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Interface to ms crtdll dll c runtime

{-------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 1996-97 Massimo Maria Ghisalberti CopyRight (c) 1996-97 MAx! CopyRight (c) 1996-97 Objects Built for you! (!) Internet EMail: MODULO: CrtDll.pas Interface fo the crtdll.dll Microsoft c runtime library VERSIONe: 1.0 Freeware. Data iniziale : 11/8/97 NOTE: If you use this code, please mention! somewhere in your program --------------------------------------------------------------} unit CrtDll; interface uses SysUtils,Windows; const MSCrtDll = 'crtdll.dll'; const _MAX_PATH =260; const _MAX_DRIVE =3; const _MAX_DIR =256; const _MAX_FNAME =256; const _MAX_EXT =256; const CLK_TCK =1000.0 type size_t = cardinal; type TbsearchFunc = function (arg1,arg2 :Pointer):integer; type TqsortFunc = function (arg1,arg2 :Pointer):integer; type TcMemHeap = Pointer; type TClock_t = cardinal; type Div_t = record quot :integer; rem :integer; end; type lDiv_t = Div_t; type TDFree = record total_clusters :cardinal; avail_clusters :cardinal; sectors_per_cluster :cardinal; bytes_per_sector :cardinal; end; type PDFree = ^TDFree; procedure abort; function abs(value :integer):integer;cdecl; function atexit(ExitFunc :Pointer):integer;cdecl; function atof(value :PChar):double;cdecl; function atoi(value :PChar):integer;cdecl; function atol(value :PChar):integer;cdecl; function itoa(value :integer;text :string;radix :integer):PChar;cdecl; function bsearch(_key,_base :Pointer;_nmemb,_size :size_t;SFunc :TbsearchFunc):Pointer;cdecl; function calloc (nitems, size :size_t):TcMemHeap;cdecl; function cdiv(_numer,_denom :integer):Div_t;cdecl; function cldiv(_numer,_denom :integer):lDiv_t;cdecl; procedure cexit(status :integer);cdecl; procedure cfree(heap :Pointer);cdecl; function getenv(env :PChar):PChar;cdecl; function labs(int :integer):integer;cdecl; function malloc(size :size_t):TcMemHeap;cdecl; function lrot(val :cardinal;count :integer):cardinal;cdecl; function rotl(val ,count :word):word;cdecl; procedure qsort(base :Pointer; nmemb,size :size_t; qsortFunc :TqsortFunc);cdecl; function rand:integer;cdecl; function realloc(block :TcMemHeap;size :size_t):TcMemHeap;cdecl; procedure srand(arg :cardinal);cdecl; function system(command :PChar):integer;cdecl; function putenv(env :PChar):integer;cdecl; //function setenv(str,value :PChar;overwrite :integer):integer;cdecl; procedure splitpath(path,drive,dir,name,ext :PChar);cdecl; procedure fnsplit(path,drive,dir,name,ext :PChar);cdecl; function strrev(Prima:PChar):PChar;cdecl ; function cstrlen(STringa :PChar):integer;cdecl; function strtok (str1 :PChar;const str2 :PChar):PChar;cdecl; function searchenv(const FileName, VarName, Buff :PChar):PChar;cdecl; function clock:TClock_t;cdecl; function dup(Handle :THFile):THFile; function dup2(NewHandle, OldHandle :THFile):THFile;cdecl; function fullpath(Buff ,const Path :PChar; BuffLn :integer);cdecl; function getdrive:integer;cdecl; function getdrives:cardinal;cdecl; function getdiskfree(DriveNum :cardinal, dtable :PDFree);cdecl; function getpid;cdecl; var HMsCrtDll :THandle; implementation procedure abort;external MSCrtDll name 'abort'; function abs;external MSCrtDll name 'abs'; function atexit;external MSCrtDll name 'atexit'; function atof;external MSCrtDll name 'atof'; function atoi;external MSCrtDll name 'atoi'; function atol;external MSCrtDll name 'atol'; function itoa;external MSCrtDll name 'itoa'; function bsearch;external MSCrtDll name 'bsearch'; function calloc;external MSCrtDll name 'calloc'; function cdiv;external MSCrtDll name 'div'; function cldiv;external MSCrtDll name 'ldiv'; procedure cexit;external MSCrtDll name 'exit'; procedure cfree;external MSCrtDll name 'free'; function getenv;external MSCrtDll name 'getenv'; function labs;external MSCrtDll name 'labs'; function malloc;external MSCrtDll name 'malloc'; function lrot;external MSCrtDll name '_lrot'; function rotl;external MSCrtDll name '_rotl'; procedure qsort;external MSCrtDll name 'qsort'; function rand;external MSCrtDll name 'rand'; function realloc;external MSCrtDll name 'realloc'; procedure srand;external MSCrtDll name 'srand'; function system;external MSCrtDll name 'system'; function putenv;external MSCrtDll name '_putenv'; //function setenv;external MSCrtDll name 'setenv'; procedure splitpath;external MSCrtDll name '_splitpath'; procedure fnsplit;external MSCrtDll name '_splitpath'; function strrev;external MSCrtDll name '_strrev'; function cstrlen;external MSCrtDll name 'strlen'; function strtok;external MSCrtDll name 'strtok'; function searchenv;external MSCrtDll name '_searchenv'; function clock:external MSCrtDll name 'clock'; function dup:external MSCrtDll name 'dup'; function dup2:external MSCrtDll name 'dup2'; function fullpath:external MSCrtDll name '_fullpath'; function getdrive;external MSCrtDll name '_getdrive'; function getdrives;external MSCrtDll name '_getdrives'; function getdiskfree;external MSCrtDll name '_getdiskfree'; function getpid;external MSCrtDll name '_getpid'; end.