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DIY CODE FOR HANDLING FILES IN 'INI-FILE-FORMAT' type TKeyVal = record key : String; value : String; end; function GetKeyAndValueFromLine(srcLine: String): TKeyVal; function GetKeyAndValueFromLine(srcLine: String): TKeyVal; {return the 'key' and 'value' from an input line of the form "key=value". OK I know there are built-in routines to handle INI files (and we are talking about data in INI file format here) but the expectation is that this DIY approach will result in faster code execution...} const MaxLineLength = 255; var eqPos : Integer; keyAndValue: TKeyVal; tmpArray: array[0..MaxLineLength] of Char; tmpIdx: Integer; begin eqPos := Pos('=', srcLine); if (eqPos > 0) then begin for tmpIdx := 0 to eqPos do begin tmpArray[tmpIdx] := srcLine[tmpIdx + 1]; if (tmpIdx > MaxLineLength) then break; end; tmpArray[eqPos - 1] := #0; keyAndValue.key := String(tmpArray); Inc(eqPos); keyAndValue.value := Copy(srcLine, eqPos, Length(srcLine)); end else begin keyAndValue.key := ''; keyAndValue.value := ''; end; Result := keyAndValue; end;