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Hallo Paul, to make your application available to german users (who, as a rule, have a german Windows), you need two things: 1. collect all your strings in a separate DLL, and make one DLL for each language, so that the strings can be loaded with a command like GetStr(501). If there is text in bitmaps, put the bitmaps also in Dlls. 2. Get a german consts.pas and include it in the uses clause. This file contains Borland's message strings. Using it, a MessageDlg with [mbYes, mbNo] will show as Ja and Nein, mtConfirmation will show as Bestätigung and so on. Windows' own messages appear in the Windows' language. By doing so, you will have one source code, but you must have one project for each language - what is also necessary for supplying a help file. HTH Gerhard