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List of all network drive mappings

It is very easy to get a list of all the network drive mappings using the following function. Please note that you must create and free the string list that you pass to it. The return value indicates the number of network mappings GetNetworkDriveMappings() was able to find. function GetNetworkDriveMappings( sl : TStrings ) : integer; var i : integer; sNetPath : string; dwMaxNetPathLen : DWord; begin sl.Clear; dwMaxNetPathLen := MAX_PATH; SetLength( sNetPath, dwMaxNetPathLen ); for i := 0 to 25 do begin if( NO_ERROR = Windows.WNetGetConnection( PChar( '' + Chr( 65 + i ) + ':' ), PChar( sNetPath ), dwMaxNetPathLen ) )then begin sl.Add( Chr( 65 + i ) + ': ' + sNetPath ); end; end; Result := sl.Count; end; // // here's how to call GetNetworkDriveMappings(): // var sl : TStrings; nMappingsCount, i : integer; begin sl := TStringList.Create; nMappingsCount := GetNetworkDriveMappings( sl ); for i := 0 to nMappingsCount-1 do begin // // do your thing here... // for now, we'll just display the mapping // MessageBox( 0, PChar( sl.Strings[ i ] ), 'Network drive mappings', MB_OK ); end; sl.Free; end; If you need to programmatically map and delete network drives, look up WNetAddConnection(), WNetAddConnection2(), WNetAddConnection3(), WNetCancelConnection(), and WNetCancelConnection2() in your "Win32 Programmer's Reference."