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Interbase Object for executing all the Interbase commands at Run time

Title: Interbase Object for executing all the Interbase commands at Run time. Question: How can I create Interbase database at run time ? How can I change Interbase database password/ User without using Interbase utilities ? Answer: If an application runs on an interbase database, the database and all the required objects such as functions, stored procedures etc. has to be created before running the application. And some of the commands such as changing the Administrators name and password has to be done either using Server manager of Interbase or by the command line utilities supplied by Interbase. By including this unit in the project, You can execute all the required commands such as creating a database, changing the administrators password, creating shadows, functions, procedures etc. Make sure that this object is created first in your application. In your project source file the unit "Object_Interbase" must be the first unit to follow after the standard units used by the application. Include the Object_Interbase unit in your unit's uses cluase from which you are going to use the object. You will be able to get the variable named "ThisDataBase" of Class TMyIbDataBase which we will be using to executing the Interbase commands. //*** THE UNIT STARTS HERE unit Object_Interbase; interface Uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Registry, IBDataBase, IBQuery, FileCtrl; Type TShadow = ( stManual, stAuto, stConditional ); TMyIbDataBase = Class( TObject ) private //User Defined Type Variable FShdType : TShadow; //Components Variables FDataBase : TIBDatabase; FTransaction : TIBTransaction; FQuery : TIBQuery; //Boolean Variables FUseDefaultFiles : Boolean; FConnected : Boolean; FShadow : Boolean; //String Variables FIBServerPath : String; FDataBasePath, FShadowPath : String; FUser, FPassword : String; FDatabaseName : String; //Procedures Procedure CheckDirPath( Var Value : String ); Procedure ChangetoIBDir; Procedure CreateComponents; Procedure InitilizeVariables; Procedure IBLoadpathfromRegistry; Procedure SetDataBasePath( Value : String ); Procedure SetShadowPath( Value : String ); Procedure SetAdminName( Value : String ); Procedure SetAdminPassword( Value : String ); Procedure SetDatabaseName ( Value : String ); Procedure SetShadow( Value : Boolean ); Procedure SetShadowType( Value : TShadow ); protected public Constructor Create; //Procedures Procedure IBCreateDatabase; Procedure IBConnectToDatabase; Procedure IBDisConnecFromDatabase; Procedure IBCreateShadow; Procedure IBQueryAssisnSQL( Value : String; CloseAfterExecution : Boolean ); Procedure IBChangeAdminPassword( Value : String ); //Component Properties property IBAppDatabase : TIBDatabase Read FDataBase; property IBAppTransaction : TIBTransaction Read FTransaction; property IBAppQuery : TIBQuery Read FQuery; //User Defined Type Properties property IBShadowType : TShadow Read FShdType Write SetShadowType; //Boolean value Properties property IBConnected : Boolean Read FConnected Default False; property IBExists : Boolean Read FUseDefaultFiles Default False; property IBShadow : Boolean Read FShadow Write SetShadow Default False; //String Value Properties property IBServerPath : String Read FIBServerPath; property IBUserName : String Read FUser Write SetAdminName; property IBPassword : String Read FPassword Write SetAdminPassword; property IBDatabasePath : String Read FDataBasePath Write SetDataBasePath; property IBShadowPath : String