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Let them drag and drop files on your program

If you want to let your users drag and drop files on your program from the File Manager and Windows Explorer, simply add the code inside //>>> and //<<< to your program as in the following example: unit dropfile; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs; type TForm1 = class(TForm) procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } //>>> // declare our DROPFILES message handler procedure AcceptFiles( var msg : TMessage ); message WM_DROPFILES; //<<< end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation uses //>>> // // this unit contains certain // functions that we'll be using // ShellAPI; //<<< {$R *.DFM} //>>> procedure TForm1.AcceptFiles( var msg : TMessage ); const cnMaxFileNameLen = 255; var i, nCount : integer; acFileName : array [0..cnMaxFileNameLen] of char; begin // find out how many files we're accepting nCount := DragQueryFile( msg.WParam, $FFFFFFFF, acFileName, cnMaxFileNameLen ); // query Windows one at a time for the file name for i := 0 to nCount-1 do begin DragQueryFile( msg.WParam, i, acFileName, cnMaxFileNameLen ); // do your thing with the acFileName MessageBox( Handle, acFileName, '', MB_OK ); end; // let Windows know that you're done DragFinish( msg.WParam ); end; //<<< procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin //>>> // // tell Windows that you're // accepting drag and drop files // DragAcceptFiles( Handle, True ); //<<< end; end. Now you can drag and drop files on the form that you registered as a recipient of dropped files by calling the "DragAcceptFiles()" function as in the above example.