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IP Masking

Title: IP Masking Question: Checking an IP against a mask - ideal for server systems when a client connects... Answer: While I was coding my many network and Internet related software I found I often had to check on who was connecting to the server. Being an avid user of IRC I found that I could use similar masking techniques it uses. I came up with the following routine, which will take and IP and a simple mask and let you know if its fits properly: function IPMatchMask(IP, Mask: String): Boolean; procedure SplitDelimitedText(Text: String; Delimiter: String; Results: TStrings); var TheWord, CommaText: String; begin Results.Clear; CommaText := Text + Delimiter; while (Pos(Delimiter,CommaText) 0) do begin TheWord := Copy(CommaText, 1, Pos(Delimiter, CommaText) - 1); CommaText := Copy(CommaText, Pos(Delimiter, CommaText) + Length(Delimiter), Length(CommaText)); Results.Add(TheWord); end; end; var IPs, Masks: TStringList; I: Integer; begin IPs := TStringList.Create; try Masks := TStringList.Create; try SplitDelimitedText(LowerCase(IP),'.',IPs); SplitDelimitedText(LowerCase(Mask),'.',Masks); Result := True; if IPs.Count Masks.Count then begin Result := False; Exit; end; for I := 0 to IPs.Count - 1 do begin if (IPs.Strings[I] Masks.Strings[I]) and (Masks.Strings[I] '*') then Result := False; end; finally Masks.Free; end; finally IPs.Free; end; end; The routine isn't very complex. All IP's (and even DNS names) are period donated (period is a full stop incase you didn't know), so working on that it would be easy to split it up. For example take the IP, this can be split up into a list like so: 212 104 58 63 Now, you can also do the same for a mask, for example 212.104.*.63, which would become: 212 104 * 63 Now for masking I've used * as a wildcard (meaning anything), so to check our IP against our mask, you can simple iterate the list and check each number to be equal, or in the case of a * skipping it. That's basically all my routine does. You can use this for example on the TServerSocket OnClientConnect, for example: procedure ServerSocketClientConnect(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinsocket); begin if not (IPMatchMask(Socket.LocalAddress,'212.*.*.5')) then Socket.Close; end; That will terminate anyone trying to connect to the server who doesn't have the IP of 212.*.*.5 Anyhows, have fun!