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Interface into the wizunzip dll

{ SEE BELOW FOR ENTIRE PROJECT USING THIS INTERFACE } (* DLL can be found at: *) UNIT WizUnZip; (* *) (* AUTHOR: Michael G. Slack DATE WRITTEN: 05/17/1996 *) (* ENVIRONMENT: Borland Pascal V7.0+/Delphi V1.02+ *) (* *) (* Unit that defines the interface into the wizunzip dll. *) (* NOTE: File names are case-sensitive. *) (* *) (* To use: *) (* VAR _DCL : PDCL; *) (* Fils : PACHAR; {pointer to array or pchars} *) (* ZipFn : ARRAY[0..144] OF CHAR; *) (* FilNm : ARRAY[0..xx] OF CHAR; *) (* { TT : THANDLE; } *) (* ... *) (* StrCopy(FilNm,'case sensitive file name (could incl wildcards)'); *) (* GetMem(Fils,SizeOf(PCHAR)); {only allocating for single file} *) (* {or} *) (* {should use this method in Delphi - seems to prevent GPFs} *) (* { TT := GlobalAlloc(GHnd,SizeOf(PCHAR)); } *) (* { Fils := GlobalLock(TT); } *) (* Fils^[0] := @FilNm; *) (* StrCopy(ZipFn,'C:\UNZIP52.ZIP'); *) (* WZInitADCL(_DCL,HInstance,MWnd,LWnd); {create/initialize struct} *) (* WITH _DCL^ DO *) (* BEGIN {setup rest of parameters for unzip} *) (* WITH lpUMB^ DO *) (* StrCopy(szUnzipToDirName,'some dir'); {only dir that is used} *) (* {set flags wanted (all set to false from init)} *) (* OverWrite := TRUE; {example} *) (* ArgC := 1; {set equal to number of files submitting} *) (* lpszZipFN := @ZipFn; *) (* FNV := Fils; *) (* END; {with} *) (* I := WZ_UnZip(_DCL); {run unzip proc} *) (* WZDestroyDCL(_DCL); {release control block} *) (* FreeMem(Fils,SizeOf(PCHAR)); {free file list} *) (* {or} *) (* { GlobalUnlock(TT); } *) (* { GlobalFree(TT); } *) (* IF I <> wze_OK THEN {problem with unzip}; *) (* *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* *) (* REVISED: 07/30/1996 - Per suggestions from Brad Clarke *) (* (, added listing constants *) (* and changed nzFlag to integer. *) (* *) INTERFACE USES WinTypes, WinProcs, CommDlg; CONST LibName = 'wizunz16'; wzl_WizUnzip_Max_Path = 127; {128} wzl_Options_Buffer_Len = 255; {256} wzl_None = 0; {no listing} wzl_Short = 1; {short listing} wzl_Long = 2; {long listing} wze_OK = 0; wze_Warning = 1; wze_Err = 2; wze_BadErr = 3; wze_Mem = 4; wze_Mem2 = 5; wze_Mem3 = 6; wze_Mem4 = 7; wze_Mem5 = 8; wze_NoZip = 9; wze_Param = 10; wze_Find = 11; wze_Disk = 50; wze_EOF = 51; TYPE PUMB = ^TUMB; TUMB = RECORD {fully qualified archive name (OEM chars)} szFileName : ARRAY[0..wzl_WizUnzip_Max_Path] OF CHAR; {directory with archive (ANSI chars)} szDirName : ARRAY[0..wzl_WizUnzip_Max_Path] OF CHAR; {extraction directory "unzip to" (ANSI chars)} szUnzipToDirName : ARRAY[0..wzl_WizUnzip_Max_Path] OF CHAR; {temp extraction dir "unzip to" (ANSI chars)} szUnzipToDirNameTmp : ARRAY[0..wzl_WizUnzip_Max_Path] OF CHAR; {extraction directory "unzip from" (ANSI chars)} szUnzipFromDirName : ARRAY[0..wzl_WizUnzip_Max_Path] OF CHAR; {text for totals of zip archive} szTotalsLine : ARRAY[0..79] OF CHAR; {scratch buffer} szBuffer : ARRAY[0..wzl_Options_Buffer_Len] OF CHAR; {wave file name for sound} szSoundName : ARRAY[0..wzl_WizUnzip_Max_Path] OF CHAR; {password for encrypted files} szPassword : ARRAY[0..80] OF CHAR; {pointer to szpassword} lpPassword : PCHAR; {archive open file name struct (commdlg)} ofn : TOPENFILENAME; {wave file open file name struct (commdlg)} wofn : TOPENFILENAME; {???