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Title: Iterators Question: How can I elegantly traverse a list? Answer: Iterators provide an elegant way to iterate lists and other data structures. For those in the know, Iterators are a Design Pattern (see [GAM95]). Design Patterns capture good practices of designing software systems. I strongly recommend reading this book. In order to demonstrate the iterator pattern, I designed the following classes: TMyItem = class private FValue: boolean; FName: string; public property Name: string read FName write FName; property Value: boolean read FValue write FValue; end; TMyListIterator = class private FList: TMyList; FIndex: integer; protected constructor Create(List: TMyList); public procedure First; procedure Next; function IsDone: boolean; function CurrentItem: TMyItem; end; TMyList = class private FList: TList; function GetItem(Index: integer): TMyItem; procedure SetItem(Index: integer; const Value: TMyItem); function GetCount: integer; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Add(Item: TMyItem); procedure Delete(const Index: integer); procedure Clear; procedure Iterator(var Iter: TMyListIterator); property Count: integer read GetCount; property Items[Index: integer]: TMyItem read GetItem write SetItem; default; end; As you can see, the TMyList class is a simple type-safe list wrapper that has the capability of handing out an iterator to the client (the code which uses the list). But how do we use the iterator? Lets take a look at the way we normally would traverse this list: procedure OldFashioned; var i: integer; item: TMyItem; begin for i := 0 to item := FMyList[i]; Listbxo1.Items.Add(item.Name); end; end; The problem with the above code is that we cannot see what is really happening. A for loop can have many meanings, for example adding some numbers. But we cannot judge from the mere existance of a for loop that the code traverses a list. Enter iterator! The same code fragment using an iterator looks like this: procedure TheRightWay; var iter: TMyIterator; item: TMyItem; begin FMyList.Iterator(Iter); while not Iter.IsDone do begin item := iter.CurrentItem; Listbox1.Items.Add(item.Name); Iter.Next; end; end; We can judge from the presence of the iterator that this must be some code that traverses a list or some other structure. Those of you who already have used the FindFirst/FindNext functions will see the resemblance of this code fragment with the one used commonly to list the contents of a directory. In my opinion, iterators are much easier to use than for loops once you understand them. One of their advantages is that you can write for example a reverse iterator that traverses the list in reverse order. If you do so, you won't have to chaneg the client code, since all the traversation logic is handled by the iterator. Sample code: /////////////////////////////// unit ListIterator; /////////////////////////////// interface uses Classes; type TMyItem = class; TMyList = class; TMyListIterator = class; TMyItem = class private FValue: boolean; FName: string; public property Name: string read FName write FName; property Value: boolean read FValue write FValue; end; TMyListIterator = class private FList: TMyList; FIndex: integer; protected constructor Create(List: TMyList); public procedure First; procedure Next; function IsDone: boolean; function CurrentItem: TMyItem; end; TMyList = class private FList: TList; function GetItem(Index: integer): TMyItem; procedure SetItem(Index: integer; const Value: TMyItem); function GetCount: integer; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Add(Item: TMyItem); procedure Delete(const Index: integer); procedure Clear; procedure Iterator(var Iter: TMyListIterator); property Count: integer read GetCount; property Items[Index: integer]: TMyItem read GetItem write SetItem; default; end; implementation { TMyListIterator } constructor TMyListIterator.Create(List: TMyList); begin inherited Create; FList := List; FIndex := 0; end; procedure TMyListIterator.First; begin FIndex := 0; end; procedure TMyListIterator.Next; begin inc(FIndex); end; function TMyListIterator.IsDone: boolean; begin Result := FIndex = FList.Count; end; function TMyListIterator.CurrentItem: TMyItem; begin Result := nil; if FIndex Result := FList[FIndex]; end; { TMyList } constructor TMyList.Create; begin inherited Create; FList := TList.Create; end; destructor TMyList.Destroy; begin FList.Free; inherited; end; procedure TMyList.Add(Item: TMyItem); begin FList.Add(Item); end; procedure TMyList.Clear; begin FList.Clear; end; procedure TMyList.Delete(const Index: integer); begin FList.Delete(Index); end; function TMyList.GetCount: integer; begin Result := FList.Count; end; function TMyList.GetItem(Index: integer): TMyItem; begin Result := FList[Index]; end; procedure TMyList.SetItem(Index: integer; const Value: TMyItem); begin if FList[Index] nil then TMyItem(FList[Index]).Free; FList[Index] := Value; end; procedure TMyList.Iterator(var Iter: TMyListIterator); begin Iter := TMyListIterator.Create(self); end; end. /////////////////////////////// unit TestMain; /////////////////////////////// interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ListIterator; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; ListBox1: TListBox; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private FMyList: TMyList; public end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var item: TMyItem; i: integer; begin if FMyList = nil then FMyList := TMyList.Create; for i := 0 to 10 do begin item := TMyItem.Create; item.Name := 'Test' + inttostr(i); item.Value := true; FMyList.Add(item); end; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var iter: TMyListIterator; item: TMyItem; begin FMyList.Iterator(Iter); while not Iter.IsDone do begin item := iter.CurrentItem; Listbox1.Items.Add(item.Name); Iter.Next; end; end; end. References: [GAM95] Gamma, Erich; Helm, Richard; Johnson, Ralph; Vlissides, John: Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1995