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List all user identities in a combobox

The handy procedure GetIdentities() retrieves all user identities on a Windows system and and returns them for display in a TComboBox. This can be useful for email tools. procedure GetIdentities(cbIdentities: TComboBox); var slIdentities: TStringList; sUser: string; sLastUsername: string; i: Integer; begin { GetIdentities } cbIdentities.Items.Clear; sLastUsername := ''; slIdentities := TStringList.Create; with TRegistry.Create do begin RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if OpenKey('Identities', False) then begin sLastUsername := ReadString('Last Username'); GetKeyNames(slIdentities); CloseKey; end; { OpenKey() } // get all the user names for i := 0 to slIdentities.Count-1 do begin if OpenKey('Identities\'+slIdentities[i], False) then begin sUser := ReadString('Username'); cbIdentities.Items.Add(sUser+' - '+slIdentities[i]); if sUser=sLastUsername then cbIdentities.ItemIndex := i; CloseKey; end; { OpenKey() } end; { for i } Free; end; { with TRegistry.Create } slIdentities.Free; end; { GetIdentities }