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List all files on disk in delphi

{ I was looking for some procedure or unit that would list file in directory and all its subdirectories. I have found one procedure in SWAG that should do something like DELTREE but it didn't work as I wanted, well it did work but after some number of directories exception EInOutError occurred when trying to change to directory and then I wrote this... It's recursive procedure that will list files and directories in given directory and all its subdirectories. Filenames and directories will be listed in specified ListBox From: Homepage and my programs : } procedure TForm1.ListDir(Path:String; List:TListBox); {Path : string that contains start path for listing filenames and directories List : List box in which found filenames are going to be stored } var SearchRec:TsearchRec; Result:integer; S:string; { Used to hold current directory, GetDir(0,s) } begin try {Exception handler } ChDir(Path); except on EInOutError do begin MessageDlg('Error occurred by trying to change directory',mtWarning,[mbOK],0); Exit; end; end; if length(path)<> 3 then path:=path+'\'; { Checking if path is root, if not add } FindFirst(path+'*.*',faAnyFile,SearchRec); { '\' at the end of the string } { and then add '*.*' for all file } Repeat if SearchRec.Attr=faDirectory then { if directory then } begin if (SearchRec.Name<>'.') and (SearchRec.Name<>'..') then { Ignore '.' and '..' } begin GetDir(0,s); { Get current dir of default drive } if length(s)<>3 then s:=s+'\'; { Checking if root } List.Items.Add(s+SearchRec.Name); { Adding to list } ListDir(s+SearchRec.Name,List); { ListDir found directory } end; end else { if not directory } begin GetDir(0,s); { Get current dir of default drive } if length(s)<>3 then List.items.add(s+'\'+SearchRec.Name) { Checking if root } else List.items.add(s+SearchRec.Name); { Adding to list } end; Result:=FindNext(SearchRec); Application.ProcessMessages; until result<>0; { Found all files, go out } GetDir(0,s); if length(s)<>3 then ChDir('..'); { if not root then go back one level } end;