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Long and short filenames

How to convert full filename paths. Short filenames converted to Long filename, Long filenames to Short filenames and Mince filenames. When a filename is dropped on a form or a command line includes a filename the OS is using the Short filenames format (8.3). The main reason is that a Short filename format can not include a space-charter. This works out nicely since the space-charter is used as a file delimiter. The following three functions will help you convert between the Short and Long filename. I added the Mince filename function to help displaying a full filename including the path. {===================================================} Function ShortFileName(Const FileName: String): String; {===================================================} Var aTmp: Array[0..255] Of Char; Begin If Not FileExists(FileName) Then Begin Result := ''; End Else Begin If GetShortPathName(PChar (FileName), aTmp, Sizeof (aTmp) - 1) = 0 Then Begin Result:= FileName; End Else Begin Result:= StrPas (aTmp); End; End; End; {==============================================} Function LongFileName(ShortName: String): String; {==============================================} Var SR: TSearchRec; Begin Result := ''; If (pos ('\\', ShortName) + pos ('*', ShortName) + pos ('?', ShortName) <> 0) Or Not FileExists(ShortName) Then Begin { ignore NetBIOS name, joker chars and invalid file names } Exit; End; While FindFirst(ShortName, faAnyFile, SR) = 0 Do Begin { next part as prefix } Result := '\' + SR.Name + Result; SysUtils.FindClose(SR); { the SysUtils, not the WinProcs procedure! } { directory up (cut before '\') } ShortName := ExtractFileDir (ShortName); If length (ShortName) <= 2 Then Begin Break; { ShortName contains drive letter followed by ':' } End; End; Result := ExtractFileDrive (ShortName) + Result; end; {=========================================================} Function Mince(PathToMince: String; InSpace: Integer): String; {=========================================================} // "C:\Program Files\Delphi\DDrop\TargetDemo\main.pas" // "C:\Program Files\..\main.pas" Var sl: TStringList; sHelp, sFile: String; iPos: Integer; Begin sHelp := PathToMince; iPos := Pos('\', sHelp); If iPos = 0 Then Begin Result := PathToMince; End Else Begin sl := TStringList.Create; // Decode string While iPos <> 0 Do Begin sl.Add(Copy(sHelp, 1, (iPos - 1))); sHelp := Copy(sHelp, (iPos + 1), Length(sHelp)); iPos := Pos('\', sHelp); End; If sHelp <> '' Then Begin sl.Add(sHelp); End; // Encode string sFile := sl[sl.Count - 1]; sl.Delete(sl.Count - 1); Result := ''; While (Length(Result + sFile) < InSpace) And (sl.Count <> 0) Do Begin Result := Result + sl[0] + '\'; sl.Delete(0); End; If sl.Count = 0 Then Begin Result := Result + sFile; End Else Begin Result := Result + '..\' + sFile; End; sl.Free; End; End;