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Long file names - short file names

Here's a way to convert between short (8.3 DOS file names) and long file names: {$apptype console} program LongShrt; uses Windows, SysUtils; function GetShortName(sLongName : string) : string; var sShortName : string; nShortNameLen : integer; begin SetLength(sShortName, MAX_PATH); nShortNameLen := GetShortPathName(PChar(sLongName), PChar(sShortName), MAX_PATH-1); if nShortNameLen = 0 then begin { handle errors... } end; SetLength(sShortName, nShortNameLen); Result := sShortName; end; function GetLongName(sShortName : string; var bError : boolean) : string; var bAddSlash : boolean; SearchRec : TSearchRec; nStrLen : integer; begin bError := False; Result := sShortName; nStrLen := Length(sShortName); bAddSlash := False; if sShortName[nStrLen] = '\' then begin bAddSlash := True; SetLength(sShortName, nStrLen-1); dec(nStrLen); end; if((nStrLen-Length(ExtractFileDrive(sShortName))) > 0) then begin if FindFirst(sShortName, faAnyFile, SearchRec) = 0 then begin Result := ExtractFilePath(sShortName) +; if bAddSlash then begin Result := Result + '\'; end; end else begin // handle errors... bError := True; end; FindClose(SearchRec); end; end; function GetLongName(sShortName : string) : string; var s : string; p : integer; bError : boolean; begin Result := sShortName; s := ''; p := Pos('\', sShortName); while(p > 0)do begin s := GetLongName(s + Copy(sShortName, 1, p), bError); Delete(sShortName, 1, p); p := Pos('\', sShortName); if(bError)then Exit; end; if sShortName <> '' then begin s := GetLongName(s + sShortName, bError); if bError then Exit; end; Result := s; end; const csTest = 'C:\program Files'; var sShort, sLong : string; begin sShort := GetShortName(csTest); WriteLn('Short name for "' + csTest + '" is "' + sShort + '"'); WriteLn; sLong := GetLongName(sShort); WriteLn('Long name for "' + sShort + '" is "' + sLong + '"'); end.