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Subject: DELPHI : Standard Read and Write on TMemo. My small contribution to DELPHI programmers: Here follows a small unit that helps you use any derivative of TCustomEdit for standard Pascal Input/Output. Hope you find it useful. It works the fine with the TP yacc and lex for parsing the contents of a TMemo. Could also replace the need for WinCRT. How to use it: Uses ...., EditText; Var F : Text; Memo1, Memo2: TMemo; S : String; i : Integer; Begin {Assumes the Memos have been created and exist on the form} AssignDevice(System.Input, Memo1); Reset(System.Input); AssignDevice(System.Output, Memo2); Rewrite(System.Output); {Now normal Reads and Writes work with Memo1 and Memo2. ie.} Writeln(S); Write(i:2); {Also} AssignDevice(F, Memo2); Rewrite(F); Writeln(F,S); Write(F,i:2); end; Source: unit EditText; { Written by Kiriakos Vlahos ( Freeware - Please send comments of improvements. } interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, StdCtrls, Forms, Dialogs; procedure AssignDevice(var T: Text; NewEditComponent: TCustomEdit); implementation type EditData = record Edit: TCustomEdit; Filler: Array [1..12] of Char; end; function EditWrite(var F: TTextRec): Integer; far; begin with F do begin BufPtr^[BufPos] := #0; EditData(F.UserData).Edit.SetSelTextBuf(PChar(BufPtr)); BufPos := 0; end; EditWrite := 0; end; function EditRead(var F: TTextRec): Integer; far; Var CurPos : Integer; begin with F do with EditData(UserData) do begin BufPos := 0; Edit.SelLength := BufSize; Edit.GetSelTextBuf(PChar(BufPtr), BufSize); BufEnd := StrLen(PChar(BufPtr)); Edit.SelStart := Edit.SelStart + BufEnd; end; EditRead := 0; end; function EditFlush(var F: TTextRec): Integer; far; begin F.BufPos := 0; F.BufEnd := 0; EditFlush := 0; end; function EditOpen(var F: TTextRec): Integer; far; begin with F do begin if Mode = fmInput then begin InOutFunc := @EditRead; FlushFunc := nil; EditData(F.UserData).Edit.SelStart := 0; end else begin Mode := fmOutput; InOutFunc := @EditWrite; FlushFunc := @EditWrite; end; EditOpen := 0; end; end; function EditIgnore(var F: TTextRec): Integer; far; begin EditIgnore := 0; end; procedure AssignDevice(var T: Text; NewEditComponent: TCustomEdit); begin with TTextRec(T) do begin Handle := $FFFF; Mode := fmClosed; BufSize := SizeOf(Buffer)-1; BufPtr := @Buffer; OpenFunc := @EditOpen; CloseFunc := @EditIgnore; Name[0] := #0; EditData(UserData).Edit:= NewEditComponent; end; end; end.