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Categories / Delphi / Examples

List all assigned events of all components

Title: list all assigned events of all components? uses TypInfo; { .... } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var x, y, z: Word; pl: PPropList; begin y := GetPropList(Self, pl); for x := 0 to y - 1 do begin if Copy(pl[x].Name, 1, 2) 'On' then Continue; if GetMethodProp(Self, pl[x].Name).Code nil then Memo1.Lines.Add(Self.Name + ' - ' + pl[x].Name); end; for z := 0 to Self.ComponentCount - 1 do begin y := GetPropList(Self.Components[z], pl); for x := 0 to y - 1 do begin if Copy(pl[x].Name, 1, 2) 'On' then Continue; if GetMethodProp(Self.Components[z], pl[x].Name).Code nil then Memo1.Lines.Add(Self.Components[z].Name + ' - ' + pl[x].Name); end; end; end;