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Karp-rabin string searching

Do you need a fast routine that searches a string within a string? Try the Karp-Rabin algorithm: function search (pat: PATTERN; Text: Text) : integer; const b = 131; var hpat, htext, Bm, j, m, n : integer; found : Boolean; begin found := False; search := 0; m := length (pat); if m = 0 then begin search := 1; found := true end; Bm := 1; hpat := 0; htext := 0; n := length (Text); if n >= m then {*** preprocessing ***} for j := 1 to m do begin Bm := Bm * b; hpat := hpat * b + ord (pat[j]); htext := htext * b + ord (Text[j]) end; j := m; {*** search ***} while not found do begin if (hpat = htext) and (pat = substr (Text, j - m + 1, m)) then begin search := j - m + 1; found := true end; if j < n then begin j := j + 1; htext := htext * b - ord (Text[j - m]) * Bm + ord (Text[j]) end else found := true end end;