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Categories / Delphi / Examples

Make or break your words

Did you ever needed to create a single 16-bit number out of two 8-bit bytes? Try this: {$apptype console} program makewrd; uses Windows, SysUtils; var b1, b2 : byte; w : word; begin b1 := 128; b2 := 255; { create a WORD (16-bit integer) by concatenating two BYTEs (8-bit) } w := MAKEWORD( b1, b2 ); WriteLn( Format( '%d', [ w ] ) ); { now break up the WORD we created in to it's original two bytes } WriteLn( Format( 'b1 = %d, b2 = %d', [ LOBYTE( w ), HIBYTE( w ) ] ) ); end.