} msg : TMSG; {archive open file struct} _of : TOFSTRUCT; {wave file open file struct} wof : TOFSTRUCT; END; TDLLPRNT = FUNCTION{(VAR F : FILE; Len : WORD; S : PCHAR)} : WORD; {CEDCL;} TDLLSND = PROCEDURE; {CEDCL;} PACHAR = ^TACHAR; TACHAR = ARRAY[0..8187] OF PCHAR; PDCL = ^TDCL; TDCL = RECORD PrintFunc : TDLLPRNT; {ptr to appl print routine} SoundProc : TDLLSND; {prt to appl sound routine} StdOut : POINTER; {stdout/ptr to C FILE struct} lpUMB : PUMB; hWndList : HWND; {list box to disp zip contents in} hWndMain : HWND; {appl main window} hInst : THANDLE; {appl instance} ExtractOnlyNewer : BOOL; {true = extract only newer} OverWrite : BOOL; {true = always overwrite} SpaceToUnderscore : BOOL; {true = convert space to underscore} PromptToOverwrite : BOOL; {true = prompt on overwrite} ncFlag : BOOL; {true = write to stdout} ntFlag : BOOL; {true = test zip file} nvFlag : INTEGER; {0=no list, 1=short list, 2=long list} nuFlag : BOOL; {true = update extraction} nzFlag : BOOL; {true = display zip file comment} ndFlag : BOOL; {true = extract w/stored directories} noFlag : BOOL; {true = extract all files} naFlag : BOOL; {true = ascii-ebcdic/eoln translate} ArgC : INTEGER; {count of files to extract} lpszZipFN : PCHAR; {zip file name} FNV : PACHAR; {list of files to extract} END; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE WZInitADCL(VAR _DCL : PDCL; PInst : THANDLE; MainW, ListW : HWND); (* procedure used to alloc and init a dcl struct with zeros *) PROCEDURE WZDestroyDCL(VAR _DCL : PDCL); (* procedure used to free a dcl allocated by prior call to initadcl *) FUNCTION WZDummyPrint{(VAR FH : INTEGER; Len : WORD; S : PCHAR)} : WORD; {CEDCL;} (* procedure that can be used as a dummy print routine for dll *) (* - C call back, parameters ignored in dummy *) PROCEDURE WZDummySound; {CEDCL;} (* procedure that can be used as a dummy sound routine for the dll *) FUNCTION WZRetErrorString(ErrC : INTEGER) : STRING; (* function used to return error as a string *) FUNCTION WZ_UnZip(_DCL : PDCL) : INTEGER; (* wrapper function to handle switching to choosen unzip to directory *) (* dll functions ----------------------------------------------------- *) FUNCTION DLLProcessZipFiles(_DCL : PDCL) : INTEGER; (* function to run the unzip routine *) PROCEDURE GetDLLVersion(VAR Ver : LONGINT); (* procedure to return the current dll version of wizunzip *) (* hiword(ver) = major . loword(ver) = minor *) (************************************************************************) IMPLEMENTATION {$IFDEF VER80} USES SysUtils; {$ELSE} USES Strings; {$ENDIF} (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE WZInitADCL(VAR _DCL : PDCL; PInst : THANDLE; MainW, ListW : HWND); BEGIN (*wzinitadcl*) GetMem(_DCL,SizeOf(TDCL)); FillChar(_DCL^,SizeOf(TDCL),0); _DCL^.PrintFunc := WZDummyPrint; _DCL^.SoundProc := WZDummySound; GetMem(_DCL^.lpUMB,SizeOf(TUMB)); FillChar(_DCL^.lpUMB^,SizeOf(TUMB),0); _DCL^.lpUMB^.lpPassword := @_DCL^.lpUMB^.szPassword; _DCL^.hWndMain := MainW; _DCL^.hWndList := ListW; _DCL^.hInst := PInst; END; (*wzinitadcl*) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE WZDestroyDCL(VAR _DCL : PDCL); BEGIN (*wzdestroydcl*) IF _DCL = NIL THEN Exit; FreeMem(_DCL^.lpUMB,SizeOf(TUMB)); FreeMem(_DCL,SizeOf(TDCL)); _DCL := NIL; END; (*wzdestroydcl*) (************************************************************************) FUNCTION WZDummyPrint{(VAR F : FILE; Len : WORD; S : PCHAR)} : WORD; VAR Len : WORD; BEGIN (*wzdummyprint*) ASM MOV AX,[BP+8] {pass back len as return} END; END; (*wzdummyprint*) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE WZDummySound; VAR I : INTEGER; BEGIN (*wzdummysound*) {do nothing} I := 1; {so that optimizations do not remove proc} END; (*wzdummysound*) (************************************************************************) FUNCTION WZRetErrorString(ErrC : INTEGER) : STRING; VAR T : STRING[80]; N : STRING[5]; BEGIN (*wzreterrorstring*) T := ''; CASE ErrC OF wze_OK : ; wze_Warning : T := 'Warning, zip may have error!'; wze_Err : T := 'Error in zipfile!'; wze_BadErr : T := 'Critical error in zipfile!'; wze_Mem : T := 'Insufficient memory!'; wze_Mem2 : T := 'Insufficient memory (2)!'; wze_Mem3 : T := 'Insufficient memory (3)!'; wze_Mem4 : T := 'Insufficient memory (4)!'; wze_Mem5 : T := 'Insufficient memory (5)!'; wze_NoZip : T := 'Not a zip file/zip file not found!'; wze_Param : T := 'Invalid parameters specified!'; wze_Find : T := 'No files found!'; wze_Disk : T := 'Disk full error!'; wze_EOF : T := 'Unexpected EOF encountered!'; ELSE BEGIN {other error} Str(ErrC,N); T := 'Other error during zip operation - Error code = '+N; END; {else} END; {case} WZRetErrorString := T; END; (*wzreterrorstring*) (************************************************************************) FUNCTION WZ_UnZip(_DCL : PDCL) : INTEGER; VAR S1, S2 : STRING[144]; W : WORD; BEGIN (*wz_unzip*) W := SetErrorMode($8001); S1 := ''; GetDir(0,S1); S2 := StrPas(_DCL^.lpUMB^.szUnzipToDirName); IF S2[Length(S2)] = '\' THEN BEGIN {remove '\'?} IF (Length(S2) > 1) AND (S2[Length(S2)-1] <> ':') THEN Delete(S2,Length(S2),1); {not 'c:\'} IF Length(S2) = 1 THEN S2 := ''; END; {then} IF S2 <> '' THEN {$I-} ChDir(S2) {$I+} ELSE S1 := ''; IF IOResult <> 0 THEN BEGIN {error in ch dir} MessageBeep(mb_OK); MessageBox(_DCL^.hWndMain,'Could not set "unzip-to" directory!',NIL, mb_OK OR mb_IconStop); S1 := ''; END; {then} SetErrorMode(W); WZ_UnZip := DLLProcessZipFiles(_DCL); IF S1 <> '' THEN ChDir(S1); END; (*wz_unzip*) (************************************************************************) FUNCTION DLLProcessZipFiles(_DCL : PDCL) : INTEGER; EXTERNAL LibName INDEX 1; PROCEDURE GetDLLVersion(VAR Ver : LONGINT); EXTERNAL LibName INDEX 3; (************************************************************************) END. (*of unit*) { { {------------------------- snip, snip ----------------------------} ENCODED TESTDLL.ZIP FILE REMOVED. PLEASE DOWNLOAD EITHER THE ATTACHMENT OR THE COMPLETE ZIP FILE.