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Making the enter key work like a tab

Code to make the <Enter>key act as the tab key while inside a grid. This code also includes the processing of the <Enter> key for the entire application - including fields, etc. The grid part is handled in the ELSE portion of the code. The provided code does not mimic the behavior of the <Tab> key stepping down to the next record when it reaches the last column in the grid - it moves back to the first column - . procedure TForm1.FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); { This is the event handler for the FORM's OnKeyPress event! } { You should also set the Form's KeyPreview property to True } begin if Key = #13 then { if it's an enter key } if not (ActiveControl is TDBGrid) then begin { if not on a TDBGrid } Key := #0; { eat enter key } Perform(WM_NEXTDLGCTL, 0, 0); { move to next control } end else if (ActiveControl is TDBGrid) then { if it is a TDBGrid } with TDBGrid(ActiveControl) do if selectedindex < (fieldcount -1) then { increment the field } selectedindex := selectedindex +1 else selectedindex := 0; end;