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Implementing a complex number object

Title: Implementing a complex number object Question: This article describes how to implement a complex number object to be used in vector related operations Answer: This article shows how to use OOP for mathematical calculations A complex number can be visualized as a vector and has 4 basic properties. In the Complex number data type these properties and various procedures and functions will be implemented. The properties of a complex number are 1) Real part 2) Imaginary part 3) Radius (vector length) 4) alfa (angle measured counterclock wise with the real axis The methods implemented will be 1) Data input using x,y coordinates 2) Data input using vector anotation 3) information functions 4) operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division 5) scalar operation The data type will be written in a unit called COMPLEX UNIT COMPLEX; INTERFACE Type CN = Class Re,Img,r,alfa :extended; //properties procedure update; //internal function for conversion procedure re_img(x,y :extended); procedure r_angle (radius, ang:extended); procedure operate(ch: char; B:CN ;Var Result : CN); procedure scalar(x:extended); function getReal: extended; function getImg: extended; function getRadius: extended; function getAngle: extended; end; IMPLEMENTATION { this procedure is for converting from the x-y system to vector annotation} procedure CN.update; Begin R:= sqrt(sqr(Re) + sqr(Img)); if Re = 0 then begin if Img 0 then alfa:= pi/2 else if Img = 0 then alfa:= 0 else alfa:= 3*pi/2; end else begin alfa:= ArcTan(Img/Re); if Re end; End; // x - y input method procedure CN.Re_img(x,y :extended); Begin Re:= x; Img:=y; update; // calculating angle and radius End; // vector input (angle is in radians) procedure CN.r_angle (radius, ang:extended); Begin r:= abs(radius); alfa:=ang; Re:= r * cos(alfa); Img:= r * sin(alfa); End; // operations involving 2 complex numbers procedure CN.operate(ch: char; B:CN ;Var Result : CN); Begin Case ch of '+' : begin result.Re := Re + B.Re; result.Img := Img + B.Img; result.Update; end; '-' : begin result.Re := Re - B.Re; result.Img := Img - B.Img; result.Update; end; '*' : begin result.Re := Re*B.Re - Img*B.Img; result.Img := Img*B.Re + Re*B.Img; result.Update; end; '/' : begin result.Re := (Re*B.Re + Img*B.Img) / (sqr(B.Re) + sqr(B.Img)); result.Img := (Img*B.Re - Re*B.Img) / (sqr(B.Re) + sqr(B.Img)); result.Update; end end; End; //multiplication by a scalar procedure CN.scalar(x:extended); Begin Re:= x * Re; Img := x * Img; update; End; //functions for information function CN.getReal: extended; Begin getReal:= Re; End; function CN.getImg: extended; Begin getImg:= Img; End; function CN.getRadius: extended; Begin getRadius:= R; End; function CN.getAngle: extended; Begin getAngle:= Alfa; End; END. -------------------------------------------------------------- USAGE: defining a complex number like 8.5 A: CN; A.r_angle(8.5, 60 *Pi/180); don't forget to make the conversion to radians with *pi/180 Using x, y coordinates: A.Re_Img(5,5) Addition: X A.operate('+',B,X); Division X A.Operate('/',B,X) With this unit you can use complex algebra in your delphi project