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Internet The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite and freeware middleware MidWare The easiest way to find out if and how (proxy, ras...) you are connected to the Internet, without the overhead of installing components, is the following: --> Snippet USES WinInet; .. .. function InternetConnected: Boolean; { INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM = 1; // local system uses a modem to connect to the Internet. INTERNET_CONNECTION_LAN = 2; // local system uses a local area network to connect to the Internet. INTERNET_CONNECTION_PROXY = 4; // local system uses a proxy server to connect to the Internet. INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM_BUSY = 8; // local system's modem is busy with a non-Internet connection. } VAR dwConnectionTypes : DWORD; BEGIN dwConnectionTypes := INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM + INTERNET_CONNECTION_LAN + INTERNET_CONNECTION_PROXY; Result := InternetGetConnectedState(@dwConnectionTypes,0); ND; <-- Snippet dwConnectiontype holds the appropriate flags after the call. This snippet comes from ===== hth, Bob M.. ***************** As far as I know, WinINet is part or Internet Explorer. It may not be on all system and do do recognize third party internet stuff. (Francois Petit) ***************** I'm new to the list and I couldn't therefore answer this before. Anyway, instead of using Delphi internet components, it si much better to use ICS that can be fount at: They're all Delphi native components, full source code and support (mailing list) provided. And it's all free (you only should send a postcard to Francois Piette). ***************** One way to send email from your application is with a component called URL. You fill in some properties and with its Execute method it launches the user's preferred email client. I believe I found this on the Delphi Super Page The author of the component can be reached at Subject: Re: HTML Viewer ... Date sent: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 02:58:06 +1000 Send reply to: ***************** I find the one that comes with Delphi works OK. However, I use it mainly for local viewing only. To browse the internet I use TWebbrowser, also available on your system. ***************** Check out THTMViewer by David Baldwin... mostly VCL with a DLL from Skyline Tools at ***************** The newest version of Perl for Win32 works quite closely with Windows. It can (I believe) use ActiveX, and has a built-in scripting module that can be called from other programs. Best check for yourself, though. Graham Stratford Nezar Ahmed wrote: > > Hi, > Is there a way I can execute Perl scripts from within Delphi programs ? ALSO -take a loot at Dream Controls. It is possible to execute not just Perl, but JavaScript, VBScript and others. Sorry, I don't have the URL here. ***************** Subject: Re: Sending e-mail from Delphi App Try the TSmtpRelayServer.