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MarkTime TimeOut

Title: MarkTime / TimeOut Question: Here are two short routines to handle timout situations and the like, where the focus doesn't lies on a very exact timing then on easy handling an zero resource consumption. Answer: Here are two short routines to handle timout situations an the like, where the focus doesn't lies on a very exact timing then on easy handling an zero resource consumption. A typical use is like that: MyTimeM := MarkTime(10000); // 10s max time repeate // do somenthing usefull // ... until TimeOut(MyTimeM) OR SomeOtherCondition ; Function MarkTime(MSek: LongInt):LongInt; Var TM: LongWord; // generates a Time-Stamp for MSek 1/1000 Seconds { IF TM (MaxInt - MSek) //Wraparound after 49,7 Days Then MarkTime := MSek - (MaxInt - TM) Else MarkTime := TM + MSek; } Begin TM := GetTickCount; // DWord Arithmetic isn't supported asm MOV EAX,TM ADD EAX,MSek JC @M1 { now DWORD handles Wrap-around} @M1: MOV Result,EAX end; End; Function TimeOut(TM:LongInt): Boolean; (* True if Time for TM has expired *) Var Ticks: DWORD; { B := Ticks TM; IF B AND ((Ticks - TM) 2000000000) Then B := False; //verm. warten auf berlauf TimeOut := B; } Begin Ticks := GetTickCount; asm MOV EAX,Ticks SUB EAX,TM JAE @M1 JMP @M2 @M1: CMP EAX,$80000000 {Wrap-around occured} JAE @M2 MOV RESULT,TRUE JMP @M3 @M2: MOV RESULT,FALSE @M3: end; End;