas.Pixels[XPos,YPos + Vertical * FSize]:=FOnColor else Canvas.Pixels[XPos,YPos + Vertical * FSize]:=FOffColor; end; Inc(XPos,FSize); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMarquee.TimerShift(Sender: TObject); begin DrawText(True); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMarquee.ShiftString; begin Inc(Index); if FCharacters >= TextLen - Index then begin WorkString:=Copy(FRunText,Succ(Index),TextLen - Index); WorkString:=WorkString + Copy(RunText,1,Succ(FCharacters) - (TextLen - Index)); end else WorkString:=Copy(FRunText,Succ(Index),Succ(FCharacters)); if Index >= TextLen then begin Index:=0; if Assigned(FOnComplete) then FOnComplete(Self); end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMarquee.Setup; begin Width:=FSize * 8 * FCharacters + 2 * Border + 1; Height:=FSize * 16 + 2 * Border; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMarquee.SetBackGround(Value: TColor); begin if FBackGround <> Value then begin FBackGround:=Value; Draw; end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMarquee.SetBevelOuter(Value: TPanelBevel); begin if FBevelOuter <> Value then begin FBevelOuter:=Value; if FBevelOuter <> bvNone then Border:=FBevelWidth else Border:=0; if FBevelInner <> bvNone then Inc(Border,FBevelWidth); Setup; Draw; end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMarquee.SetBevelInner(Value: TPanelBevel); begin if FBevelInner <> Value then begin FBevelInner:=Value; if FBevelOuter <> bvNone then Border:=FBevelWidth else Border:=0; if FBevelInner <> bvNone then Inc(Border,FBevelWidth); Setup; Draw; end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMarquee.SetBevelWidth(Value: Byte); begin if FBevelWidth <> Value then begin FBevelWidth:=Value; if FBevelOuter <> bvNone then Border:=FBevelWidth else Border:=0; if FBevelInner <> bvNone then Inc(Border,FBevelWidth); Setup; Draw; end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMarquee.SetCharacters(Value: Byte); var I: Byte; begin if Value < 1 then Value:=1 else if Value > 80 then Value:=80; if FCharacters <> Value then begin FCharacters:=Value; if TextLen < FCharacters then begin for I:=TextLen to FCharacters do FRunText:=FRunText + ' '; TextLen:=Byte(FRunText[0]); end; SetUp; Draw; end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMarquee.SetScrollInterval(Value: Word); begin if FScrollInterval <> Value then begin FScrollInterval:=Value; if FRunning and Assigned(Timer) then Timer.Interval:=FScrollInterval; end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMarquee.SetSize(Value: Byte); begin if Value < 1 then Value:=1 else if Value > 8 then Value:=8; if FSize <> Value then begin FSize:=Value; SetUp; Draw; end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMarquee.SetScrollBy(Value: Byte); begin if Value < 1 then Value:=1 else if Value > 8 then Value:=8; if FScrollBy <> Value then FScrollBy:=Value; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMarquee.SetOffColor(Value: TColor); begin if FOffColor <> Value then begin FOffColor:=Value; Draw; end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMarquee.SetOnColor(Value: TColor); begin if FOnColor <> Value then begin FOnColor:=Value; Draw; end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMarquee.SetRunning(Value: Boolean); begin if FRunning <> Value then begin FRunning:=Value; if FRunning then begin Timer:=TTimer.Create(Self); Timer.Interval:=FScrollInterval; Timer.OnTimer:=TimerShift; Timer.Enabled:=True; end else if Assigned(Timer) then begin Timer.Free; Timer:=nil; end; end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMarquee.SetRunText(Value: string); var I: Byte; begin Index:=0; FRunText:=Value; TextLen:=Byte(FRunText[0]); if TextLen < FCharacters then for I:=TextLen to FCharacters do FRunText:=FRunText + ' '; TextLen:=Byte(FRunText[0]); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Udo|s',[TMarquee]); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} initialization end.