Read FShadowPath Write SetShadowPath; property IBDatabaseName : String Read FDatabaseName Write SetDatabaseName; End; Var ThisDataBase : TMyIbDataBase; implementation { TIbDataBase } Procedure TMyIbDataBase.CheckDirPath( Var Value : String ); Begin If Value[Length(Value)] '\' then Value := Value + '\'; If not DirectoryExists( Value ) then begin CreateDir( Value ); End; End; Procedure TMyIbDataBase.IBChangeAdminPassword( Value : String ); Var I : Integer; Begin ThisDataBase.ChangetoIBDir; I := WinExec( pchar('gsec -user ' + ThisDataBase.IBUserName + ' -password ' + ThisDataBase.IBPassword + ' -mo ' + ThisDataBase.IBUserName + ' -pw ' + Value ), 0 ); ThisDataBase.IBPassword := Value; End; Procedure TMyIbDataBase.ChangetoIBDir; Begin If ThisDataBase.IBExists then ChDir( ThisDataBase.IBServerPath ); End; Procedure TMyIbDataBase.IBConnectToDatabase; Begin If not ThisDataBase.IBConnected then begin FDataBase.Close; FDataBase.SQLDialect := 1; FTransaction.Active := False; FQuery.Close; FDataBase.LoginPrompt := False; FDataBase.Params.Clear; FDataBase.Params.Add( 'USER_NAME=' + ThisDataBase.IBUserName ); FDataBase.Params.Add( 'PASSWORD=' + ThisDataBase.IBPassword ); FDataBase.DatabaseName := ThisDataBase.IBDatabasePath + IBDatabaseName; Try FDataBase.Connected := True; FTransaction.DefaultDatabase := FDataBase; Except End; FConnected := FDataBase.Connected; FQuery.Transaction := FTransaction; FQuery.Database := FDataBase; FDataBase.DefaultTransaction := FTransaction; If FConnected then begin FTransaction.Active := True; End; End; End; constructor TMyIbDataBase.Create; Begin CreateComponents; InitilizeVariables; IBLoadpathfromRegistry; End; Procedure TMyIbDataBase.CreateComponents; Begin FDataBase := TIBDatabase.Create( Application ); FTransaction := TIBTransaction.Create( Application ); FDataBase.DefaultTransaction := FTransaction; FTransaction.DefaultDatabase := FDataBase; FQuery := TIBQuery.Create( Application ); FQuery.Database := FDataBase; FQuery.Transaction := FTransaction; FQuery.ParamCheck := False; End; Procedure TMyIbDataBase.IBCreateDatabase; Var vmem : TStringList; S : String; Begin S := ExtractFilePath( Application.ExeName ); vmem := TStringList.Create; vmem.Add( 'Create database "' + ThisDataBase.IBDatabasePath + ThisDataBase.IBDatabaseName + '" user "' + ThisDataBase.IBUserName + '" password "' + ThisDataBase.IBPassword + '" page_size=2048 Length=50;'); vmem.Add( 'Commit work;' ); vmem.Add( 'gfix -w "sync" -user "' + ThisDataBase.IBUserName + '" -pa ' + ThisDataBase.IBPassword + '" "' + ThisDataBase.IBDatabasePath + ThisDataBase.IBDatabaseName + '"' ); S := S + 'Sql03EASY05.Sql'; vmem.SaveToFile( S ); vmem.Free; ThisDataBase.ChangetoIBDir; S := 'isql -input ' + S; winexec( pchar( S ),0 ); DeleteFile( S ); S := ThisDataBase.IBDatabasePath + ThisDataBase.IBDatabaseName; while not FileExists( S ) do; ThisDataBase.IBConnectToDatabase; FConnected := FDataBase.Connected; End; Procedure TMyIbDataBase.IBCreateShadow; Var S, vFname : String; Begin If ThisDataBase.IBConnected then begin Case FShdType of stAuto : S := 'Auto'; stManual : S := 'Manual'; stConditional : S := 'Conditional'; End; vFname := Copy( FDatabaseName, 1, pos( '.', FDatabaseName ) ) + 'Shd'; FQuery.Close; FQuery.SQL.Clear; FQuery.SQL.Text := 'Create Shadow 1 ' + S + ' "' + FShadowPath + vFname + '" Length = 10000'; FQuery.ExecSQL; Application.ProcessMessages; End; End; Procedure TMyIbDataBase.InitilizeVariables; Begin FDataBasePath := ''; FShadowPath := ''; FIBServerPath := ''; FUser := ''; FPassword := ''; FDatabaseName := ''; FShdType := stConditional; FConnected := False; End; Procedure TMyIbDataBase.IBLoadpathfromRegistry; Var vReg : TRegistry; Begin vReg := TRegistry.Create; vReg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; If vReg.OpenKey( '\Software\InterBase Corp\InterBase\CurrentVersion', False ) then begin FIBServerPath := vreg.ReadString( 'ServerDirectory' ); FUseDefaultFiles := True; End else begin FIBServerPath := ExtractFilePath( Application.ExeName ); FUseDefaultFiles := False; End; vReg.CloseKey; vReg.Free; End; Procedure TMyIbDataBase.SetAdminName(Value: String); Begin If ( Value FUser ) then FUser := Value; End; Procedure TMyIbDataBase.SetAdminPassword(Value: String); Begin If ( Value FPassword ) then FPassword := Value; End; Procedure TMyIbDataBase.SetDatabaseName(Value: String); Begin If ( Value FDatabaseName ) then FDatabaseName := Value; End; Procedure TMyIbDataBase.SetDataBasePath( Value: String ); Begin If ( Value FDataBasePath ) then begin FDataBasePath := Value; CheckDirPath( FDataBasePath ); End; End; Procedure TMyIbDataBase.SetShadow(Value: Boolean); Begin If ( Value FShadow ) Then FShadow := Value; End; Procedure TMyIbDataBase.SetShadowPath( Value: String ); Begin If ( Value FShadowPath ) then begin FShadowPath := Value; CheckDirPath( FShadowPath ); End; End; Procedure TMyIbDataBase.SetShadowType(Value: TShadow); Begin If ( Value FShdType ) then FShdType := Value; End; Procedure TMyIbDataBase.IBQueryAssisnSQL( Value : String; CloseAfterExecution: Boolean); Begin FQuery.Close; FQuery.SQL.Clear; FQuery.SQL.Text := Value; try FQuery.ExecSQL; except End; if CloseAfterExecution then begin FQuery.Close; FQuery.SQL.Clear; FQuery.SQL.Text := 'Commit'; FQuery.ExecSQL; FQuery.Close; end; End; procedure TMyIbDataBase.IBDisConnecFromDatabase; begin FDataBase.CloseDataSets; FDataBase.ForceClose; FConnected := FDataBase.Connected; end; Initialization If ( ThisDataBase = NIL ) then ThisDataBase := TMyIbDataBase.Create; Finalization If ( ThisDataBase NIL ) then begin ThisDataBase.Free; ThisDataBase := NIL; End; End. //** THE UNIT ENDS HERE Examples: --------- 1. Creating a Database If you want to create a database called "Sample.Gdb" in the directory called "c:\test\" with the administrator named "LION" with the password "king". Just by using the properties and methods of this simple object we can create the database. ThisDataBase.IBUserName := 'LION'; ThisDataBase.IBPassword := 'king'; ThisDataBase.IBDatabasePath := 'c:\test\'; ThisDataBase.IBDatabaseName := 'Sample.Gdb'; ThisDataBase.IBCreateDatabase; The properties IBUserName, IBPassword, IBDatabaseName has to be assigned only once. 2. Creating Shadow ThisDataBase.IBConnectToDatabase; ThisDatabse.IBShadowType := stAuto; ThisDatabse.IBCreateShadow; 3. Changing Database Password ThisDataBase.IBChangeAdminPassword( 'NewPassword' ); 4. Creating a Table ThisDatabase.IBQueryAssisnSQL( 'CREATE TABLE USERS( ' + 'USERCODE VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL , ' + 'USERNAME VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , ' + 'USERACTIVE VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT "Y", ', True ); In the same way you can assign the scripts for creating the stored procedures, function and the scripts for creating all the objects using this method. 5. The properties IBAppDatabase, IBAppTransaction and IBAppQuery can be used to assign to the properties of the IBTable component if you are go to work with the IBTable component. If in case you are not going to work with the Interbase components this object can be modifed to work with the simple database components.