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Images conflicts between different versions of ie

Question: If I create an application on a machine with Internet Explorer 4 and deploy on machines without Internet Explorer 4, they see no images in my Toolbar and/or Coolbar. How can I get my images to be visible? Answer: The Imagelist streaming implementation and other features of the Coolbar and Toolbar have changed between Internet Explorer 3.02 and Internet Explorer 4. Applications using Win32 common controls developed under Internet Explorer 4.0 may not work correctly under Internet Explorer 3.02 (and vice-versa). The way to work around the imagelist streaming problem is to not stream the images to the .dfm. Instead, place the bitmaps in a resource file, then load them into the imagelist at runtime using the following code: procedure LoadResourcedBMP(ID: string; Images: TImageList); var B: TBitmap; begin B := TBitmap.Create; try B.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, ID); Images.AddMasked(B, B.TransparentColor); finally B.Free; end; end;