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List all apps ctrls - menus in a ttreeview

uses ComCtrls, Menus, Classes, Forms, Controls, Windows, Messages; function GetControlCaption(Control: TWinControl): ShortString; // Slightly modified version of Twister's Tip // // function GetCaptionAtPoint(pt: TPoint): string; // var TextLength: Integer; Text: PChar; begin if not Boolean(Control.Handle) then Exit; Result := Control.Name; // if Control doesn't have Caption // Control.Name is returned TextLength := SendMessage(Control.Handle, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0); if TextLength 0 then begin GetMem(Text, TextLength + 1); SendMessage(Control.Handle, WM_GETTEXT, TextLength + 1, Integer(Text)); Result := Text; FreeMem(Text); end; end; // function GetCaptionAtPoint(pt: TPoint): ShortString; // begin // Result:= GetControlCaption(FindVCLWindow(pt)); // end; procedure FindAllMenuItems(AppTree: TTreeView; MenuItem: TMenuItem; Parent: TTreeNode); var loop: Integer; Node: TTreeNode; mItem: TMenuItem; Name: ShortString; begin for loop := 0 to MenuItem.Count - 1 do begin mItem := MenuItem.Items[loop]; Name := mItem.Caption; Node := AppTree.Items.AddChildObject(Parent, Name, mItem); if mItem.Count 0 then findAllMenuItems(AppTree, mItem, Node); end; end; procedure FindAllControls(AppTree: TTreeView; Comp: TComponent; Parent: TTreeNode); var Child: TComponent; loop, start, Index: Integer; Name: ShortString; Node, Mnode: TTreeNode; begin start := 0; if Comp is TApplication then begin // Parent:= AppTree.Items.AddObjectFirst(Parent, 'Application', nil); // if you want to see the root ('Application') uncomment start := 1; end; for loop := start to Comp.ComponentCount - 1 do begin Child := Comp.Components[loop]; Name := Child.Name; if Child is TControl then begin if Child is TWinControl then begin // does Child have Caption property?? Name := GetControlCaption(TWinControl(Child)); end; Node := AppTree.Items.AddChildObject(Parent, Name, Child); if Child.ComponentCount 0 then FindAllControls(AppTree, Child, Node); end; if Child is TMenu then begin Node := AppTree.Items.AddChildObject(Parent, Name, Child); for Index := 0 to TMenu(Child).Items.Count - 1 do begin Mnode := AppTree.Items.AddChildObject(Node, TMenu(Child).Items[Index].Caption, TMenu(Child).Items[Index]); FindAllMenuItems(AppTree, TMenu(Child).Items[Index], Mnode); end; end; end; end;