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Categories / Delphi / Examples

Manipulate buttons in the opendialogs toolbar

uses CommCtrl; // Beispiel: Blendet den Button zum Erzeugen eines neuen Verzeichnisses aus. // Example: Hide the "Create New Folder" Button. procedure TForm1.OpenPictureDialog1Show(Sender: TObject); const TB_BTN_NEWFOLDER = 40962; var hWndToolbar, wnd: HWND; tbInfo: TTBButtonInfoA; begin tbInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(TTBButtonInfo); tbInfo.dwMask := TBIF_STATE; tbinfo.fsState := TBSTATE_HIDDEN or TBSTATE_INDETERMINATE; hWndToolbar := FindWindowEx(GetParent((Sender as TOpenPictureDialog).Handle), 0, 'ToolbarWindow32', nil); SendMessage(hWndToolbar, TB_SETBUTTONINFO, TB_BTN_NEWFOLDER ,LParam(@tbinfo)); end;