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Include a jpeg in your exe file

Create a resource script file MyPic.RC with Notepad and add the following line: 1 RCDATA "Pic.jpg"Then use Borland's Resource Compiler BRCC32.EXE (a commandline tool) to compile it into a .RES file: BRCC32 MyPic.RCAdd a compiler directive to the source code of your program. It should immediately follow the form directive, as shown here: {$R *.DFM} {$R MyPic.RES}Use the following code in your application: procedure LoadJPEGfromEXE; var MyJPG : TJPEGImage; // JPEG object ResStream : TResourceStream; // Resource Stream object begin try MyJPG := TJPEGImage.Create; ResStream := TResourceStream.CreateFromID(HInstance, 1, RT_RCDATA); MyJPG.LoadFromStream(ResStream); // What!? Yes, that easy! Canvas.Draw(12,12,MyJPG); // draw it to see if it really worked! finally MyJPG.Free; ResStream.Free; end; end; // procedure