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Implementing immediate if [iif] in delphi

I have never regretted moving from C++ to Object Pascal, but I did miss a useful feature of C - the Immediate If (iif). It seems like a great deal of my code involves simple if statements such as - if LambCount = 1 then begin AString := 'a'; LambString := 'lamb'; end else begin AString := ''; LambString := 'lambs'; end; FullString := 'Mary had ' + AString + ' little ' + LambString; The introduction of method overloading in Delphi 4 enabled me to create my own verison of iif in Object Pascal. The following code is part of standard utility unit I include in all my projects: {begin listing} unit StandardUtils; interface function IIF(Condition: Boolean; TrueString : String; FalseString: String = ''): String; overload; function IIF(Condition: Boolean; TrueInt : Integer; FalseInt: Integer = 0): Integer; overload; implementation {********************************************************************} function IIF(Condition: Boolean; TrueString : String; FalseString: String = ''): String; overload; begin if Condition then result := TrueString else result := FalseString; end; {********************************************************************} function IIF(Condition: Boolean; TrueInt : Integer; FalseInt: Integer = 0): Integer; overload; begin if Condition then result := TrueInt else result := FalseInt; end; {********************************************************************} end. {end listing}