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Categories / Delphi / Examples


procedure TForm1.OpenButtonClick(Sender: TObject); {open user-specified file but check that it's not too big} {NOTE I don't think Delphi puts a restriction on the size of files that Memo components can handle, does it..?} var TooBig : Boolean; begin TooBig := False; with OpenDialog do begin if Execute then begin try MainMemo.Lines.LoadFromFile(Filename); except on EInvalidOperation do TooBig := True; end; {end try...except} if TooBig = True then begin ShowMessage('This file is too large to load into the Text Editor'); end {if} else begin HistoryList.Add(Filename); Caption := 'Richards Text Editor - ' + ExtractFilename(Filename); SaveDialog.Filename := Filename; Filename := ''; end; {else} end; {if} end; {with} end;