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Look for and handle command line

Most command line programs and some Windows programs has the ability to look for and handle parameters passed to it such as /? /HELP /Q. If you want to add the same capability to your Delphi programs, you can start with a function like this: program cmdline; uses SysUtils; function CmdLineParamFound( sParamName : String ) : Boolean; const c_token = '/'; var i : integer; sTemp : string; begin result := False; for i := 1 to ParamCount do begin sTemp := ParamStr( i ); if( c_token = sTemp[ 1 ] )then begin if( ( c_token + UpperCase( sParamName ) ) = UpperCase( sTemp ) )then begin result := True; exit; end; end; end; end; begin if( CmdLineParamFound( 'HELP' ) )then begin // // display help here... // end; end. If you need more help, look up ParamStr() and ParamCount functions in your help files.