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Implementing TCollection

Title: Implementing TCollection Question: This document is intended for those needing to descend from a class that manages an array of lightweight persistent objects of the same type. The class that best accomplishes this is TCollection and TCollectionItem. For example, TCollection is used to manage Panels in a TStatusBar, Columns in a TDBGrid, or Constraints in a TTable. This document begins with a discussion of the expected behavior of TCollection descendants, followed by a listing of the minimal steps necessary to implement a TCollection descendant, a listing of the component source, and finally some notes on design decisions and ideas for expansion of your TCollection descendant component. Answer: General Discussion ------------------ To become familiar with the default behavior of TCollection, try adding a TStatusBar component to a form, click the ellipses of the Panels property, press the Add button of the "Editing Panels". This last step adds a TStatusPanel to the editor. Click on on the TStatusPanel item in the editor and notice the change in the object inspector. Instead of seeing TStatusBar now you will see StatusBar1.Panels[0] reflected in the Object Inspector. There are three major players involved with collections. A collection item (TCollectionItem) descendant, a TCollection that manages the list of TCollectionItems, and a component that contains the TCollection as one of it's properties. In our above example of TStatusBar, TStatusBar contains a descendant of TCollection called TPanels and TPanels manages a list of TCollectionItem descendants called TPanel. Notice that each TCollectionItem contains one or more properties; for instance, TPanels contains Alignment, Bevel, Style, Text, and Width properties. This list changes depending on the definition of your TCollectionItem descendant. Creating a Minimal TCollection Implementation --------------------------------------------- In a new unit you must first define three new descendant classes from TCollectionItem, TCollection and a TComponent. TMyCollectionItem = class(TCollectionItem) TMyCollection = class(TCollection) TMyComponent = class(TComponent) To make TMyCollectionItem functional, you need to define one or more properties to contain information to be tracked by the collection mechanism. The example defines a Text and a MoreStuff integer property. You will also need to override the GetDisplayName method to supply the string shown for each item in the collection property editor: TMyCollectionItem = class(TCollectionItem) private FText: string; FMoreStuff: LongInt; function GetDisplayName: string; override; procedure SetText(const Value: string); procedure SetMoreStuff(const Value: LongInt); published property Text: string read FText write SetText; property MoreStuff: LongInt read FMoreStuff write SetMoreStuff; end; Next, define the TCollection descendant. This class will keep track of the component the collection belongs to, override the GetOwner method to accomodate streaming, and manage an array of the previously defined TCollectionItem descendants. You will need to define a new static constructor. The parameter passed in this constructor is the reference to the component that contains the collection. Also in the constructor you need to populate the ItemClass property with the class of your TCollection item descendant. Note: ItemClass returns the class (descended from TCollectionItem) to which the items in the collection belong. TMyCollection = class(TCollection) private FMyComponent: TMyComponent; function GetItem(Index: Integer): TMyCollectionItem; procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TMyCollectionItem); protected function GetOwner: TPersistent; override; public constructor Create(MyComponent: TMyComponent); function Add: TMyCollectionItem; property Items[Index: Integer]: TMyCollectionItem read GetItem write SetItem; default; end; Finally, define the component that will contain the collection. The component will contain a property descended from the TCollection type defined previously. The TCollection property will need a private field, an access method to the private field, and storage allocated in the constructor and freed in the destructor. Note: See The Developers Guide for more information on creating custom components. TMyComponent = class(TComponent) private FItems: TMyCollection; procedure SetItems(Value: TMyCollection); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published property Items: TMyCollection read FItems write SetItems; end; Complete Unit Listing --------------------- unit Collec1; interface // Note: TCollection and TCollectionItem are defined in Classes.Pas. uses Classes; type TMyComponent = class; TMyCollectionItem = class(TCollectionItem) private FText: string; FMoreStuff: LongInt; function GetDisplayName: string; override; procedure SetText(const Value: string); procedure SetMoreStuff(const Value: LongInt); public published property Text: string read FText write SetText; property MoreStuff: LongInt read FMoreStuff write SetMoreStuff; end; TMyCollection = class(TCollection) private FMyComponent: TMyComponent; function GetItem(Index: Integer): TMyCollectionItem; procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TMyCollectionItem); protected function GetOwner: TPersistent; override; public constructor Create(MyComponent: TMyComponent); function Add: TMyCollectionItem; property Items[Index: Integer]: TMyCollectionItem read GetItem write SetItem; default; end; TMyComponent = class(TComponent) private FItems: TMyCollection; procedure SetItems(Value: TMyCollection); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published property Items: TMyCollection read FItems write SetItems; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Sample', [TMyComponent]); end; { TMyCollectionItem } // Note: Inherited default behavior of GetDisplayName is to // return the classname. function TMyCollectionItem.GetDisplayName: string; begin Result := Text; if Result = '' then Result := inherited GetDisplayName; end; procedure TMyCollectionItem.SetText(const Value: string); begin if FText Value then FText := Value; end; procedure TMyCollectionItem.SetMoreStuff(const Value: LongInt); begin if FMoreStuff Value then FMoreStuff:= Value; end; { TMyCollection } constructor TMyCollection.Create(MyComponent: TMyComponent); begin inherited Create(TMyCollectionItem); FMyComponent := MyComponent; end; function TMyCollection.Add: TMyCollectionItem; begin Result := TMyCollectionItem(inherited Add); end; function TMyCollection.GetItem(Index: Integer): TMyCollectionItem; begin Result := TMyCollectionItem(inherited GetItem(Index)); end; procedure TMyCollection.SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TMyCollectionItem); begin inherited SetItem(Index, Value); end; // Note: You must override GetOwner in Delphi 3.x to get // correct streaming behavior. function TMyCollection.GetOwner: TPersistent; begin Result := FMyComponent; end; { TMyComponent } constructor TMyComponent.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FItems := TMyCollection.Create(Self); end; destructor TMyComponent.Destroy; begin FItems.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TMyComponent.SetItems(Value: TMyCollection); begin FItems.Assign(Value); end; end. {---------------------------------------------------------------} Notes ----- In this minimal example we didn't override the Assign method for the TCollectionItem, but this method should have further support. Here's an example of how you might implement Assign in the above project: procedure TMyCollectionItem.Assign(Source: TPersistent); begin if Source is TMyCollectionItem then begin Text := TMyCollectionItem(Source).Text; MoreStuff := TMyCollectionItem(Source).MoreStuff; Exit; end; inherited Assign(Source); end; Also not included in the above project is the logic needed to notify the TCollection class when one of it's contained items has changed. This could be particularly important in a visual control such as TStatusBar. TCollection supplies a virtual Update method for handling this behavior. See TStatusBar or THeaderControl in \source\vcl\commctrls.pas for further examples.