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Implementing Send To Menu In Your Programs

Title: Implementing Send-To Menu In Your Programs Question: I See Many programs like windows explorer itself that implements a send-to menu item, may i do it myself ?? Answer: Here Is The Whole Unit ====================== unit uSendTo; interface uses SysUtils, Windows, Messages, Classes, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Menus, ComCtrls, FileCtrl, ShellAPI, ShlObj, ActiveX, ComObj ; // Very basic example - a Form with a FileListBox and a PopupMenu... type TForm1 = class(TForm) PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu; FileListBox1: TFileListBox; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private procedure SendToItemClick(Sender: TObject); // MenuItem event-handler public { Public declarations } end; // declare a special type of TMenuItem to store the EXE name... type TMyMenuItem=class(TMenuItem) public Verb:String; end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} // a pipe-delimited list of file extensions that are normally hidden... const HiddenExtensions = '.LNK|.DESKLINK|.MYDOCS|.MAPIMAIL'; // Get path to the SendTo folder (Like Madshi says) ... function GetSendToFolder:string; var pIDL :pItemIDList; Buffer: array[0..MAX_PATH]of char; Malloc: IMalloc; begin SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(0, CSIDL_SENDTO, pIDL); ShGetPathFromIdList(pIDL, PChar(@Buffer)); Result:= Buffer; OLECheck(SHGetMalloc(Malloc)); if pIDL nil then Malloc.Free(pIDL); end; // Recursive function to find all items in SendTo folder // Creates sub-menu items if the folder has sub-directories... procedure CreateMenuItems(Path:string; aMenuItem:TMenuItem); var SR:TSearchRec; MI:TMyMenuItem; procedure AddIf; begin if SR.Attr and faDirectory MI := TMyMenuItem.Create(Form1); if pos(UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(SR.Name)), HiddenExtensions)0 then MI.Caption :=ChangeFileExt(SR.Name,'') else MI.Caption :=SR.Name; MI.Verb:=Path+SR.Name; MI.OnClick:=Form1.SendToItemClick; //Assign event handler aMenuItem.Add(MI) end else if SR.Name[1]'.' then begin // if it's a folder MI := TMyMenuItem.Create(Form1); MI.Caption := SR.Name; aMenuItem.Add(MI); CreateMenuItems(Path+SR.Name, MI); // Recursive call end; end; begin if Path[Length(Path)]'\' then Path:=Path+'\'; if FindFirst(Path+'*',faAnyFile,SR)=0 then begin AddIf; while FindNext(SR)=0 do AddIf; end; end; // Find the EXE that the shortcut points to - // Adapted from Elliott Shevin's TShortcutLink component // (this could be modified to get the icon, ShowState, etc... ) function GetShortcutTarget(ShortcutFilename:string):string; var Psl:IShellLink; Ppf:IPersistFile; WideName:Array [0..MAX_PATH] of WideChar; pResult:Array [0..MAX_PATH-1] Of Char; Data:TWin32FindData; const IID_IPersistFile: TGUID = ( D1:$0000010B; D2:$0000; D3:$0000; D4:($C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$46)); begin CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink,nil,CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellLinkA ,psl); psl.QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile,ppf); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pChar(ShortcutFilename), -1, WideName, Max_Path); ppf.Load(WideName,STGM_READ); psl.Resolve(0,SLR_ANY_MATCH); psl.GetPath( @pResult,MAX_PATH,Data,SLGP_UNCPRIORITY); Result:=StrPas(@pResult); end; procedure TForm1.SendToItemClick(Sender: TObject); begin // Just shows the filename - you could use ShellExecute or CreateProcess instead // But need some special handling for MyDocuments, Desktop and MailRecipient ShowMessage(GetShortcutTarget(TMyMenuItem(Sender).Verb)); end; after compiling, it will be very easy to U to ge the needed functions and add them tto your own applications !! Have Fun !!