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Interesting delphi keystrokes !

To indent/outdent a block of text: Mark the text [Control]-[Shift]-[I] to indent entire block [Control]-[Shift]-[U] to indent entire block Bonus: It autorepeats! Cool.. Keyboard recorder: [Control]-[Shift]-[R]: record your keystrokes (press again to stop recording) [Control]-[Shift]-[P]: playback recorded keystrokes [Control]-[click] on a token to navigate to the declaration [Control]-[Shift]-[Up/Down arrow] to navigate between function interface and implementation [Control]-[Shift]-[G] to insert a new GUID in the editor Hold down [Control] while dragging a window in the IDE to prevent it from docking [Esc] while dragging a window in the IDE to cancel the move/dock [Control]-[Space] to force Code Completion [Control]-[Shift]-[Space] to force Code Parameter Insight [Control]-[J] to use a Code Template [Alt]-[Shift]-[Up/Down arrow] to move cursor up/down and select the column above/beyond Use the wheel on your IntelliMouse (or compatible) to navigate in the editor All of the debugger window hot keys are [Control]-[Alt]-something - making them easy to remember [Control]-[Shift]-[C] early and often to complete class declarations and method implementations! [Control]-[E]: incremental search. When some letter is wrong - click [Backspace], this will delete it, and continue typing. Delphi also remembers your last searched word, and you can repeate search with [F3]! Mark string in modile with [Ctrl]+[Shift]+<number from 0 to 9> (or [Control]+[K]+<number from 0 to 9>). This will show a small green square with your number on the gutter. To find this, mark click [Control]+<your number>. To delete it, back to the [Control]+[Shift]+<your number> when the cursor on the marked string. [Control]+[Shift]+[T] deletes the word right to cursor position [Control]+[Shift]+[Y] deletes the whole string right to cursor position [Control]+[Backspace] deletes the word left to cursor position To put multiple copies of the same component on a form: Hold down shift and click on the desired component (it goes flat) Then each click on the form leaves a new component! click on the 'cursor' component to turn it off! Hidden Secrets: - In Delphi 1 go to 'about' and do ALT + AND and see a picture of a "Mr. Anders H." ;-) winking ! - or ALT + TEAM and see names of the team - or ALT + DEVELOPERS and see developers - or ALT + QUALITY and see names of quality team (Delphi 3..5 C/S only) - or ALT + VERSION to see the internal version number (Delphi 2 only) - or ALT + CHUCK and see something like an animated picture of Chuck J (D3) - or ALT + JEDI to see a list of the Team JEDI members (Delphi 5 only - then press Cursor down to see a secret message.. ;) A webpage dedicated to those "Easter Eggs" can be found here and here. But now: Fun over .. back to work !