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Limit applications instances to just on

{ JustOne v1.1 - A Delphi Component By: Steven L. Keyser email: 71214, JustOne v1.1 - Added the ABOUT property (1/14/96) - Eliminated the AllowMultInst property - Eliminated the EXECUTE property - Added JUSTONE.HLP - Added JUSTONE.KWF Notes: The ABOUT property was added simply as a learning exercise. The EXECUTE property was removed due to an improvement in the component's design. With special thanks to Russ Chinoy, the JustOne component no longer requires any code to be added to the user's application. Dropping the JustOne component onto the startup form is all that is required now to make JustOne work for you. JustOne v1.0 - The basic stuff. (Oct '95) Purpose: JustOne is a component which makes it easy to limit the number of your application's instances to just one. If a second instance of your application starts, the first instance is brought to the front and given the focus (or restored if it was minimized to an icon). The second instance then halts. Credit where credit is due... Some of the source code for this component came from a Help file I downloaded from the Delphi Forum on CompuServe (LDELPHI.ZIP). This Help file, called Lloyd's Delphi Notes (Lloyd Linklater), lists many tips on using Delphi. One of the items addressed is how to add code to your application which will allow just one instance to run. In the Help file, that code is further credited to Pat Ritchey. I took that snippet of code and put it into an easily re-usable component. Additional ideas came from Russ Chinoy (RC Software) on a way to have JustOne perform its function without the user having to put any code into their application. JustOne is released as Freeware. If you use it, you do so at your own risk. Feel free to modify this source code to suit your own purposes. If you enhance JustOne, I'd like to see your work. } unit Justone; interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, DsgnIntf; type TMyDataType = record Name : string; end; type TJustOne = class(TComponent) private FAbout: string; public constructor Create(AOwner:TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure GoToPreviousInstance; procedure ShowAbout; published property About: string read FAbout write FAbout stored False; end; procedure Register; type PHWND = ^HWND; function EnumFunc(Wnd:HWND; TargetWindow:PHWND): boolean; export; implementation {########################################################################} type TAboutProperty = class(TPropertyEditor) public procedure Edit; override; function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override; function GetValue:string; override; end; {########################################################################} procedure TAboutProperty.Edit; {Invoke the about dialog when clicking on ... in the Object Inspector} begin TJustOne(GetComponent(0)).ShowAbout; end; {########################################################################} function TAboutProperty.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; {Make settings for just displaying a string in the ABOUT property in the Object Inspector} begin GetAttributes := [paDialog, paReadOnly]; end; {########################################################################} function TAboutProperty.GetValue: String; {Text in the Object Inspector for the ABOUT property} begin GetValue := '(About)'; end; {########################################################################} procedure TJustOne.ShowAbout; var msg: string; const carriage_return = chr(13); copyright_symbol = chr(169); begin msg := 'JustOne v1.1'; AppendStr(msg, carriage_return); AppendStr(msg, 'A Freeware component'); AppendStr(msg, carriage_return); AppendStr(msg, carriage_return); AppendStr(msg, 'Copyright '); AppendStr(msg, copyright_symbol); AppendStr(msg, ' 1995, 1996 by Steven L. Keyser'); AppendStr(msg, carriage_return); AppendStr(msg, 'e-mail'); AppendStr(msg, carriage_return); ShowMessage(msg); end; {########################################################################} procedure Register; {If you want, replace 'SLicK' with whichever component page you want JustOne to show up on.} begin RegisterComponents('SLicK', [TJustOne]); RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(String), TJustOne, 'About', TAboutProperty); end; {########################################################################} function EnumFunc(Wnd:HWND; TargetWindow:PHWND): boolean; var ClassName : array[0..30] of char; begin result := TRUE; if GetWindowWord(Wnd,GWW_HINSTANCE) = hPrevInst then begin GetClassName(Wnd,ClassName,30); if StrIComp(ClassName,'TApplication') = 0 then begin TargetWindow^ := Wnd; result := FALSE; end; end; end; {########################################################################} procedure TJustOne.GotoPreviousInstance; var PrevInstWnd : HWND; begin PrevInstWnd := 0; EnumWindows(@EnumFunc,longint(@PrevInstWnd)); if PrevInstWnd <> 0 then if IsIconic(PrevInstWnd) then ShowWindow(PrevInstWnd,SW_RESTORE) else BringWindowToTop(PrevInstWnd); end; {########################################################################} constructor TJustOne.Create(AOwner:TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); if hPrevInst <> 0 then begin GotoPreviousInstance; halt; end; end; {########################################################################} destructor TJustOne.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; end; {########################################################################} end.