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Categories / Delphi / Examples

Invert a matrix

Title: invert a matrix? type RCOMat = array of array of Extended; var DimMat: integer; procedure InvertMatrix(var aa: RCOMat); var numb, nula1, ipiv, indxr, indxc: array of Integer; i, j, l, kod, jmax, k, ll, icol, irow: Integer; amax, d, c, pomos, big, dum, pivinv: Double; ind: Boolean; begin for j := 0 to Pred(DimMat) do ipiv[j] := 0; irow := 1; icol := 1; for i := 0 to Pred(DimMat) do begin big := 0; for j := 0 to Pred(DimMat) do begin if (ipiv[j] 1) then begin for k := 0 to Pred(DimMat) do begin if (ipiv[k] = 0) then if (Abs(aa[j, k]) = big) then begin big := Abs(aa[j, k]); irow := j; icol := k; end else; end; end; end; ipiv[icol] := ipiv[icol] + 1; if (irow icol) then begin for l := 0 to Pred(DimMat) do begin dum := aa[irow, l]; aa[irow, l] := aa[icol, l]; aa[icol, l] := dum; end; for l := 0 to Pred(DimMat) do begin dum := aa[irow + DimMat + 1, l]; aa[irow + DimMat + 1, l] := aa[icol + DimMat + 1, l]; aa[icol + DimMat + 1, l] := dum; end; end; indxr[i] := irow; indxc[i] := icol; if (aa[icol, icol] = 0) then; pivinv := 1.0 / aa[icol, icol]; aa[icol, icol] := 1.0; for l := 0 to Pred(DimMat) do aa[icol, l] := aa[icol, l] * pivinv; for l := 0 to Pred(DimMat) do aa[icol + DimMat + 1, l] := aa[icol + DimMat + 1, l] * pivinv; for ll := 0 to Pred(DimMat) do begin if (ll icol) then begin dum := aa[ll, icol]; aa[ll, icol] := 0.0; for l := 0 to Pred(DimMat) do aa[ll, l] := aa[ll, l] - aa[icol, l] * dum; for l := 0 to Pred(DimMat) do aa[ll + DimMat + 1, l] := aa[ll + DimMat + 1, l] - aa[icol + DimMat + 1, l] * dum; end; end; end; for l := Pred(DimMat) downto 0 do begin if (indxr[l] indxc[l]) then begin for k := 0 to Pred(DimMat) do begin dum := aa[k, indxr[l]]; aa[k, indxr[l]] := aa[k, indxc[l]]; aa[k, indxc[l]] := dum; end; end; end; end;